Monday, January 7, 2013

Final Exam Review - Of Mice and Men

This post is for FRESHMEN only.

You and your classmates are going to publish a final exam study guide for Of Mice and Men. In the comments section below, you will record TWO separate entries. Each entry will entail a SIGNIFICANT quotation from the novel. Follow the criteria listed below when writing your entries:

  1. one significant quotation from Of Mice and Men
  2. the page number of the quotation
  3. the speaker of the quotation
  4. to whom the quotation is being spoken
  5. a brief context of what is happening in the scene
  6. your name (to receive credit)

There are a few stipulations. First, no repeats. Second, first come, first served. Third, the more significant and important your quotation, the more helpful this study guide will become.


  1. 1. "Nobody can't tell what a guy'll do"
    2. (Steinbeck 71).
    3. Crooks
    4. Lennie
    5. When Lennie visits Crooks in his bunkhouse, Crooks tells him about how George can leave without him and "betray" him. Crooks asks him if Lennie can be independent without George
    6. Sunmin Lim

  2. "so that's the peace and comfort you went out and bought us today"(lee93). Said by Walter. He's upset because his mother bought the house that he doesnt think they can move into. wrote by Jada Byrd

  3. Lennie tells george to tell him about how they are compared to other migrant ranch hands, and George says to Lennie, “With us it ain’t like that. we got a future. we got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us. we don’t have to sit in no bar room blowin’ in our jacks jus’ because we got no place else to go. if them other guys gets in jail they can rot for all anybody gives a damn, but not us.” (Steinbeck 14)

  4. that's the peace and comfort you went out and bought us today"
    2.(lee 93).
    5.He's upset because his mother bought the house that he doesnt think they can move into
    6. Jada Byrd

  5. After Lennie kills Curly’s wife, and he runs away, the people from the farm are looking for him and George says to Curly, “I’ll come. But listen, curley. the poor bastard’s nuts. Don’t shoot ‘im. He di’dn’t know what he was doin’” (98) george to curly

  6. "And George raised the gun and steadied it, and he brought the muzzle of it close to the back of Lennie's head." Page 106. George did this to Lennie. In this part, George is just about to kill Lennie to save him from other people.

  7. "Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the loneliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don't belong no place....With us it ain't like that. We got a future. We got somebody to talk to that gives a damn about us" (Steinbeck 13-14).George is saying this to Lennie. George and Lennie have just settled dowqn to have dinner. George is yelling at Lennie about how he kills every animal he gets.
    Tina James

  8. "o.k. someday- we're gonna get the jack together and we're gonna have a little house and a couple of acres an'a cow and some pigs and-" (stienbeck 14) George said this quote. George is talking to Lennie about their dream of owning a ranch.

  9. "Please don't" he begged. "Oh please don't do that. George'll be mad." On page 91 Lennie says this to Curly's wife. In this scene Curly's wife was trying to talk to Lennie and she showed him her hair and when he was hurting her she started to scream and Lennie covered her mouth to get her to stop screaming because he would get in trouble.

  10. 1. "No, Lennie. Look down there acrost the river, like you can almost see the place"
    2.(Steinbeck 106).
    4. Lennie
    5. When George finally decides to kill Lennie by himself, he distracts Lennie by telling him about the rabbits and their new house to keep him at his happiest point of his life.
    6. Sunmin Lim

  11. "An' I got you. We got each other, that's what, that gives a hoot in hell about us,"(Steinbeck 104). Lennie to George. Lennie has just killed Curley's wife and all the men at the barn are going to kill him. George finds Lennie at the Salinas river where the story takes place. Lennie is pleading to George how they have eachothers backs and nobody can stop them.

  12. "He's dumb as hell, but he ain't crazy" (Steinbeck 39). George says this to Slim. In this scene, Slim and George are in the bunkhouse talking about what to do with Lennie. Slim says that he's a "Cuckoo" and George defended him.

  13. "Curley's like a lot of little guys. He hates big guys. He's alla time picking scraps with big guys. Kind of like he's mad at 'em because he ain't a big guy." page 26. The swamper is say this to George. Curley has just yelled at the stablemen and started to leave when Lennie and George walked in.

  14. "We'll have a cow, An' we'll have maybe a pig an'' down the flat we'll have a ... little piece alfalfa"(Steinback 105). George to Lennie
    George is describing their future dream home just before he shoots Lennie.

