Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Juniors - Welcome to Period 1

The following blog entry is for period 1 students only...

Welcome to Junior English. We're going to be using this blog quite a bit throughout the year, so just to be sure we all know how to use it, please respond to the following quesion:

What is your favorite movie of all time, and why? 
  1. Click on 'comments' below.
  2. Post your comment. (Try cutting and pasting from word if you like.)
  3. Click on 'Name/URL' and type in your name.
  4. Click on 'post comment'. 
For future reference - Your responses to blog entries needs to be thoughtful and thorough. And yes, grammar and spelling count (even though this is the internet). And yes, you can earn extra credit on these. All you need to do is - after you've posted your own comment - read the comments of others and post a thoughtful reply to someone else's comment.

I've got a few favorite movies myself, and they include...

...for its man vs. naure manliness...

...for its man vs. man insanity...

and last but not least...
...for the letter Ben Chapman wrote to my son. (Remind me to tell you the story some time.)


  1. My favorite movie of all time is Star Wars Episode III. I say that because it has lots of action the characters are descrided well and it has an awesome storyline.

  2. One of my favorite movies would be Fast&Furious 5. I am a big car guy and i have seen all the other Fast&Furious movies before this one. The reason why i liked this movie the most is because the movie was action filled and it was suspenseful. You never knew if the main characters were going to successfully steal millions of dollars from the Brazilian millionaire!

  3. My favorite movie of all time is "Fear of Loathing in Las Vagas". Which has johnny Depp in it. I like it because it has a bit of comedy and action. Also it is a true story. Another reasobecause I like all the fun characters.

  4. I got got a few

    remember the titans
    the blind side
    Slumdog millionaire
    shutter island
    and a couple more cant think of them right now

  5. One of my favorite movies would have to be Saving Private Ryan. I like it because it has lots of action and it teaches you a little bit about what war was like. Also its very emotional at the end which sometimes gets me.

  6. my favorite movie of all times has to be aladdin because im in love with disney cartoons and this happens to be the best, and because of the plot of the story. the fact that princesses jasmine has a tiger also helps!

  7. My favorite movie would have to be Limitless for it has a great plot, and the character can do anything he puts his mind to while under the effects of a drug.

  8. My all time favorite movie is Miralce based on a true story with Kurt Russell. It is a hockey movie based on the 1980 Winter Olympics. The best hockey movie of al time!

  9. My favorite movie would have to be Mrs. Doubtfire. It's my favorite movie because it is really funny and I love Robin Williams as a comedian. The actors are all really funny in this movie, and was taken place in one of my favorite places of all time, SanFrancisco, California. I have many favorite movies, but this is probobly one of the top ones on my list.

  10. My favorite movie would have to be "The Persuit of Happiness" because it is about a father and his son and all the hard times they had gone through. The movie wasn't just about their struggles but about the strength that the father had to keep going for no other reson than for his son to have an opportunity to have a good life. I really like this movie because it shows that you can have it really hard in life and feel like there is no reason to keep going but you can over come it and have an amazing life if you really wanted to.

  11. my favorite movie of all time is probably "the expendables" because of all the action and the characters it is has in it.

  12. Two of my favorite movies of all time would have to be "V for Vendetta" and "Tim Burton's the Nightmare Before Christmas". In "V For Vendetta" Hugo weaving preforms an impressive and rather accurate portrayal of the movie's main character V. Moreover there are several important messages to be taken from this movie. One of which is that when enough people are involved they can truly make a difference. As for "The Nightmare Before Christmas" it is something i enjoy watching because it is simply different. There may be some "creepy" characters involved but there is an original story being told by very original characters that most do not expect to find in a Disney movie. Moreover it is one of the few children's movies involving song that moves the story forward. Instead of the pressing pause and hearing thoughts that the characters have. Overall it is a very entertaining and unique movie that still puts a smile on my face.

  13. My favorite movie would have to be the blind side because it shows that no matter what your background is or what is holding you back you can always get past that and succeed.

  14. I have two favorite movies they are: Titanic and The Dark Knight. They are both really good movies. I really like Titanic because its very romantic and it has some action. Also it has a nice storyline. Although its very sad, I enjoy watching it. I also like the Dark Knight because it has so much action and I think the joker is very funny. The actors are very good in playing their role.

  15. My favorite movie would have to be Mean Girls. I've seen it over a million times and I still love it. It's my favorite because it's funny and I really enjoy watching it. The movie focuses on cliques and kind of mocks highschool and drama involved with it. I really enjoy watching it and I think everyone should see it.

  16. My favorite movie would be Nightmare before Christmas because I love Halloween and Tim Burton makes the best movies.

  17. My favorite movie of all time is Titanic and Notebook. I love romances and movies with a twist in it. Titanic has is a movie with a nice twist and notebook is a flashback to the past kind of movie which i enjoy.

  18. I mostly like scary movies when they come out. My two favorite movies are saw the series and Andaconda

  19. i was always a fan of the jaws series. the effects were very realistic for the time period

  20. my favorite movie is Burlesque.
    It's my favorite movie because I like all the singing and dancing.
