Monday, January 7, 2013

This post is for FRESHMEN only.

You and your classmates are going to publish a final exam study guide for A Raisin in the Sun. In the comments section below, you will record TWO separate entries. Each entry will entail a SIGNIFICANT quotation from the play. Follow the criteria listed below when writing your entries:

  1. one significant quotation from A Raisin in the Sun
  2. the page number of the quotation
  3. the speaker of the quotation
  4. to whom the quotation is being spoken
  5. a brief context of what is happening in the scene
  6. your name (to receive credit)

There are a few stipulations. First, no repeats. Second, first come, first served. Third, the more significant and important your quotation, the more helpful this study guide will become.


  1. "I am sure you people must be aware of some of the incidents which have happened in various parts of the city when colored people have moved into certain areas" on page 116. Said by Lindner to the Young family. At this part Lindner is trying to get the Young family to reconsider moving into the White neighborhood.

  2. "So you butvhered up up a dresm of mine-you-who always talking 'bout your children's dreams..."(Hansberry 95). -Walter Jr. to Mama
    Mama just announced that she had purchased the house in Clybourne park and Walter doesn't exactly approve of her decision. He's upset because he wanted the money to start a business with Willy Harris and Bobo.

  3. "Man say: I got to take hold of this here world, baby! And a woman will say: Eat your eggs and go to work" (Hansberry 33). Walter is the speaker in this conversation and he is speaking to his wife, Ruth. In this scene, Ruth and Walter are in the kitchen talking about their future. Walter says that he wants to start up a liqour store, but Ruth barley approves. She keeps telling him to eat his eggs and he burts out saying that he wants to do something with his life.
    ~Stefanie Patsas

  4. 1."first I'm going to be a doctor, and George, for one, still thinks that's pretty funny. I couldn't be bothered with that. I am going to be a doctor and everybody around here better understand that!"

    2. (Hansberry 50).

    3. Beneatha

    4. Mama

    5. Beneatha and her mother are talking about how she shouldn't dislike wealthy people, or people with more money than her.

    6. Sydney DeHorn

  5. "Look honey, we're going to the theater- we're not going to be in it... so go change huh?" On page 80. George said this to Beneatha. In this seen Beneatha is wearing this traditional thing that George thinks is stupid, so he tells her to take it off.

  6. “It is a matter of the people of Clybourne Park believing, rightly or wrongly, as I say, that for the happiness of all concerned that our Negro families are happier when they live in their own communities”(Hansberry 118).
    Lindner is talking to the family
    Lindner is telling the family why they shouldn’t move elsewhere.
    -Cali Kepka

  7. 1)"They said Saturday and this is just Friday and I hopes to God you ain't going to get up here first thing this moring and start talking to me 'bout no money- 'cause I 'bout don't want to hear it."
    2)(Hansberry 26)
    5)Walter is trying to ask Ruth about when the check is coming in. Ruth doesn't want to start off her day thinking about money and their problems.
    6)Nicole Hampton

  8. "And so to accomodate that-you mutilate it every week?"(Hansberry 62). -Asagai to Beneatha
    Asagai is questioning why Beneatha mutilates it every week when she doesn't think it's ugly. Beneatha doesn't like the way he uses the word mutilation.

  9. "Let's face it, baby, your heritage is nothing but a bunch of raggedy-assed spirituals and some grass huts!" (Hansberry 81). George says this to Beneatha. He is at her house picking her up to go to the theatre. He sees that she has cut her hair and absorbing her heritage. He doesnt approve because of how he has grown up: spoiled and rich.

  10. "'s important to him and I'm going to help him...I'm going to put on the show, Mama" (Hansberry 143). Walter is saying this to Mama about how he is going to allow Lidner to buy the house back.

    Jack Healy

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. "Look honey, we're going to the theatre-we're not going to be in go change, huh?"(Hansberry 64). George Murchinson is speaking to Beneatha before they go to the play. Beneatha was wearing traditional african clothing with a headress, and George believed that was not appropriate to wear to the theatre. To him, it look liked a costume.
    -Saniya Merchant

  13. Mama is talking to ruth about the house they bought and she tells her,“It’s- It’s a nice house too... Three bedrooms- nice big ones for you and Ruth... Me and Beneathaa still have to share our room, but Travis have on of his own- and I figure if the- new baby- is a boy, we could get one of them double-decker outfits...and there’s a yard with a Little patch of dirt where i could maybe get to grow me a few flowers... and a nice big basement.” (Hansberry 92)

  14. "Because this is stupid! I don't go out with you to discuss the nature of 'quiet desperation' or to hear all about your thoughts-because the world will go on thinking what it thinks regardless-"(Hansberry 96 and 97). George says this quote to Beneatha. When George says this quote, he is trying to kiss Beneatha. On the other hand, Beneatha wants to talk with George, but George does not want to. Basically, he tells her that talking will not do any good because everyone thinks what they think regardless of what Beneatha says.
    Taylor Thurston

  15. "There is always something left to love. And if you a'int learned that, you a'int learned nothing" (Hansberry 145).