  15. 1."And to accommodate that you mutilate it every week"
    2. (Lee 62).
    4. Beneatha
    5. Asagai cant belive Beneatha won't let her hair grow natural. Things she's getting away from her rootsp.
    6.Jada Byrd

  16. "No, Lennie. I ain't mad. I never been mad, an' i ain;t now. That's the think i want ya to know" (Steinbeck 106). George says this to Lennie. In this part, George is about to shoot Lennie to protect him from all the injustice that Curley is going to cause him. He wants to save him from the trouble. He tries to comfort him before he shoots. He relaxes him by telling him that he's not mad and that he loves him.

  17. "Long as you won't get out and leave me alone, you might as well set down"(Steinbeck 69).
    Crooks is talking to Lennie
    Lennie wants someone to talk to, so he goes into Crooks's bunkhouse, and Lennie is one of the first people that Crooks has let inside.

  18. "Used to play jokes on 'im 'cause he was too dumb to take care of 'imself" (stiebbeck 40). This quote is said by George. He is confessing to slim about Lennie being dumb.

  19. "The way I'd shoot shoot him, he wouldn't feel nothing. I'd put a gun right there. Right back of the head. He wouldn't even quiver"(Steinback 45). Carlson to Candy
    They're talking about getting rid of Candy's old dog and Carlson is pretty much saying that he'd do it without hurting the dog. This is foreshadowing Lennie's death, a happy painless death.

  20. "O.K. Someday- we're gonna get the jack together and we're gonna have a little house and a couple of acres,"(Steinbeck 14). George tells Lennie is favorite story about how one day they are going to have thier own farm.

  21. "I don't want ta hurt you[...] but George'll be mad if you yell"(Steinbeck 91)
    a. From Lennie to Curly's wife
    b. Curly's wife goes to talk to Lennie in the horse stable and Lennie accidently kills her.
    c. Jane Oh

  22. 1. "They come, an' they quit an' go on; an' every damn one of 'em's got a little piece of land in his head. An' never a God damn one of 'em ever gets it. Just like heaven. Ever'body wants a little piece of lan'. I read plenty of books out here. Nobody ever gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land. It's just in their head"

    2. (Hansberry 74).

    3. Crooks

    4. Lennie

    5. Lennie is explaining to Crooks how him and George are going to have a big piece of land with many animals, but Crooks is saying that everyone wants that, but no person ever gets that wish.

    6. Sydney DeHorn

  23. "...Curley don't take no chances. He always wins" (Steinbeck 29).
    George is talking to Lennie about Curley
    George and Lennie are finding out about the other characters and what their personalities are like.

  24. "Well we ain't got any, George exploded. Whatever we ain't got, that's what you want. God a' mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy" (Steinbeck 11). This was George yelling at Lennie because he wanted ketchup when they didn't have any. He is furious because he has to take care of someone who just makes him angry all the time.

    Inaki Bascaran

  25. "Yeah. He had your gun"(Steinbeck 107)

    This is George speaking to the mob that is going after Lennie and he is saying that Lennie stole the gun when it was actually George.

  26. "Lennie said, George. Yeah? I done another bad thing. It don't make no difference, George said, and he fell silent again" (Steinbeck 103). This was a mix of the two characters after Lennie killed Curley's wife and George has to kill him. He doesn't care for Lennie anymore because he knows this will always happen. He had no choice, there was no hope.

    Inaki Bascaran

  27. "I didn't wanta[...]I didn't wanta hurt him"(Steinbeck 64)
    a. Lennie says to everybody, maybe even himself.
    b. Curly goes and attacks Lennie, and George tells him to fight back. Lennie grabs Curly's fist and crushes it with one hand.
    c. Jane Oh

  28. 1."An' you ain't to be trusted with no live mice."
    2. Page #10
    5.Lenny would descirbe as to why he would hurt things, pretty and small.
    Ashley Moreno

  29. 1)"I see what you mean. No, they ain't been nothing yet. Curley's got yella-jackets in his drawers, but that's all so far. Ever'time the guys is around she shows up. She's lookin' for Curley, or she thought she lef' somethin' layin' aroundand she's lookin' for it. Seems like she can't keep away from guys. An' Curley's pants is just crawlin' with ants, but they ain't nothing come of it yet."
    2)(Steinbeck 51)
    5) Whit is warning the guys about Curley's wife and how she is always looking for something but sometimes it leads to problem. So if they want to stay out of trouble, they should stay away from her.
    6) Nicole Hampton

  30. 1. "Guys like us, that work on ranches, are the lonliest guys in the world. They got no family. They don't belong no place. They come to a ranch an' work up a stake and then they go inta town and blow their stake, and the first thing you know they're poundin' their tail on some other ranch. They ain't go nothing to look ahead to"

    2. (Steinbeck 13-14).

