Thursday, September 6, 2012

This entry is for PERIOD 3 JUNIORS only.

Today we're going to participate in an online discussion. Your task is to comment thoughtfully and often to the discussion. The following is a list of ways to participate:

  • post a short paragraph in which you present a point of view
  • comment on the posts of your classmates
  • ask a question - either regarding a classmate's post or generated simply from your own curiosity
  • respond to comments classmates have made regarding your posts

Some of your responses are going to be short, some of them are going to be thorough. All should be thoughtful and appropriate for class. All should be specific. Use specific examples in your discussion - either from the novel we are reading, real life, other literature, films, etc.

Here is the topic of the day:

What natural rights do teens possess?

This question is merely a jumping-off point. Your discussion can go anywhere. Here are some questions you may wish to address throughout your discussion:

  • What is a "right"?
  • What is the difference between a "right" and a "privilege"?
  • When should rights be taken away, if ever?
  • How have teens' rights changed over the years?
  • How does technology figure into the equation?
  • Are all rights shared by all teens, or just a select few?

Here are the instructions for posting a comment:

  1. Click on 'comments' below.
  2. Post your comment. (Try cutting and pasting from word if you like.)
  3. Click on 'Name/URL' and type in your name.
  4. Click on 'post comment'. 


  1. A right and a privilege are different because a privilege you can earn and a right is a part of a rule they set for you. Thats what i think.

    1. yeah i guess so

    2. Also, a privilege can be taken away unlike a right which one is entitled to no matter the circumstance.

    3. yeah like we are given the right to press and we are privleged to have all this cool technology like ipods, ipads, laptops, etc...

    4. well said Marlon

    5. Can someone please provide some specific examples of privileges versus rights? For example, is which is driving - a privilege or a right? How about school? Health care? A home? A job? A cel phone? A car? Staying out late? We need some specifics, here. Lay it one me...

    6. Sometimes you can earn or lose a right if too many rules are broken or if people abuse their given right.

  2. We have rights of hanging out with friends

    1. i dont really see that as a right.. you obviosly can hang out with whoever you want.

    2. I believe that having a curfew is unfair becuase you dont get to spend as much time as you want

    3. Sometimes it is a privelege to hang out with friends if your parents didnt ground you for something wrong or if your friends made you do something to get you in trouble.

  3. we dont have the right to drink, vote, and buy cigs. castro

    1. you have the right to drink in your house with an adult. if the adult gives you the right.

    2. Should you have the right to vote?

    3. that's not really a right, that would be more like a privilege.. (in my understanding of it)

    4. i think were to young.

    5. ^^i think it's better if we don't have the right to vote until we're eighteen.. not many people under the age of eighteen pay any attention to what politics are and what goes on, if we had the right to vote now then who knows who would be in office.

    6. when we are 18, we get the right to vote, but not to drink.

    7. Bryce - What is your point? Are you contending that one has to do with the other? If so, how?

    8. some people still drinks underage kkk

    9. Junsup - Your point? If young people do it, is it a right? Explain...

    10. We only have the right to drink if it is for religious purposes(communion for example) and not for getting wasted.

    11. I believe that no one should have the right to smoke because of the death toll it can cause if smoked too frequently and the corruption of the tobacco companies.

  4. We have the right to express our minds freely.

    1. yeah i think this is a right that everyone deserves to have.

    2. We can speak any language we want etc.

    3. we have the right to say whatever we feel like becuase this is a free country.

    4. So is it justifiable for me to yell out BOMB!! in an airport because this is free country?

    5. We have the freedom of speech but that doesn't mean that we have to use it every day. We need to use it for things that matter.

    6. It may be justified in your mind, but others may see this as a threat to their rights so you would have to be prepared to suffer the consequences.

    7. Just as long as we dont use violence to express our thoughts. Thats when the right should be taken away.

  5. We have rights of doing what we want to do

    1. not killing !

    2. what if i wanted to steal? do i have the righ then?

    3. you can get that right taken away.

    4. To what degree? Hitting someone? Driving crazy? talking back to your parents? No doing your homework? Is killing the only limit? Anybody want to chime in?

    5. Yeah. I think there should be some limit of doing something. To achieve that,i guess we need some control of adults.

    6. This is true, but as soon as we infringe on the rights of others we run into problems. We may be able to do what ever we what, but it does not get rid of the consequences.

    7. there's a reason for everything

  6. a privilege is something that can be taken away from us at any time, like our phones.. or time on the computer.

    1. What if you bought you phone with your own money? Or your computer? Do you parents have the right to take away possessions you've purchased with your own money from your own job? What about gifts? If your parents give you a present, who owns it? You or your parents? And if you own it, do they have the right to take it away?

    2. i think if you paid for it with youre own money then they shouldnt take it away !

    3. your parents have final say over everyhthing. They put food in your mouth and a roof above your head. its that simple even if you bought your own phone they have the right to take it. if you think thats unfair and they dont control you then you should move out and support yourself.