    Speaker: MAMA
    Whom the quotation is being spoken:BENEATHA

    Beneatha has decided that she is outright fed up w/ Walter and character. He caused the the Younger family to lose all of Mama's savings. Because of that, she declares that in Walter, "there is nothing left to love" (145).

  16. “To go to Africa, Mama-be a doctor in Africa…”(Hansberry 150).
    Beneatha is talking to her parents
    Asagai proposed to Beneatha, and he wants her to pursue her dreams with him in Africa.

  17. 1. "Well-neither is God. I get sick of hearing about God" (Hansberry 50)
    2. Beneatha says this to Mama.
    3. This is a really big rip in the family, Mama is a religious woman and finds out that her granddaughter is sick of hearing about God and seems to be done with religion.
    4. Jane Oh

  18. Walter says to Lindner, "And we have decided to move into our house because my father-my father-he earned it for us brick by brick. We don't want to make no trouble for nobody or fight no causes, and we will try to be goood neighbors. And that'sall we got to say about that. We don't want your money" (Hansberry 148). Lindner came to ask them for the last time to not move into the new house and Walter Lee said no.
    -Linnea Dolan

  19. 1. "Go ahead and laugh--but I'm not interested in being someone's little episode in America"

    2. (Hansberry 64).

    3. Beneatha

    4. Asagai

    5. Beneatha is explaining to Asagai that there should be more than just one feeling he has for her. She doesn't want to be his girlfriend if he doesn't have many feelings for her.

    6. Sydney DeHorn

  20. 1)"And we have decided to move into our house because my father- my father- he earned it for us brick by brick. We don't want to make no trouble for nobody or fight no causes, and we will try to be good neighbors. And that's all we got to say about that. We dont want your money."
    2)(Hansberry 148)
    5)Walter is not accepting Linders bargain for them to sell the house. The family wants to keep the home and move into it without any trouble.
    6)Nicole Hampton

  21. After Walter's employer calls to ask where he was that day Ruth tells him what they said. “She said if you don’t come in tomorrow that they are getting a new man...”(104)

  22. "I know ain't nothing in this world as busy as you colored college boys with your fraternity pins and white shoes..."(Hansberry 84).

    Walter says this to George as he is critisizing him for being a rich colored college boy.

  23. "Mama, something is happening between Walter and me. I don't know what it is- but he needs something- something I can' give him anymore. He needs this chance Lena" (Hansberry 42). This is Ruth telling it to Lena. This is shortly after all the conflict in the first scene about eggs. She feels like he needs a chance to make a new career with his friends.

    Inaki Bascaran

  24. "We feel that most of the trouble in this world, when you come right down to it-... most of the trouble exists because people just don't sit down and talk to each other"(Hansberry 116).

    Karl Lidner to Ruth, Beneatha, and Walter

    Lidner to trying to convicne the Younger family about not moving to Clybourne Park.

    Jacqueline DeWitt

  25. Mama says to Ruth, "He finally come into his manhood today, didn't he? Kind of like a rainbow after the rain..." (Hansberry 151). This is after Walter decided to stick up for his family and think of others, not just himself.
    -Linnea Dolan

  26. "Who's fighting you? Who even cares about you?" (Hansberry 87)
    a. Walter says it to Ruth.
    b. For a long time, Walter and Ruth have been having this type of relationship. Their unhappiness in their marriage has been constant for a while, but even more so now.
    c. Jane Oh

  27. 1."And to accommodate that you mutilate it every week"
    2. (Lee 62).
    4. Beneatha
    5. Asagai cant belive Beneatha won't let her hair grow natural. He thinks she's getting away from her roots.
    6.Jada Byrd

  28. "Ain't it the truth! Look at all this here mess. Ruth, put Travis' good jacket on hijm... Walter lee, fix your tie and tuck your shirt in, you look like somebody's hoodlum! Lord have mercy, where is my plant? You all start on down... Travis child, don't go emty-handed...Ruth, where did I put that box with my skillets in it? I am going to be in charge of it myself... I'm going to make us the biggest dinner we ever ate tonight..."
    2)(Hansberry 149)
    4)Everybody else
    5)Mama is excited about moving in and wants to make sure it is perfect!
    6) Nicole Hampton

  29. "Big Walter used to say, he'd get right wet in the eyes sometimes, lean his head back with the water standing in his eyes and say, Seem like God didn't see fit to give black man nothing but dream- but He did give us children to make these dreams seem worthwhile" (Hansberry 45). This is Lena telling it to Ruth. This is after the fight Ruth and Walter had. She said life is full of disappointments, and this was how Lena responded.