    3. George

    4. Lennie

    5. George is explaining to Lennie that guys like them on ranches have no future, but him and Lennie do have a future.

    6. Sydney DeHorn

  31. Crooks says mostly to himself but to Lennie also, "A guy sets alone out here at night , maybe readin' books or thinkin' or stuff like that. Sometimes he gets thinkin', an' he got nothing to tell him what's so an' what ain't so.[...] If some guy was with me, he could tell me I was asleep, an' it would be all right" (Steinbeck 73). This is when George went off with the other men and Lennie and Crooks were talking to each other.
    -Linnea Dolan

  32. "You guys is just kiddin' yourself. You'll talk about it a hell of a lot, but you won't get no land. You'll be a swamper here till they take you out in a box. Hell, I seen too many guys. Lennie here'll quit an' be on the road in tow, three weeks. Seems like ever' guy got land in his head" (steinbeck 75).

    Crooks to Candy and Lennie

    Crooks shows criticism when he iinsults the men to buy land. He thinks it's all "talk" and no "walk."

    Jacqueline DeWitt

  33. "Well, that girl rabbits in an' tells the law she had been raped. The guys in Weed start a party out to lynch Lennie. So we sit in a irrigation ditch under water all the rest of that day"(Steinbeck 42). George says this to Slim. In this scene, Slim wants to know what happened in Weed. George tells Slim that Lennie grabbed a women's skirt, and he did not let go. She started screaming, and she lied that Lennie raped her. George and Lennie had to leave Weed because the town people wanted to kill Lennie

  34. "You guys is just kiddin' yourself. You'll talk about it a hell of a lot, but you won't get no land. You'll be a swamper here till they take you out in a box. Hell, I seen too many guys. Lennie here'll quit an' be on the road in tow, three weeks. Seems like ever' guy got land in his head" (Steinbeck 75).

    Crooks to Candy and Lennie

    Crooks shows criticism when he insults the men to buy land. He thinks it's all "talk" and no "walk."

    Jacqueline DeWitt

  35. 1)"Don't tell nobody about it. Jus' us three an' nobody else. They li'ble to can us so we can't make no stake. Jus' go on like we was gonna buck barley the rest of our lives, then all of a sudeen some day we'll go get our pay an' scram outa here."
    2)(Steinbeck 61)
    4)Lennie and Candy
    5)George is telling them to not say anything to anybody else so the three of them can just leave one day withy out a word and gofind a nice ranch to live on without any trouble.
    6)Nicole Hampton

  36. "Oh, sure. I remember. In Weed"(Steinbeck 6).

    Lennie says this quote to George. It exoresses Lennie's terrible memory.

  37. "'Course Lennie's [...] a nusiance most of the time, [...] but you get used to goin' around with a guy an' you can't get rid of him" (Steinbeck 41).
    Speaker: GEROGE
    Spoken to: SLIM

    George seems to be opening up to Slim, who, besides Lennie, is the one he can trust.

  38. Crooks says to Lennie and Candy, "They come, an' they quit an' go on: an' every damn one of 'em never gets a peice of lan'. I read plenty of books out here. Nobody never gets to heaven, and nobody gets no land" (Steinbeck 74).
    Crooks is saying that their chances are very slim of getting some land.
    -Linnea Dolan

  39. "He hates big guys. He's alla time picking scraps with big guys. Kind of like he's mad at 'em because he ain't a big guy"(Steinbeck 26). Candy, the swamper, says this quote to George. Curly starts to give Lennie problems, so George asks Curly why. Lennie did not do anything to Curly. Candy tell George that Curly is jealous and mad at Lennie for being big and srtong, so Curly picks on him.
    Taylor Thurston

  40. "Just like heaven. Ever'body wants a little piece of lan'. I read plenty of books out there.Nobody never gets to hevaen, and nobady gets no land"(Steinbeck 74). Crooks says this to Lennie. Lennie was telling Crooks about how him and George were going to buy some land when they made enough money.
    -Saniya Merchant

  41. "You try to keep away from him, will you? Don't never speak to him. If he comes in here you move clear to the other side of the room" (Steinbeck 29).

    George to Lennie

    George is warning Lennie about Curley, the boss's son.

    Jacqueline DeWitt

  42. "Sure, we'd have a little house an' a room to ourself. Little fat iron stove, an' in the winter we'd keep a fire goin' in it. It ain't so that we'd have to work too hard"(Steinbeck 58). George is taking to Lenny. They are eating breakfast right now and Lenny asks George to tell him about the house they will have.
    -Harte Haffner

  43. “Well, that glove’s fulla Vaseline” (Steinbeck 27).
    Speaker: CANDY
    Spoken to: GEORGE

    Candy is proving how ironic Curley is. He appears as this rough man, yet he needs to have smooth hands for his wife who couldn’t care less for him.

