Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome to Period 4

The following blog entry is for period 4 students only...

Welcome to junior English. We're going to be using this blog quite a bit throughout the year, so just to be sure we all know how to use it, please respond to the following quesion:

What is your favorite book you've ever read, and why?
  1. Click on 'comments' below.
  2. Post your comment. (Try cutting and pasting from word if you like.)
  3. Click on 'Name/URL' and type in your name.
  4. Click on 'post comment'.

For future reference - Your responses to blog entries needs to be thoughtful and thorough. And yes, grammar and spelling count (even though this is the internet). And yes, you can earn extra credit on these. All you need to do is - after you've posted your own comment - read the comments of others and post a thoughtful reply to someone else's comment.

Here are a few books really like:

This one is about a group of Japanese junior high kids who are forced by their teachers to fight to thte death. I really enjoyed the "what would you do?" mental excercises the author puts the reader through. Believe it or not, it's in the IMC.

This one is an iconic western. I like it for the way the characters talk to each other. I have this one in the classroom, along with about 30 other books by the author.

I like this one a lot, too. Ken Bruen's books are brutal, relentless, tragic, and hillarious. Open one up. They look like poems. They are like poems, only they're better than poems. (Most poems at least.)


  1. Have a great semester!

  2. My favorite book would probably have to be Burned By Ellen Hopkins. It was a quick book to read, because it is in verse. I find Ellen Hopkins books really relatable. Every page makes you want to read more. Burned is about a teenage girl who is a Mormon. She decides that she cannot handle her lifestyle anymore and starts to rebel. Pattyn the main character of the book is sent away because of her behavior. I really enjoyed how the book was written in verse it is really different from what I am used to.

  3. My favorite book is Lord of the Clans by Christie Golden. The reason it is my favorite book is because I am very into the Warcraft games and enjoy the amazing story that was put into the games. It is a fantasy book and I enjoy stories about fantasy worlds.

  4. I think one of my favorite books is Artemis Fowl (the first one) because it was pretty cool had a great plot and had very interesting characters. the whole concept of mythical creature living under the Earth's crust was also interesting

  5. My favorite book is the hunger games by Susan collins. the reason its my favorite is it was a really interesting book and one i stared reading and got further and further in it became near impossible to put down. it also show how corrupt some government systems can be

  6. i think that the best book that i ever read so far is the catcher in the rye because the main character Holden, i thought he was hilarious. the thing that he did just made me laugh. it just made me wanna keep reading to see what else he was going todo.

  7. My favorite book has to be The Supernaturalist by Eoin Colfer. I love the book because its very interesting and suspenseful. It takes place in the future which I think is pretty cool, and the main character Cosmo Hill goes through a lot, but in the end turns out to be okay.

  8. My favorite book is 'Firefly Lanes' by Kristin Hannah. It's my favorite book because it represents the bond of a great friendship even though it has a sad ending. I enjoy books that have a twist at the end and that are realistic.

  9. My favorite book is Holes because it was the first book that really got me interested in books and i really never wanted to put the book down after i started it. I also enjoyed reading it because i have watched the movie and i could really relate to what was happening in the book because i have watched the movie before. I like books that have a certain twist at the end of them.

  10. my favorite book would be a cghild called it because it is hard to belive that a child could go through so much. i forgot who it was by but the kid in the story wrote the book and he has more book about his life like when he got sent to the orphanage and he would get adoptied and familys would bring him back like if he was an item.

  11. My favorite book would have to be Fallen Angels. This book teaches soldiers to respect their comrades as brothers. This book teaches how to live your life and how you have to work hard to become successful. The main idea of this story is to take care of everybody in your life and how you can't blow them off becuase one day, they could be gone.

  12. Marissa MacchiaroliAugust 25, 2010 at 8:11 PM

    My favorite book is 'Loser' by Jerry Spinelli because this was the first book that I picked and read on my own. This book was easy to understand and easy to connect to real life situations.I like reading books that have the connection to the real world and have a realistic endings.

  13. I think that so far, my favorite book is "my Bloody life" by Reymundo Sanches. This book talk alot about gangs and it also teaches you alot of other stuff that probably most people dont know.

  14. Im not into books like im into movies but if i had to pick a book i would choose Public Enemys by Bryan Burrough because im into old time gangsters like Al Capone and Pretty Boy Floyd. I honestly think i just watch to much movies.

  15. My favorite book I have ever read is the Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell. It is insightful into human nature and everyday occurences. It explains correlations and misconceptions about them. I barely read during my leisure time but this was worth reading. I have only found two or three other books like this one. Also, It is very unique, and creative.

  16. my favorite book is street dreams by K'wan Foye because this book has an interesting turn of event were the main character ends up doing things that goes against his morals which later becomes his downfall

  17. My favorite book is The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. I like this book because it was one of the first books that i read in a day or two. Also it was cool to see the world through the main characters eyes because it was very different from the way I see the world.

  18. MY favorite book is the outsiders because it has a seen were the socials go and try to jump the grecers.

  19. I like the book Hatchet written by Gary Paulsen.

  20. One of my favorite books is Pretty Little Liars. Its about four different girls from their so called "dead" friend. I only read the first book and thought the plot was really good. it has all the elements i love like mystery, horror.

  21. no i dont like to read

  22. My favorite book is named SKT. It is a korean fiction, it has 12 episodes. I read only 1 yet I really enjoyed reading it. It was flexible, sentimental, funny, and precisely detailed book that I couldn't stop reading about. It's a really good book!

  23. To Kill a Mockingbird

  24. WHAT UP MISS O'BRIEN!!!!!!!!! ;)

  25. My favorite book is House of Night: Betrayed by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast. The book is about how people in a higher power can be corrupt, how not everyone is not who they seem to be, and vampires. I really like this book because it always keeps you guessing what going to happen next and it was an easy read.

  26. My favorite book is "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest". A book about how one man (McMurphy) effected many lives in a psychiatric hospital. Specifically one man (Chief Bromden) who was able to escape. An inspiring story.

  27. My favorite book i've ever read is fallen angels by Walter Dean Myers. Fallen angels has many intersting things going on in it and tht is why i like it so much. Books aren't my favorte thing in the world but when i picked up fallen angels i was excited to read it every time because of how interesting it was.

  28. twilight because its a book with romance about a vampire and a human gir. its also got action and your wondering whats going to happen between them, if there romance could work or not because hes a vampire

  29. my favorite book is my bloody life because it talks about a person's experience of waht he's going through his life like gangs , familiy, and friends