    Inaki Bascaran

  30. "What's the matter with you, Walter? When a cat take off with your money he don't leave you no road maps!"(Hansberry 128). Bobo says this quote to Walter. In this scene, Bobo tells Walter that Willy ran off with their money. There will be no liquor store. Walter gave all Big Walter's money to Willy to invest in his dream, which is a liquor store. Walter is having a hard time understanding and accepting what Bobo is telling him. He does not want to believe it. Bobo tells Walter that they will never get their money again.
    Taylor Thurston

  31. “Oh, dear, dear, dear! Here we go! A lecture on the African Past! On our Great West African Heritage! In one second we will hear all about the great Ashanti empires; the great Songhay civilizations; and the great sculpture of Benin-and then some poetry in the Bantu- and the whole monologue will end with the word heritage!(Nastily) Let’s face it, baby, your heritage is nothing but a bunch of raggedy-assed spirituals and some grass huts!”(Hansberry 65). George is speaking to Beneatha is this scene. She has just shown everyone her new natural hair because that is her true heritage.
    -Saniya Merchant

  32. 1. "Because I hate assimilationist Negroes!"
    2. (Hansberry 81).
    3. Beneatha
    4. George
    5. When George comes over to pick Beneatha up, he sees her hair and says it is eccentric. Beneatha says she just cut her hair and it is up to George to go out if he is ashamed of his heritage and the way she looks.
    6. Sunmin Lim

  33. "No- there's something come down between me and them that don't let us understand each other and I don't know what it is. One done almost lost his mind thinking 'bout money all the time and the other done commence to talk about things I can't seem to understand in no form or fashion" (Lee 52).

    Mama to Ruth

    Mama is venting her feelings to Ruth about her children's (Walter and Beaneatha) behavior.

    Jacqueline DeWitt

  34. *Hansberry

  35. "…Big Walter used to say, he’d get right wet in the eyes sometimes, lean his head back with the water standing in his eyes and say, "Seem like God didn’t see fit to give the black man nothing but dreams – but He did give us children to make them dreams seem worth while." page 45-46. Mama is say this to Ruth. Mama is talking about what to do with the money when she recieves the check. She talks about buying a house and saving some of the money.
    Tina James

  36. "Well--we are dead now. All the talk about dreams and sunlight that goes on in this house. It's all dead now" (Hansberry 143).
    Speaker: BENEATHA
    Spoken in response to: MAMA

    As soon after the family hears the news that Linder is paying them to not buy the house in Clyborne Park, Beneatha tries to prove her point that dreams never do actually come true.

  37. "Well, that girl rabbits in an' tells the law she had been raped. The guys in Weed start a party out to lynch Lennie. So we sit in a irrigation ditch under water all the rest of that day"(Steinbeck 42). George says this to Slim. In this scene, Slim wants to know what happened in Weed. George tells Slim that Lennie grabbed a women's skirt, and he did not let go. She started screaming, and she lied that Lennie raped her. George and Lennie had to leave Weed because the town people wanted to kill Lennie.
    Taylor Thurston

  38. "There is always something left to love. And if you ain't learned that, you ain't learned nothing"(Hansberry 129). Mama says this to Beneatha after they find out that they have lost all their money. Beneatha is so dissapointed in Walter she says he is not her brother.
    -Saniya Merchant

  39. "Forgive me for ever wanting to be anything at all" page 37. Benetha is saying this to Walter.
    Benetha and Walter have got into a fight because when Benetha grows up she wants to be a doctor.
    Tina James

  40. "Travis:What you gonna do tonight, Daddy?
    Walter: You wouldn't understand yet,son, but your daddy's goonna make a transaction...a buisness transaction thats going to change our lives...."(Hansberry 108).Walter to Travis. During this quote, Walter is about to go give the check to someone that will bribe someone in Springfield for a certificate to sell alcohal.
    -Harte Haffner

  41. 1. "You just can't force people to change their hearts, son"
    2. (Hansberry 119).
    3. Lindner
    4. Walter
    5. Lindner visits Walter and his family and tells them to sell their new house because they are not welcomed; it is the "white" neighborhood, and they are threatening the white people by living in that community.
    6. Sunmin Lim

  42. "DAMN MY EGGS- DAMN ALL THE EGGS THAT EVER WAS!" (Hansberry 34). Walter says this quote. Walter is mad because he can't talk about his dream, and ruth just wants him to eat breakfast.