  44. "I di'n't forget , you bet, God damn. Hide in the brush an' wait for George"(Steinbeck 100). Lenny is talking to himself. This is right after Lenny kills Curleys wife and he ran to where the book started.
    -Harte Haffner

  45. "Tell how it's gonna be"(Steinbeck 105).
    Lennie is about to be shot by George. He wants George to tell him how their how their house is going to be.
    Isabella Luo

  46. "I wisht George was here. I wisht George was here" (Steinbeck 81). Said by Lennie to Crooks when he is talking to Crooks in the barn. This shows how much George means to him.
    Ashley Meek

  47. "I done a real bad thing, he said. "I shouldn't of did that. George'll be mad. An'.... he said... an' hide in the brush till he come. He's gonna be mad. In the brush till he come. Tha's what he said" (Steinbeck 100).

    Speaker: Lennie
    To Whom: Himself

    Lennie had just strangled then broken curleys wife's neck in the barn while the others are playing horseshoes outgside.

    -Tommy Hagerty

  48. "You tol' me to, George"(Steinbeck 64).
    Lennie just got in a fight with Curley. George told him to fight back which he did, but he hurt Curley's hand.
    Isabella Luo

  49. George to the boss: He's my...cousin. I told his old lady I'd take care of him. He got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a kid. He's awright. Just ain't bright. But he can do anything you tell him" (Steinbeck 25).

  50. "No, he ain't, but he's sure a hell of of a good worker. Strong as a bull" (Steinbeck 22). Said by George to the Boss about Lennie when they are being interviewed for the job on the ranch.
    Ashley Meek

  51. "'If he ain't, I guess I better look someplace else,' she said playfully" (Steinbeck 31) Curly's wife to George

    It shows how mischievous and playful Curly's wife is and how much trouble she will cause everyone especially George and Lennie.

    1. This is when the men on the farm are talking and Curly's wife comes in looking for Curly.

  52. "We could live offa the fatta the lan'" (Steinbeck 203). Lennie is repeating his and George's dream again to George before his death, which makes it almost bittsersweet.

    "Don't you think of nothing but rabbits?" (Steinbeck89). Curley's wife is trying to have a conversation with Lennie about all her failed goals in life, and he is paying more attention to worrying about tending the rabbits

  53. Slim to George: "It jus' seems kinda funny a cuckoo like him and a smart little guy like you travelin' together" (Steinbeck 43).

  54. "'I like to pet nice things'" (Steinbeck 90) Lennie to Curly's wife

    This quote sums up what Lennie is like and who he is and shows how much trouble he can be just because of that. He pets his dog too much and kills it and then kills Curly's wife because of how soft her hair was.

    1. Lennie and Curly's Wife are talking about themselves and how Lennie likes soft things like rabbits.

  55. "If you don't want me, you only jus' got to say so, and I'll go off in those hills right there-right up in those hills and live by myself. An' I won't get no mice stole from me" (Steinbeck 13). Lennie says this to George as they are sitting by the fire.

  56. "Listen to me, you crazy bastard," he said fiercley. "Don't you even take a look at that bitch. I don't care what she says and what she does. I seen 'em poison before, but I never seen no piece of jail bait worse than her. You leave her be" (Steinbeck 35-36).

    Speaker: George
    To Whom: Lennie

    Its their first night in the bunk house and Curley's wife had just left in a search for curly. Lennie is left admiring her beuty. When George shakes him up.

  57. "Don't you eventake a look at that bitch"(Steinbeck 35). George is saying this quote to Lennie. George is telling Lennie that Curly's wife only causes trouble.

  58. "Coulda been in the movies, an' had nice clothes-all them nice clothes like they wear" (Steinbeck 89). Curley's wife says this to Lennie as they are in the barn shortly before Lennie kills her.

  59. "He ain't gonna let me tend no rabbits"(steinbeck 100). Lennie is saying this to himself, and he says it because this is right after he kills curleys wife.

  60. "An' you got it away from him and you took it an' you killed him?"(Steinbeck 107)Carlson ansked George. This happened after George killed Lennie.

  61. "'we gonna get a little place,'George began he reacted in his side pocket and brought out Carlson's Luger;he snapped off the safety"(100 steinbeck).George is saying this to lenny.This is the part when George tried to make him happy as possible until he kills him.