    4. well i think it all comes out of respect, they might not have the RIGHT to take it away from you if you bought it yourself or if it was a gift but the way i see it is that if it's something that you don't really need it's a privilege. if your parents give you a gift it's technically yours but THEY bought it for YOU, with their money. as your parent i feel like they have a right to take anything from you... have it be something you bought or not. until you're eighteen, you and everything that you have belongs to them... i think.

    5. yeah. Everything you get is basically from your parents'money so i think we should obey them you're independent

    6. i disagree. they dont have a right to take what you bought. i pay my own phone bill. so i dont think they have the right to cut it off or take my phone when they want.

    7. i agree with jose , because if you earned your money and bought a laptop with your money, then they shouldn't take it away because you paid it with your well earn money.

    8. (i kind of disagree and agree with them having the right to take things that are yours away from you....)

    9. Paula - Why?

      Everyone else - What about that old saying, "In my house you have to follow my rules!"

      In other words, you might have bought your cell phone, and you might pay your phone bill. But do you pay the rent? Or the mortgage? Do you pay the grocery bill? You need to work these questions into the equation.

    10. i pay for my own food, yet people in my house tend to eat it. i pay for my own gas, yet i have to share my car with my sister... we all pay for things but in some twisted way it can be taken away from you.

    11. There are certain things that should be taken away from you if you've done something bad or illegal. but some things have no punishment if they are... with most of the phones now teens don't care if they're computer gets taken away from them because they can go on the internet with their phone. i personally don't go on the computer unless i have to type something, but if i could do it on my phone and somehow print it off of my phone, i would do that.

      i completely agree with that saying, 100%. my parents worked their asses off to get the house that we live in.. my dad had to build more than half of it just to have space for all of us. i don't know, i feel like anything can be taken away from us because we may seem like we do things for ourselves, like paying for our own phones or gas and food(me personally). that's nothing compared to what our parents have to do for us just to stay in the houses that we are in now. I'm not sure if that answers your question though.

    12. i argee with eric i think it is part of grow up,sometime when u get punchished, u lost that privilege, and soon or later ur going to get that privilege back.

    13. yea i agree with paula because sometimes i work for my money that i earn and then suddenly i have to give it to my parents and feels like you worked so hard for that money adn then it gets taken away

    14. not trying to like... put myself out there but i have three jobs, i work all the time. i hardly have time to relax, if i'm not doing homework or making dinner... i'm working, yet i only see a third of my paychecks, why? because i got in a lot of trouble last year and owe my parents a lot of money back. they had to work hard for me to come up with money they didn't have, so now... out of respect i'm trying extremely hard to pay them back, i had a privilege, i screwed up, i'm working on getting that privilege back.. but i have to earn it back.

  7. In epitome, we have the right to keep our belongings and abstain the police from trespassing our property without approval. 2nd Amendment.

    1. the 2nd amend. is rights to bear arms.

    2. whats epitome??

    3. Epitome defines as 'a typical example'

    4. ive seen many videos recently on this situation were police officers are abusing their power and harrasing people that dont need to be harrased. our teens a main target for officials?

    5. Good point. Are teens unfairly targeted by law enforcement? Anyone have any specific examples?

      And if teens are unfairly targeted by law enforcement, why?

    6. in a way, yes... but then again, no. we(teens) are the future, with the way most of us are acting now? the future isn't going to turn out right... i don't think we're unfairly targeted i just feel like the law enforcements know what's best... even if we don't think it's right.. maybe?

  8. I believe everyone should have limitations. We all can’t do what we want like morals the little voioce in your head that tells you from right and wrong.

    1. Most people have limitations of some sort, but morals are different for every person. Who is to say what is right from wrong.

    2. Thier is no form of telling right and wrong but you should always try to do the good thing in any giving situation. everone has diffrent opionions and predetermined points of veiw of good and bad.

    3. I agree with you miguel

    4. Some people look at things differently and see robbery as taking from the rich to providing to the poor. There really isn't a clear answer to what is right and wrong except for when one infringes upon the rights of others.

  9. rights should be taken away when someone or a group does something unlawful like drinking and driving or killing someone for some dumb reason.

    1. What type of rights should be taken away?

    2. so if someone in that gruop isnt doing anthing, do their rights get taking away too?

    3. yess eric beacuause they were there and knew what could happen!

    4. like suspending there drivers license if they drink and drive and probably like not be able to bear arms

    5. no im not saying they all should get the same punishment but the ones that were their should of done something but should get a lower punishemnt then the one that commited the error. Like Jose said they were there but they didnt do anything to stop it and knew what they were doing

    6. Rights that are unfair or dangerous should definitely be the ones that are taken away.

  10. Rights should only be taken away when you cuase a life threating situation.

    1. your right like the guy who shot people at the movie theater in colorado

    2. no , because if that were to happen then this world be a little bit chaotic. like imagine no curfew, then there would be lots of teens driving at night, probably drunk.