  43. "Then I would like to appeal to you, Mrs.Younger. You are older and wiser,"(Hansberry 148). Linder is asking Mama if he can speak to her because he believes she will understand him and decide not to move to Clybourne Park.

  44. "It makes a difference in a ... man when he can walk on floors that belong to him." Page 92. Mama is saying this to Walter. Mama is telling Walter about the new house they are going to buy and what rooms everyone is sleeping in.
    Tina James

  45. 1. "my husband always said being any kind of servant wasn't fit thing for a man to have to be. He always said mans hands were ment to make things or turn the earth"
    2.(Lee 103).
    5. She's explianing why she thinks Walter might be unhappy because of his job as a driver
    6. Jada Byrd

  46. "No-I wanted to cure. It used to be so important to me. I wanted to cure. I used to care" (Hansberry 133).

    Beneatha to Asagai

    Beneatha is explaining to Asagai why she no longer wants to be a doctor.

    Juan Hernandez

  47. 1) " There is always something left to love. And if you ain’t learned that, you ain’t learned nothing. Have you cried for that boy today? I don’t mean for yourself and for the family ‘cause we lost the money. I mean for him: what he been through and what it done to him. "
    2) Page 145
    3) Mama
    4)The quote is being spoken to Mama and Beneatha
    5)In this scene, Beneatha and Mama are at home with Walter. He had an epiphany about their lives in the house. He wants more for his family, but he makes bad decisions and loses all their money. Beneatha is pessimistic about the future. Mama is trying to help her regain hope.
    6)Sara Moradi

  48. "You know the check is coming tomorrow" (Hansberry 36). Walter says this quote. Walter is very anctious for the insurance check from his father to come.

  49. "I know ain't nothing in this world as buys as you colored college boys with your fraternity pins and white shoes,"(Hansberry 84). Walter is making fun of George and is being very sarcastic with him.

  50. "I ain't never stop trusting you. Like I ani't never stop loving you" (Hansberry 107). Said by Mama to Walter when he asks her if she trusts him with the money. Ashley Meek

  51. "Tired of everything. Me, the boy, the way we live- this beat-up hole-everything." (Hansbury 32) Walter to Ruth

    The quote shows how stressed out everyone is about their current state and how they feel about it. They are all trying to work at it just so their life is better and the most important thing is Walter understands how Ruth feels which is a sign that he cares about her.

    1. This is at the beginning of the story when they are about to receive the check from Big Walter's death.

  52. "Check coming today?" (Hansberry,1). Walter is asking Ruth very casually, when the check is a very important piece in the story.

    "I want so many things that they are driving me kind of crazy...Mama- look at me" (Hansberry 73). Walter is trying to explain to Mama why he's caring so much about the check and having money.

  53. Beneatha to Mama: "Mama you don't understand.It's all a matter of ideas, and God is just one idea I don't accept. It's not important. I am not going out and be immoral or commit crimes because I dont believe in God. I don't even think about it. It's just that I get tired of Him getting credit for all the things the human race achieves through its own stubborn effort. There is simply no blasted God- there is only man and it is he who makes miracles!" ( Hansberry 51)

  54. "That money belongs to Mama, Walter, and it's for her to decide how she wants to use it. I don't care if she wants to buy a house or a rocket ship or just nail it up somewhere and look at it. It's her. Not ours- hers" (Hansberry 36). Said by Beneatha to Walter when Walter hints that he has plans for the check that is coming the following day.

  55. "How much time must there be before one knows what one feels?" (Hansberry 61). Asagai asks Beneath this Question.

  56. Walter to Ruth: "This morning, I was lookin' in the mirror and thinking about it... I'm thirty five years old; I been married eleven years and I got a boy who sleeps in the living room- and all I got to give him is stories about how rich white people live..." (Hansberry 34).

  57. "Yeah. You see, this little liquor store we got in mind cost $75,000" (Hansbury 33) Walter to Ruth

    This quote sets the stage for the book. It shows Walter's dream and what he will do to achieve it but in the end it does not work. The entire story is based on what they will do with the check and this is what most of the check will be spent on because of Walter.

    1. This is when Walter and Ruth are talking about how they can live a better life than this and Walter finally tells her about his plan.

  58. 1. "It's how you can be sure that the world's most liberated women are not liberated at all. You all talk about it much" (Hansberry 64)
    2. Asagai
    3. Beneatha
    4. Asagai and Beneatha are having an arguement about how women don't have equal rights
    5. Michael Jaszewski

  59. "You mean ... your sister's school money ... you used that too ... Walter?" (Hansberry 129).
    Mama to Walter.
    At this time in the book Walter used his sister's money and his own to try and start the business.
    Brant Hlavin

  60. "there is only one large circle that we march in ,around and around,each of us with our own little picture in front of us"(134 hansberry).Beneatha says that to Asagai.Beneatha is telling him how they got the check and walter invest all of it on his store. nicholas oh

  61. "That money is made out of my father's flesh"(Hansberry 128).
    Walter is saying the quotation to Bobo. Bobo has come to tell the family that they have lost the leftovers of the money.