  62. "'Cause I'm black. They play cards in there, but I can't play because I'm black" (Steinbeck 68). Crooks is saying this to Lennie. Lennie is wondering why Crooks doesn't stay with the other guys and play with them. Crooks responds because he is black.

    -Patrick Garden

  63. Speaker: george
    To Whom: Lennie

    "Go for it, Lennie. Don't let him do it"(Steinbeck 63).

    Context: George is telling Lennie to fight back against Curley instead of standing there and taking the pain.

  64. "I done a bad thing. I done another bad thing"(Steinbeck 100). Lennie says this to himself. This is right after he kills Curley's wife, and he realizes how mad George will be.

  65. "We gonna have a house an' a garden and a place for alfalfa, an' that alfalfa is for the rabbits, an' I take a sack and get it all fulla alfalfa and then I take it to the rabbits" (Steinbeck 890.
    Lennie to Curley's Wife
    Lennie is telling Curleys Wife about tending the rabbits.
    Brant Hlavin

  66. 1. "Tried and tried but it didn't do no good. I remember about the rabbits, George" (Steinbeck 4)
    2. Lennie
    3. George
    4. Lennie and George are talking and lennie is trying to remember what they were planing before
    5. Michael Jaszewski

  67. "Right in the back of the head"(Steinbeck 102).This is the part when George told the angry mob that he shot Lenny in the head to make sure he was dead and that Lenny felt no pain when he died.

  68. "Carlson, you get the candy wagon hitched up. We'll take 'um into Soledad an' get um' fixed up" (Steinbeck 64). Slim was talking to Carlson. Slim wanted Carlson to hitch up a wagon so they could get Lennie fixed up from the beating he took from Curley.

  69. "I done a bad thing. I done another bad thing" (Steinbeck 91).
    Lennie talking to himself
    Lennie say this right after he kill Curley's Wife
    Brant Hlavin

  70. "Yeah?Married two weeks and got the eye? Maybe thats why Curly's pants is full of ants"(Steinbeck 28).George is talking to the old man. This is when they got to the camp and started to introduce themselves.

  71. 1. "The hand shook violently, but his face set and his hand steadied. He pulled the trigger. The crash of the shot rolled up the hills and rolled down again" (Steinbeck 106)
    2. It was done by George
    3. It was done to Lennie
    4. George killed Lennie because he got out of hand
    5. michael Jaszewski

  72. "Well, I could. I could go off in the hills there. Someplace I'd find a cave"(Steinbeck 12). Lennie says this to George. This was after George was yelling about how his life would be easier without Lennie.
    -Saniya Merchant

  73. "You got no right to come in my room" (Steinbeck 68).
    Crooks says this to Lennie when he enters his room. Crooks says this because everyone else isn't allowed in his room and hes not allowed in theirs.

    -Connor Hartigan

  74. "You an' me can get that little place , can't we George? You an' me can go there an' live nice, can't we? Can't we?"
    1. Said by Candy to George
    2. This was aid right after George and Candy found Curly's wife dead and realized Lennie had done it, and he was missing.

    Abby Dein

  75. "You an' me can get that little place , can't we George? You an' me can go there an' live nice, can't we? Can't we?" (Steinbeck 94).
    1. Said by Candy to George
    2. This was aid right after George and Candy found Curly's wife dead and realized Lennie had done it, and he was missing.

    Abby Dein

  76. 1"George gonna give me hell" said Lennie(Steinbeck 100).
    2 said by Lennie
    3 Lennie was talking to himself
    4 Lennie is talking to himself because he is very scared to lose George because he needs him.

  77. 1&2) "Well, he seen this girl in a red dress. Dumb bastard like he is, he wants to touch ever'thing he likes. Just wants to feel it. So he reaches out to feel this red dress an' the girl lets out a squawk, and that gets Lennie all mixed up, and he hold on 'cause that's the only thing he can think to do" (Steinbeck 41).

    3) Said by George

    4) Said to Slim

    5) George is telling Slim what Lenny did in Weed and the reason why they ran away.

    6) Soomin Jeon

  78. "Well, I wasn't gonna stay no place where I couldn't get nowhere or make something of myself, an' where they stole your letters" (Steinbeck 88)
    -Curly's Wife said it
    -Talking to Lennie
    -Curly's wife and Lennie are talking in the barn before she is killed accidentally.
    -Danielle Alper

  79. "Lennie never done it in meanness, he said. All the time he done bad things, but he never done one of 'em mean" (Steinbeck 95).
    1. Said by George out loud to Candy
    2. When the two men find Curley's wife dead and George says this about Lennie.

