Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome to Period 2

The following blog entry is for period 2 students only...

Welcome to freshmen English. We're going to be using this blog quite a bit throughout the year, so just to be sure we all know how to use it, please respond to the following quesion:

What is your favorite music, and why?

  1. Click on 'comments' below.
  2. Post your comment. (Try cutting and pasting from word if you like.)
  3. Click on 'Name/URL' and type in your name.
  4. Click on 'post comment'.
For future reference - Your responses to blog entries needs to be thoughtful and thorough. And yes, grammar and spelling count (even though this is the internet). And yes, you can earn extra credit on these. All you need to do is - after you've posted your own comment - read the comments of others and post a thoughtful reply to someone else's comment.

Ask me next time you see me to play you my absolute favorite, all-time song. Until then, here's something to tide you over...

Spiderbait - Black Betty
Uploaded by iori_killer. - Watch more music videos, in HD!

I like it bacause the guy drives around town on his drums, fueled on unleaded rock & roll.


  1. My favorite music is hip hop because I tend to like that beat better than blues or jazz. I also think it goes with my personality better because blues music is very laid back and almost sad, which I am not. This is why my favorite music is hip hop.

  2. My favorite music is either pop, rock or hip hop. I like these because of the meaning behind the lyrics, and they way most of them sound.The majority of the songs have a meaning and most of those meanings are deep. It also goes more with my personality. This is why I like pop, rock and hip hop.

  3. My favorite type of music is rock and hip hop. I like rock because the lyrics usually tell a story of some type. I also like hip hop because it is the new music of the time and I like all of the beats that they use. These are the types of music that I enjoy listening to.

  4. My favorite type of music is rock and classic rock. I like classic rock because it is the first type of good music and is really soothing and exicting. That is the type of music i like.

  5. I enjoy rock and hip hop, and it seems a lot of people do as well. Rock tells a story that is more than often from the heart, and the tunes are just so attention grabbing. Hip hop always makes a person want to dance, even me (and I can't dance for my life!). That's why I like both rock and hip hop.

  6. I like death metal, because it is exciting, the lyrics tell stories, there are cool riffs and it is faster paced, which goes along with my personality

  7. My favorite type of music is alternative and some pop. I enjoy this genre of music because my favorite band plays this kind of music, i like the lyrics and just the way it sounds makes it my favorite. Also, i enjoy pop because of the beats and rhythm. This is why i like alternative and some pop.

  8. I would have to say that my favorite type of music would either be classical or rock. I like classical because it is very laid back like me and it has so many different parts in it. For example some parts of the song could be really slow and quiet, just like I am in the morning. Other parts of the song could be fast paced and very exciting and loud, like I am with my friends. I like rock for the story it tells and it's also the music my parents listen to so I have grown to like it.

  9. My favorite type of music is probably classic rock or blues. It's up to the artists with what they want to do with a song. There are not any rules that an artist has to follow. the songs can be about anything they want. Probably the best part about blues is the amount of soul in every song, and every song has a meaning. It's not just noise.

  10. I really dont know what I like but rock and roll is not my style. Like Anthony said blues is good too because it not just noise. My favorite blues song is "take five".

  11. My favorite music depends on how i feel but mostly i like hip hop/rap because i really like the flow of most hip hop music and how it has such a fast upbeat style and how it is a little bit poetic. I also like electronic because it is also very upbeat and usually gets me "pumped up" and its a style where the music portion takes over the vocal part of the song and its more of a dance song. Both hip hop and electronic music give me a good anxious vibe as oppose to some jazz music that usually makes me feel very tired and laid back.

  12. My favorite type of music would have to be rap. I like this music due to the fact that it can express one's deep thoughts and emotions through its story-based lyrics. It deals with living daily life and struggles we face.

  13. My favorite kind of music is rock and roll and hip hop. I like hip hop because it is a generational type of music as was rock and roll. I like rock and roll because my dad always listens to it so you just tend to start to like things that you hear everyday.

  14. Honestly, I don't have a favorite type of music. Usually, it depends with what mood I'm in. For example, if I'm in a bright and happy mood, I'll listen to some pop or hip-hop. On the otherhand, if I'm feeling down, I'd prefer to listen to alternative/classical music, or any type that will get most of my feelings out.

  15. My favorite type of music would have to be pop or hip-hop because its very up-beat and fun. Music expresses feelings and both these types of music express different feelings i can relate to. Listening to pop and hip-hop can make you feel happy or even sad, but it expresses a feeling.

  16. Rap is my absolute, all time, favorite form of music. I love how rap is basically just fast-spoken poetry. The rhythms and rhymes it creates often go through my head during the day. Since I frequently am listening to music during a run, or before a big game, rap is my pump up music. Without it, I wouldn't be as focused and as ready to compete.

  17. My favorite type of music is Contemporary Christian because I like how rock music is mixed together with Christian words. I usually listen to Christian rock on the radio in my car or on the radio in my room when I do my homework. It sounds awesome!

  18. Hip hop/Pop is my favorite genre of music because of how energetic it is. With alternative, blues, contemporary, etc they all seem boring to me. Slow music doesn't interest me at all. Hip hop&pop gives me a jolt of energy with the upbeat rythmns and patterns. Mix that with the catchy tunes, and it instantly makes me want to dance and sing along.

  19. My favorite genres include rap, techno/house music, ska. I enjoy techno and house the music because it makes you feel awake and excited! I also enjoy artists such as Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Luis Prima because it's classic easy listening.

  20. I like to think of myself as sort of an eclectic.I like pop,rock,hip-hop/rap,and RNB.Genre doesn't really matter to me when it comes to the type of music I like.It is the beat/sound,lyrics,and meaning that makes up the song that matters.I like Nirvana and Adam Lambert,but I can still listen to Michael Jacksonand Katy Perry.

  21. Personally, I prefer rock n roll. This is so because rock n roll can be interesting, since it would usually tell some sort of story. Another eason why I prefer rock n roll is the fact that this type of music is quite motovational (A type of song that keeps one going).

  22. Classic Rock,blues,a teeny bit of jazz, Mostly because I like to jam with my friends, and frankly I don't think boom boom pow by the black eyed peas would really sound good with guitar, bass, and drums. My dad also grew up listening to when led zeppelin and the beatles, so he would always play the songs and I would ask him who it is, so I kind of learned to like them.