  62. "And we have decided to move into our house because my father-myfather-he earned it for us brick by brick" (Lee 148). Walter says this to Lindner when he realizes that they should move into the house instead of taking the money offered.

    -Patrick Garden

  63. "Sometimes it's like I can see the future stretched out in front of me-just plain as day. The future, Mama. Hanging over there at the edge of my days. Just waiting for me-big, looming blank space-full of nothing" (Hansberry 73). Walter is speaking to Mama about his life.

  64. "THAT MONEY IS MADE OF MY FATHER'S FLESH" (Hansberry 128).
    Walter to Bobo
    At this time in the book Walter is being told that Willy ran off with the money he invested for the liquor store.
    Brant Hlavin

    1. Nevermind, this is a repeat.

  65. "It aint that nobody expects you to get on your knees and say thank you, Brother;thank you, ruth thank you Mama-and thank you, Travis, for wearing the same pair of shoes for two semesters-"(Hansberry 37)Walter is saying this to Benetha because he thinks she is being selfish about wanting to go to college.

  66. "One day when you are seventeen I'll come home from my office downtown"(Hansberry 108). Walter is saying this quote to Travis. I think he is describing his american dream to Travis.

  67. "He made an investment!With a man even travis wouldnt have trusted with his worn out marbles"(Hansberry 132). Beneatha is saying this to Asagi.Beneatha was talking to asagi about her lost school money.

  68. "Gone, what you mean Willy is gone?" (Hansberry 128).
    Walter to Bobo
    This is when Walter is told that Wily left with his money.
    Brant Hlavin

  69. Speaker: Beneatha
    To Who: Ruth

    "Asagai Joseph Asagai. He's an African Boy I met on campus. He's been studying in Canada all summer"( Hansberry 56).

    Context: Beneatha is explaining to Ruth that Asagai is not some low-life but a person who knows what he's doing.

  70. "It isn't a circle-it is simply a long line-as in geometry, you know, one that reaches into infinity. And because we cannot see the end-we also cannot see how it changes."(134 HANSBERRY).Asaigai is saying this to Beneatha.This is Asaigai response to benetha saying that her life is a circle.He is saying that have hope because the future will change because walter just waisted all the money.
    Nicholas Oh

  71. "Well-I guess you better not waste your time with fools"(Hansberry 98).
    Beneatha just got in a fight with George and ususally, her family thinks that it would be best if she married George because he has money, but tonight, Mama understood Beneatha and the way she felt.
    Isabella Luo

  72. "No. Mama, something is happening between walter and me. I don't know what it is-but he needs something-something I can't give him anymore. He needs this chance, Lena"(Hansberry 42) Ruth is trying to explain to Mama How importand the Liquor store is to walter.

  73. "Man . . . I didn't go to no Springfield, yesterday" (Hansberry 127). Bobo says this to Walter explaining how he got his money stolen from Willy.

    -Patrick Garden

  74. 1. "I just want to learn to play the guitar. Is there something wrong with that" (Hansberry 47)
    2. Beneatha
    3. Mama
    4. This shows how commited and determined a person can be even though others don't approve of it
    5. Michael Jaszewski

  75. "Y'all come on! These people charges by the hour, you know" (Hansberry 151)!

    Speaker: Walter
    To Whom: Everyone

    They are finally leaving the tiny little apartmant into a house, and Walter is egar to get going. Also the final lines in the book.

  76. "Your brother made a mistake and you are grateful to him so that now you can give up the ailing human race on account of it"(Hansberry 135).
    Asagi is disappointed that Beneatha would think things this way. He thought that she would strive for her goal and not back down, but she did back down because of her brother and Asagi is trying to get her to see that.
    Isabella Luo
    Isabella Luo

  77. "I said s'pode George went into town tonight and you never heard from him no more"(Steinbeck 70)Crooks is talking to Lennie to try to make him second guess George's actions.

  78. "I don't care what teacher say. I ain't got it. Eat your breakfast"(Hansberry 28) Is Ruth's response to Travis who keeps nagging her about getting him 50 cents for school in the morning.

  79. "My dear, young creature of the new world-I do not mean across the city-I mean across the ocean: home- to Africa"(Hansberry 136).

    Speaker: Asagai
    To Whom: Beneatha

    Asagai is at the apartament and is inviting her to come home to Africa with her.