    Abby Dein

  80. "George wun't go away and leave me. I know George wun't do that" (Steinbeck 73) Said by Lennie to Crooks. Crooks is trying to scare Lennie and tell him that George will never come back from town. -Jack Szafranski

  81. 1."S'pose George don't come back no more. S'pose he took a powder and just ain't coming back What'll you do then?" (Steinbeck 71).
    2. It was said by Crooks
    3. It was said to Lennie
    4. Crooks was making Lennie nervouse. Crooks wanted to know what Lennie would do without George because they are always together.
    5.Kaylie Kleutgen

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. "Well I can go away" (steinbeck 104)
    Lennie says this to George. Lennie had run away and now he is telling george that he can leave him so he will cause no more trouble.

    -Connor Hartigan

  84. Curley whirled on Carlson" You keep outta this les' you wanta step outside"(Steinbeck 62). This is said by Curley to Carlson. It is significant because it really shows how much of a jerk Curley is

  85. 1. "No, Lennie, I ain't mad. I never been mad, and I ain'now. That's a thing I want ya to know."
    2. (Steinback 106)
    3. George
    4. Lennie
    5. George was trying to make Lennie happy because he wanted him to die with a smile
    6. Claire Pak

  86. 1. "Tell about that place George"(Steinbeck 56).
    2. Lennie
    3. George
    4. Lennie asks George to tell him the stroy about the farm they are going to get, but George doesn't really want to tell it because he told Lennie the day before. Lennie really likes to listen to George telling him the story about the land that they hope to get.
    6. Matthew Zerwic

  87. 1&2)"I was born right here in California. My old man had a chicken ranch, 'bout ten acres. The white kids come to come play at our place, an' sometime I went to play with them, and some of them was pretty nice. My ol' man didn't like that. I never knew till long later why he didn't like that. But I know now" (Steinbeck 70).

    3) Said by Crooks

    4) Said to Lennie

    5) Lennie goes to the barn and meets Crooks. They talk about how Arican Americans are inferior than white people, and Crooks thinks that's unfair and tells Lennie why.

    6)Soomin Jeon

  88. "Le's do it now. Le's get that place now"(Steinbeck 106).

    Lennie says this to George.

    This was right before George shot Lennie.

    Brian Filipiak

  89. 1. "They had walked in single file down the path, and even in the open one stayed behind the other. Both were dressed in denim trousers and in denim coats with brass bottons. Both wore black, shapless hats and both carried tight blanket rolls slung over their shoulders."
    2.(Steinback 2)
    3. Author
    4. To readers
    5. To show how close and brotherly George and Lennie were
    6. Claire Pak

  90. 1."You George! You stick with us so we don't think you had nothin' to do with this" (Steinbeck 98).
    2.Curley said this
    3.This was said to George
    4.He said this to make make sure that George wasn't part of his wife's murder.
    5.Kaylie Kleutgen

  91. "So we sit in a irrigation ditch under water all the rest of that day. Got on'y our heads [...] An' that night we scrammed outta there" (Steinbeck 42).This is George talking with Slim. Slim and George are talking about how Lennie and GEorge had to escape Weed.

  92. "Oh, George ! I been figurin' and figurin'.I got it doped out how we can even make some money on the rabbits"(Lee 83).
    Candy said to Lennie. CAndys talking about there future.
    Nolan Bertog

  93. "I ... I ain't gonna ... say a word"(Steinbeck 15).

    Lennie says this to George.

    This was when Lennie was asked by George what he will say when the Boss asks him questions.

    Brian Filipiak

  94. Lennie told George "I's pet 'em, and pretty soon they bit my fingers and I pinched their heads a little and then they was dead- because they was so little" (Steinbeck 10).
    George is telling Lennie how he can not keep the dead mouse in his pocket. This quote implys that Lennie never trys to hurt anything on purpose.

  95. "I ought to of shot that dog myself, George. I shouldn't ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog" ( Steinbeck 61)
    candy is saything this about how people want to kill his dog and he should be the one to kill them.

  96. Quote: "Ya know, Lennie, I'm scared I'm gonna tangle with that bastard myself. I hate his guts. Jesus Christ! Come on. They won't be a damn thing left to eat" (Steinbeck 37).
    Who said it: George
    To whom it was said: Lennie
    Context: George is talking about Curley wanting to pick a fight with Lennie.
    Emmett Garvey

  97. "Well I could. I could go off in the hills there. Someplace I'd find a cave" (Steinbeck 12). Lennie is speaking this quote to George. This is the scene of when George is explaining how it would be better if Lennie wasn't with him, so Lennie asks George if he should leave.

