Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome to Period 1

The following blog entry is for period 1 students only...
Welcome to junior English. We're going to be using this blog quite a bit throughout the year, so just to be sure we all know how to use it, please respond to the following quesion:

What is your favorite movie of all time, and why? 
  1. Click on 'comments' below.
  2. Post your comment. (Try cutting and pasting from word if you like.)
  3. Click on 'Name/URL' and type in your name.
  4. Click on 'post comment'. 
For future reference - Your responses to blog entries needs to be thoughtful and thorough. And yes, grammar and spelling count (even though this is the internet). And yes, you can earn extra credit on these. All you need to do is - after you've posted your own comment - read the comments of others and post a thoughtful reply to someone else's comment.

I've got a few favorite movies myself, and they include...

...for its man vs. naure manliness...

...for its man vs. man insanity...

and last but not least...
...for the letter Ben Chapman wrote to my son. (Remind me to tell you the story some time.)


  1. Good luck this semester.

  2. My Favorite movie was the Book of Eli. A story about a man who tries to keep the contents of a book safe for future use. The movie also has a great twist at the end, but i'll leave that for you to figure out.

  3. The Notebook is my all-time favorite movie. My favorite scene is the one on the lake when Allie goes back to visit Noah.

  4. My favorite movie is The Other Guys. Basically, it's about following your gut, doing what is right and not care if everyone says you're wrong.

  5. My favorite movie is Step Brothers. My favorite scene is when they make the music video

  6. My favorite movie is Resident Evil: Extinction. I liked this movie a lot because there was a lot of action in it & Milla Jovovich, the main character in the movie is hot.

  7. My favorite movie is The notebook. I liked this movie alot because it has a great story line about how you can never forget your first love.

  8. My favorit movie is Dazed and Confused because i like the music from the movie and the time period

  9. My favorite movie is The Halflife of Timotej Berozine. I liked it because it is like two stories that merge into one which makes it very interesting.

  10. My favorite movie is Dirty Dancing:Havana Nights because it is a really cute love story, and it has really unique dances in it.(:

  11. my favorite movie is hard to pick but dumb and dumber. Its a stupid movie but its so stupid that its funny. Its mainly about two friends who goes on a road trip to give back a case that belongs to some woman but what they dont know is that two people with guns are also looking for the case. agian stupid but funny

  12. My favorite movie of all time is Inception. I really liked this movie because it made me really think about dreams and how dreams work. Even though it was a confusing movie, its definitely a movie you have to see two times. It's really good!

  13. Its kind of hard to pick a favorite movie of all time for me, but if I had to pick one movie it would be The Warriors. I like the movie because of it's great theme on how there is tension between other gangs in the late 1970s of New York. And I admire that the idea of of the movie comes along story of courage.

  14. My favorite movie is Romy and Michelle's High School Reunion. I like this movie a lot because its really funny and its a movie that makes me laugh everytime, no matter how many times i watch it.

  15. My favorite movie is Braveheart. Its about Scotland breaking free from England's control. It shows many historic battles that were very violent.

  16. My favorite movie was the girl next door. its about a senior in high school about to graduate. He cant get over the fact that he has had a boring high school experience. until a smokin hot babe moves in next door

  17. my favorite movie is sex drive. its inappropriate and the story could happen to anyone.

  18. my favorite movie is Letters to Juliet. It's very funny but also has romance. Plus the plot is really good

  19. My favorite movies is Shaolin Soccer. I like the combination of kung fu and soccer.

  20. My favorite movie is Never Back Down. I think it has a good message and I love all the fighting scenes.

  21. my favorite movie is Step Brothers. Its one of the funniest movies ive seen yet so far.

  22. my favorite movie is the other guys, because will ferro is crazy funny and never stops making jokes.

  23. my favorite movie is saving private ryan because it shows how hundreds of thousands of soldiers risk their llives to save one soldiers life especially if that soldier had three of his brothers died in the war and was left as an only child

    1. there is no hundreds of thousands of soldiers u cock

  24. transformers becasue its interesting and great.

  25. my favorite movie is MEAN GIRLS because all the girls a very pretty