  80. "Now I won't get to tend the Rabbits"(Steinbbeck 83) Lennie is thinking to him self that after gorge finds out he killed the pup he wont be aboe to tend the rabbits.

  81. "Monday morning I want you to take this money and take three thousand dollars and put it in a savings account for Beneatha's medical schooling. The rest you put in a checking account- with your name on it" (Hansberry 107).

    Mama is speaking to Walter

    Walter is telling Mama how he has stopped going to work and how he is becoming depressed. After Walter's explanation Mama admits she was wrong and decides to give the money to Walter to spend as he wishes.

  82. "No - it was always money, Mama. We just didn't know about it" (Hansberry 74). This is what Walter says to Mama. This is the scene when Walter is frustrated of being denied of getting the liquor store and telling Mama that he is going out, and Walter and Mama talking about money.

  83. "She went out and she bought you a house!" (Hansberry 91)

    Mama says this to Travis because Walter was asking what she did with the money and she pulled Travis over and told him this.

    Brian Filipiak

  84. 1."But what does it matter? Assimalationism is so popular in your country"(Hansberry 63)
    2. Page 63
    3. Asagai
    4. Beneatha
    5. Asagai inuslts Beneatha's hair saying she mutilates it and is an assimalationist.
    6. Matthew Zerwic

  85. This comment has been removed by the author.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. "It is my business- where is he going to live,on the roof?" (Hansberry 58).
    Beneatha is talking to Ruth.
    Beneatha said what everyone was thinking: where would the baby sleep if they stayed in the small apartment? Since both rooms and the coach are occupied. Beneatha is thinking that if Ruth has the baby then they need to buy the house Mama wants.

  88. "You such a nice girl- but if Mama got that money she can always take a few thousandand help you through school too- can't she?" (Hansberry 37). Walter was talking to Beneatha. He was telling her how he wouldn't benifit from the money at all if Mama was in total control of it. He also metioned Beneatha wanted Mama to get it because she would be able to go to school with it.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. "She said Mr.Arnold has had to take a cab for three days... Walter, you ain't been to work for three days! Where you been Walter Lee Younger? You're going to lose your job" (Hansberry 105).

    Speaker: RUTH
    To Whom: WALTER

    Ruth is upset with Walter because he has not been attending work. And to make matters worse he did not tell her that he was not going to work.

  91. Well, I always wanted me a garden like I used to see sometimes at the back of the houses down home. This plant is close as I ever got to having one" (Hansberry 53).
    1. Said by Mama to Ruth

    2. Mama is talking to Ruth about how her children frighten her, but her plant gives her hope because it is spirited like her children.

    Megan Tristano

  92. "Go ahead and laugh - but I'm not interested in being somes's little episode in America" (Hansberry 64). This is Beneatha talking to Asagai about how there is more than one feeling and that only men believe that one kind of feeling is enough.

  93. " Oh—So now it’s life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life—now it’s money. I guess the world really do change" (Hansberry 74).
    Mama to walter

    Mama is speaking to walter about how money isnt evrything in life.

  94. "Mama, Asagai asked me to marry him today and go to Africa"(Lee 149).

    Beneatha says this to Mama.

    This was after they declined Linder's offer.

    Brian Filipiak

  95. "Could I please get a drink of water, before I tell you about it, Walter Lee?"(Hansberry 126)

    Speaker: Bobo
    To Whom: Walter

    Bobo comes to talk to Walter about what happened with the money.

  96. 1. "Nothing--except cut it off" (Hansberry 80).
    Who said it: Beneatha
    To whom it was said: George
    Context: Beneatha is being questioned by her family about why she chose to cut her hair (following African rituals).
    Emmett Garvey

  97. "That's right! That's good. I told him to come right over" (Hansberry 141. This is Walter talking to mama, Ruth and Beneatha. Walter is letting the three ladies all know that Lidner is coming over so they can do buissness. -Jack Szafranski

  98. "What's the matter with grandmama-don't she want to be rich?" (Hansberry 69).
    1. Said by Travis to Ruth
    2. Right after Mama recieves the $10,000 check and he says this because Mama starts sobbing.

    Abby Dein

  99. "What do you think you are going to gain by moving into a neighborhood where you just arent wanted and where some elements-well-people can get awful worked up when they feel like their whole way of life and everything they've ever worked for is threatened"(Hansberry 119).
    Lidner is speaking to Walter.
    Lidner is trying to convince Walter that he thinks its a bad idea for them to move to a white neighboorhood because they are not wanted because of their color.

  100. 1. " Teacher says we have to"(Hansberry 28).