  98. "You seen a girl around here?" (Steinbeck 37). Curley talking to George. Curley is asking where his wife is because this shows how he is very possesive of her. It also shows how Curley is always afraid that his wife will cheat on him.

  99. "'Never you mind, a guy got to sometimes.' ( Steinbeck 107) Slim says this right after George kill Lennie

  100. "You hadda, George. I swear you hadda. Come on with me" (Lee 107).

    1. Said to George by Slim

    2. George killed Lennie, and Slim is making George feel better about it.

  101. 1. " Jus' tell Lennie what to do an' he'll do it if it dont take no figuring"(Stienbeck 39).

    2. Said by Goerge

    3. Said to Slim

    4. This is important because it shows that even though Lennie is not bright he still is a great worker.

    By: Tommy Karnig

  102. 1. " I didnt want to hurt him"(Stienbeck 64).

    2. Said by Lennie

    3. Said to Slim

    4. It shows that Lennie is Gentle and even though he is big and strong he doesnt want to hurt people.

    By: Tommy Karnig

  103. Well, I never seen one guy take so much trouble for another guy. I just like to know what your interest is" (Steinbeck 25).

    1. Said by the Boss to George.

    2. The boss observes George's care of Lennie and suspects there is something wrong.

    Megan Tristano

  104. 1. "' me. Ever'body gonna be nice to you. Ain't gonna be no more trouble. Nobody gonna hurt nobody nor steal from 'em"
    2. Steinbeck 106
    3. George
    4. Lennie
    5. George is about to kill Lennie, and he's trying to make Lennie feel as happy as possible so that he doesn't have to die in fear. He's letting him know where he's going that he's going to be safe.
    6. Jasmine Shannon

  105. "Hide in the brush"(Steinbeck 15).
    Lennie is telling this to himself.
    Lennie is saying it to himself so he can remember where to go so he can please George. This is important because it shows how Lennie tries to please people, but he just can't remember sometimes even if he tries.

  106. 1. "Well, look. Lennie--if you jus' happen to get in trouble like you always done before, I want you to come right here an' hide in the brush"
    2. Steinbeck 15
    3. George
    4. Lennie
    5. George is explaining to Lennie, before they get to the ranch, if he does get into any trouble he wants him to go hide in the brush by the riverbank.
    6. Jasmine Shannon

  107. "he coulda bust every bone in my body jus' with his han's but he never lifted a finger against me"(Steinbeck 40). Said by George to Slim. He was talking to Slim about Lennie.

  108. "So you forgot that awready, did you? I gotta tell you again, do I? Jesus christ, you're a crazy bastard!"(Lee 4). This was said by George to Lennie when they are by the water and george gets mad that Lennie keeps forgetting the things he's telling him.

  109. "Leggo his hand, Lennie. Leggo. Slim, come help me while the guy got any hand left" (Steinbecl 64). George talking to Slim and Lennie. This is when Lennie grabbed Curley and broke his hand. It shows how strong he is and how desperate George is to keep Lennie from getting in trouble.

  110. 1. "keep your place then, nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain't even funny."
    2. (Steinbeck, 81)
    3. Curley's Wife
    4. Crooks
    5. Crooks stands up to Curley's wife when she comes into his room. Crooks's courage quickly recedes as Curley's wife tells him this.
    6. Billy DeKelaita

  111. 1. "Why do you got to get killed? You ain't so little as mice."
    2. (Steinbeck, 85)
    3. Lennie
    4. A dead puppy
    5. Lennie says this after he bounced it on the ground.
    6. Billy DeKelaita

  112. "This here God damn little son-of-a-bitch wasn't nothing to George" (Steinbeck 86).

    Lennie is saying this to himself.

    This is a significant quote of the story because it shows how Lennie reacts when he does something bad. He keeps saying things to himself that will make him feel better. The things that he does will keep escalating until his inevitable faith at the end of the story.

    Brian Lada

  113. "Hide till I come for you. Don't let nobody see you. Hide in the brush by the river. Say that over."(Steinbeck 30). George is repeating to Lennie what he should do if Lennie gets in trouble again.

  114. "Come on. Give it to me. You ain't puttin' nothing over"(Steinbeck 8). In this quote, George is commanding Lennie to give him the dead mouse. The qupote also shows that George can easily tell what Lennie is up to.