    2. Said by Travis

    3. said to Ruth

    4. He thinks he is the only boy in his class who cant afford to bring in 50 cents.

    Tommy Karnig

  101. "In fact, here’s another fifty cents…Buy yourself some fruit today – or take a taxicab to school or something!" (Hansberry 59)

    1. Being said from Walter to Travis.
      Travis didnt get money from mama for something and Walter out of spite gives it to him

  102. "(With fury) What do you want from me, Brother-that I quit school or just drop dead, which!"(Hansberry 37).

    This quote is said by Beaneatha to Walter and they are talking about who should get mommas money and how is should be used.

    Lexi Fakhouri

  103. "Child, you should know all the dreams I had 'bout buying that house and fixing it up and making me a little garden in the back" (Hansberry 45). Mama speaking to Ruth. Mama is explaining her dream to Ruth. She was telling Ruth about how that had been her dream since she got married.

  104. "You see- in the face of all the things I have said, we are prepared to make your family a very generous offer..."(Hansberry 118)

    To Whom:Walter and family

    Linder is offering to buy the house from them.

  105. Quote: "Man...I didn't go to no Springfield yesterday"(Lee 127).
    Who said it: Bobo
    To whom it was said: Walter
    Context: This is when Bobo is explaining to Walter that Willy ran away with their money (he went to Springfield by himself).
    Emmett Garvey

  106. "Oh, honey-you know I'm praying to God every day that don't nothing like that happen! But you have to think of it like it is-and these here Chicago peckerwoods is some baaaad peckerwoods"(Hansberry 102).

    This quote was said by Johnson to Mama about how mama doesnt want to move and you just have to hope for the best

    Lexi Fakhouri

  107. 1. " Eat your eggs, Walter"(Hansberry 34).

    2. Said by Ruth

    3. Said to Walter

    4. Because they got in an argument over the eggs.

    Tommy Karnig

  108. "On account of you and me, you mean? The way things are with us. The way something done come down between us" (Hansberry 88).

    1.Said by Walter to Ruth

    2. Walter and Ruth are talking about their life and marriage.

  109. "Beneatha: Mama-
    Mama: Yes, baby-
    Beneatha: Thank you.
    Mama: For what?
    Beneatha: For understanding me this time" (Hansberry 98)
    -Beneatha is talking
    -To Mama
    -The both of them are having a conversation with each other in the apartment.
    -Danielle Alper

  110. "Seem like you getting to a place where you always tied up in some kind of knot about something. But if anybody ask you 'bout it you just yell at 'em an bust out the house and go out and drink somewheres. Walter Lee, people can't live with that. Ruth's a good, patient girl in her way-but you getting to be too much. Boy, don't make the mistake of driving that girl away from you"(Hansberry 72).

    Speaker: Mama
    To Whom: Walter

    Mama is scolding Walter for being rude and disrespectful to Ruth. She is telling him how she is the best thing that ever happened to him, and he has to treat her right.

  111. "First thing a man ought to learn in life is not to make love to no colored woman first thing in the morning. You all some eeeevil people at eight o'clock in the morning" (Hansberry 27).
    1. Said by Walter to Ruth
    2. Walter and Ruth are quarreling about life and their marriage. In the morning while Ruth is making eggs.

    Abby Dein

  112. "That money belongs to Mama, Walter, and it's for her to decide how she wants to use it. Idont care if she wants to buy a house or a rocket ship or just nail up somehwere and look at it. It's hers. Not ours- hers" (Hansberry 36-37). Said from Benetha to Walter. The family is fighting about who should get the money but Benetha is trying to do the right thing because that's her character.

  113. "Why must you and your brother make an argument out of everything people say?"(Hansberry 81).It is said by Ruth to Beneatha. It is significant because Ruth hates how much Beneatha and George fight.

  114. This comment has been removed by the author.

  115. " Me and Big Walter just didn't never learn right"(Hansberry 139). This is said by Mama to Ruth. This is significant because it shows how bad they were really taught because her grammar is terrible.

  116. 1. "He finally come into his manhood today, didnt he? Kind of like a rainbow after the rain..."
    2. (Hansberry 151)
    3. Mama
    4. Ruth
    5. Walter is finally taking charge and responsible like a man should
    6. Claire Pak

  117. 1."Me and Big Walter just didn't never learn right"(Hansberry 139).
    2. mama said it
    3. she said it to Ruth
    4. She is explaining to her daughter that she didn't have a lot of education.
    5. Kaylie Kleutgen

  118. 1&2) "An end to misery! To stupidity! Don't you see there isn't any real progress, Asagai, there is only one large circle that we march in, around and around, each of us with our own little picture in front of us-- our own little mirage that we think is the future" (Hansberry 134).

    3) Said by Beneatha

    4) Said to Asagai

    5) Beneatha tells Asagai that she's giving up on wanting to be a doctor, and she's not hopeful about her future.

    6) Soomin Jeon

  119. 1. " Jus' tell Lennie what to an' he'll do it if it dont take no figuring"( Stienbeck 39).

    2. Goerge said this

    3. Said to Curley

    4. this is important because it shows Lennie is not bright but he is a hard worker

    Tommy Karnig

  120. This comment has been removed by the author.

  121. 1&2) "Well, for God's sake-- if the moving men are here--LET'S GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!" (Hansberry 149).

    3) Said by Ruth

    4) Said to the Younger Family

    5) Quote is said by Ruth at the end of the chapter when the moving men arrive so the Lee Family can move, and Ruth is very ecstatic.

    6) Soomin Jeon

  122. "No- it was always money mama. We just didn't know about it"(Hansberry 74). Said by Walter to mama about him thinking that everythings all about the money.

  123. I mean- I have worked as a chauffeur most of my life-and my wife here, she does domestic work in people's kitche's. So does my mother. I mean-we are plain people..."(Hansberry 147). Said by Walter to Lidner about his family

  124. "Why you got to flit so from one thing to another, baby?"(Hansberry 47). This quote is said by Mama arguing withe Ruth and Beneatha about Beneatha's opinions and actions.

  125. "Get out of my house, man" (Hansberry 119). Walter says this to Lindner when he wanted him to leave his family alone and to stop trying to make them not move into the house.

    -Connor Hartigan

  126. "We have decided to move into our house because my father" (Hansberry 148). Walter says this to Lindner when Lindner is trying one last time to convince them not to move in.

    -Connor Hartigan

  127. 1. "You wear it well...very well...mutilated hair and all."
    2. (Hansberry, 61)
    3. Asagai
    4. Beneatha
    5. Asagai is giving Beneatha a "compliment" as she tries on a gift of colorful Nigerian robes.
    6. Billy DeKelaita

  128. 1. "we've all got acute ghetto-itis"
    2. (Hansberry, 60)
    3. Beneatha
    4. Asagai
    5. Asagai walks into the room and thinks that Beneatha looks sad. He asks if something is wrong and this is her reply.
    6. BillY DeKelaita

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. 1."Well-you see our community is made of people who've worked hard as the dickens for years to build up that little community"(Hansberry 117).
    2.Linder said this
    3. he said this to Walter
    4. He is saying that they are not good enough to be in their community.
    5.Kaylie Kleutgen

  131. 1) " I seen him grow thin and old old before he was forty... working and working and working like somebody's old horse... killing himself... and you -you gave it all away in a day"
    2) Page 129
    3) Mama is speaking
    4) Mama is saying this to Walter
    5)In the part, Bobo has just told Walter that Willy ran off with all the money they invested. The whole family is in shock, especially Mama.

  132. "Mama-you dont know all the things a man what got leisure can find to do in this city... Wednesday i borrowed Hariss' car and i went for a drive... just me and myself" (Hansberry 105).


    To Mama

    This scene is showing how Walter is an over achiever, and wants to go further in life. He has grown a distaste for his life as of now. So he wants to go out and have fun.

    Brian Lada

  133. "I want you to take this money and take three thousand dollars and put in a savings account for Beneatha's medical schooling. The rest you put in a checking account with your name on it" (Hansberry 107).


    To Walter

    Basically, Mama finally hears Walter out on what he is trying to say, and gives him money to pursue what he wants. It is significant because it's finally Walter's chance to try and strive for his dreams.

    Brian Lada

  134. well – I do – all right? – thank everybody! And forgive me for ever wanting to be anything at all! (Pursuing him on her knees across the floor) FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME, FORGIVE ME(hansberry 123).
    Beneatha sarcastically apologizes for having dreams. To Walter, her dream seems kind of far-fetched.

  135. "Oh, don't be so proud of yourself, Bennie-just because you look eccentric" (Hansberry 80). Said by George to Beneatha. Beneatha is about to go out with George and he (pretty much) insults her.
    Jasmine Shannon

  136. "(Quietly) Oh-(Very quietly) So now it's life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life-now it's money. I guess the world really do change..." (Hansberry 74). Said by Mama to Walter. Mama and Walter are arguing about money.
    Jasmine Shannon

  137. "Why don't you all just hurry up and go into the banking business and stop talking about it!" (Hansberry 87). This is said by Ruth to Walter. This is when Walter wants to open up a liquor store, and Ruth thinks otherwise. -Jack Szafranski

  138. "Four o six Clybourne Street, Clybourne Park" (Hansberry 93).

    This is what Mama says to Ruth after she asks where there new house they are moving into is located.