  115. 1)"Maybe you can see now. You got George. You know he's goin' to come back [...] A guy needs somebody-to be near him. A guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody."
    2) Page 72
    3) Crooks
    4) To Lennie
    5) In the moment, Lennie goes into the barn and finds Crooks there, and he talks to about how he is worried that George won't come back. Crooks tries to help him out.

  116. 1) " An' I ain't so bright neither, or i wouldn't be buckin' barley for my fifty and found. If I was bright, if I was even a little smart, I'd have my own little place, an' I'd be bringin' in my own crops, 'stead of doin' all the work and not getting what comes up outta the ground"
    2) Page 39
    3) George
    4) Slim
    5) George and Lennie and settling in at the ranch. Slim and George end up going back to the bunkhouse to talk.

  117. "If you go right now, we wont tell Curley you was here" (Steinbeck 81).


    Being spoken to Curley's wife

    The scene shows the control that Curley has over his wife. He would barely even let her breathe. This part of the book is significant because it will determine Lennie's faith in the end.

    Brian Lada

  118. "If I catch any one man, and he's alone, I get along fine with him. But just let two of the guys get together an' you won't talk" (Steinbeck 77).

    Curley's wife says this

    She says this to Crooks, Lennie, and Candy

    Curley's wife is asking if any of the men have seen Curley.

    Emmett Garvey

  119. "Well, we ain’t got any," George exploded. "Whatever we ain’t got, that’s what you want. God a’mighty, if I was alone I could live so easy. I could go get a job an’ work, an’ no trouble. No mess at all, and when the end of the month come I could take my fifty bucks and go into town and get whatever I want. Why, I could stay in a cathouse all night. I could eat any place I want, hotel or any place, and order any damn thing I could think of. An’ I could do all that every damn month. Get a gallon of whisky, or set in a pool room and play cards or shoot pool." Lennie knelt and looked over the fire at the angry George. And Lennie’s face was drawn in with terror. "An’ whatta I got," George went on furiously. "I got you! You can’t keep a job and you lose me ever’ job I get. Jus’ keep me shovin’ all over the country all the time" (Steinbeck 8).

    This quote was said to Lennie by George. George was explaining how he can't just go and live his life because he has to stay and take care of Lennie all the time

    Lexi Fakhouri

  120. “LENNIE "Where we goin’, George?"
    The little man jerked down the brim of his hat and scowled over at Lennie. "So you forgot that awready, did you? I gotta tell you again, do I? Jesus Christ, you’re a crazy bastard!"
    "I forgot," Lennie said softly” (Steinbeck 2).

    This is a quote said by george to lennie. This is significant because George rarely ever yells at Lennie and he did and it is not good

    Lexi Fakhouri

  121. "You got no right to come in my room. This here's my room. Nobody got any right in here but me" (Steinbeck 68)

    Speaker: Crooks
    To Whom: Lennie

    Crooks is upset with Lennie becuase Lennie came into his room without asking. Crooks thinks that this is his one place to relax and not have to worry about anyone, and he thinks Lennie is invading his privacy.

  122. "'I had enough.' he said angrily. 'You ain't wanted here. We told you you ain't. An' I tell ya, you got floozy idears about what us guys amounts to. You ain't got sense enough in that chicken head to even see that we ain't stiffs.'"

    Speaker: Crooks
    To Whome: Curley's Wife

    Crooks was getting upset because Curleys wife was in his house trying to flirt with Lennie. He was mad that she disrespected men like that. So he had enough of it.

  123. "S'pose you get us canned. S'pose you do." (Steinbeck 79). This is said by Candy to Lennie and Crooks. This is said out of frustration by Curley because he is in the presence of Lennie and Crooks and assumes they will get fired. -Jack Szafranski

  124. "I ain't gonna let 'em hurt Lennie. Now you listen. The guys might think I was in on it. I' gonna go in the bunkhouse. Then in a minute you come out and tell the guys about her, and I'll come along and make like I never seen her." (Steinbeck 95).

    George said this to Candy and it shows how George wants to be a good friend and protect Lennie.

  125. 1. "Ain't many guys ... travel around together," he mused. "I don't know why. Maybe ever'body in the whole damn world is scared of each other"
    2. (lee 179)
    3. Slim
    4. george
    5. Talking about how close their friendship was
    6. Jada Byrd

  126. 1. "You seen what they done to my ... dog tonight? They says he wasn't no good to himself nor nobody else. When they can me here I wisht somebody'd shoot me. But they won't do nothing like that. I won't have no place to go, an' I can't get no more jobs"
    2. (Lee 222)
    4. Hints that because they killed her dog that did no harm to anyone Lennie who did no harm would be hurt
    5.Jada Byrd