    3. Which is a life threating sitaution is that not right?

    4. Driving is a privilege that can be life threatening sometimes. Some people drink and drive and kill innocent people

  11. We should have the right to vote becuase we are old enough to understand what's going on.

    1. What should the voting age be, then?

    2. i disagree. theres people not making the right choice. i still think were young.

    3. I think the voting age should be 21.

    4. I agree with erick some people might just take voting for granted and not even know why there voting

    5. yea agree with eric because sometimes i think they are still not mature enough to make the right choice

    6. Marlon - What makes people mature? How can we tell if a young person is mature or immature?

    7. some 16 are sometimes more mature than some 25 year olds

    8. The voting age should be moved up to 21 beacuase even then at the age of 18 people dont pay attention to whats going on

    9. I think that the voting age should be 18. When they changed the voting age to 18 from 21 they allowed our military personnel to vote during world war 2.

    10. i think what makes people mature is when they already make the right choices and not the bad ones. And they dont act childish . We can tell if some one is mature when they can handle some problems by themselves without fighting by talking it out and when they dont act like a child.

    11. If a person is mature, they'll understand what you say, the things you do in life, etc. They could also be considerate toward you..

    12. It was the Vietnam War.

    13. That is true some teens already think like adults while others still act like they are children

    14. Mr. Cowlin, in the world of voting, i feel like someone is mature enough to vote when they have a good sense of what politics really mean, when they know who they are going to vote for what that politician can provide for us, what they will do to help this country improve, what they can do to make a better future.

    15. Mature people tend to be more of a critical thinker. Most of us here are novices in politics. Like for the things like medicare and obamacare. What do we know exactly? We mostly only know the gist, but not the sharp details of what it is capable of. Maturity can come from experience. But I can't say it is all the time.

    16. woops sorry veightnam war took history last year dont remember much about it. thanks to whom ever corrected me

  12. u have to earn the privilege, and to earn it, u got to earn respect and just by respecting other people.

    1. at times. cant you earn it some other way?

    2. A privilege can be taken away but a right cannot.

    3. I think that if you respect someone, they'll acknowledge it and the favor will be returned.

    4. wat is another way?

    5. demonstrating responsibility

    6. i think a right can be taken away what if you have the right to drive with a license but youre drunk driving that right of having a license will be taken away !

    7. why would you be drinking and driving in the first place?

    8. a lot of people do it im just giving an example!!!!!

    9. People make bad choices and have to face the consequences.

    10. Paul - So is making a bad choice a right as long as we're willing to face the consequences?

    11. If one is really willing to face the consequences then sure. Some people are willing to risk their way of life to fight for what they believe in.

  13. Privilege is something that we don't need. We don't need all the technology that is given to us. But then again we don't need air conditioning. We use technology and other advances to better ourselves. And are way of life.

    1. Patrick - Good point, but I have a question. What about refrigeration? Cold keeps food safe, and cold keeps food healthy. Without cold, more and more people would get sick. And what about heat in the winter? Every year people die from a lack of heat in their homes because they cannot afford it. So here is my question: What technology is a privilege, and what technology is a right? If any...

      Anyone else want to chime in on this?

    2. so are you saying you would be fine living in a third world counrty?

    3. towards patrick^^

    4. we do need technology it not only keeps our food safe but our country from the terrorist !

    5. Technology is not necessary to life and only seeks to make it better/easier, therefore it is a privilege

    6. Hanches - Not necessarily. There are people here in America that cannot afford heat in the winters. There are people here that cannot afford food and health care. I'm just wondering how some of you feel about these items.

      Right now, universal health care is one of the hot topics in the presidential election. Obama says that everyone deserves health care - even at the expense of the government. He claims health care is a right.

      Romney claims that this is not true. Romney claims that health care is a privilege - that if you can't afford it, you don't necessarily get it.

      What about health care. Anyone?

    7. no technology is what make the world now. your telling me that everyone would be fine if the worlds energy just shut down and no one had acces to electricity, Naturual gas, and communication? the world would fall apart! we depend on technology.

    8. I think anything that everyone keeps in there home like refrigeration, air conditioning, stoves, and microwaves are a privilage. Everthing else is just things people want.

    9. Zuzette - I never had air conditioning until I was 23. My parents wouldn't get it for the house. They refused to pay for it. Were they denying me my rights?

    10. not all technology is a privilege .....

    11. I feel like Romney is trying to make a rich people society where there are no benefits for poor people

  14. A Right is a thing everyone has something no one can take away from you.

    1. I disagree that no one can take away your rights. Many people can have there rights taken away.

    2. Rights can only be taken if you break the rudiments of the law. For example, you have the right to remain silent. Meaning simply that you can't speak. So you can get your right taken away, and be substituted with something else

    3. Even from your parents Marlon

  15. That is true marlon some teens already think like adults while others still think like 12 year olds.

    1. that may be true^ but then again adults have way more life expiercence then teens and have been through alot more. so in a way they will always be smarted no matter what.

    2. It depends on the individual and how they go about in life. Some people take life very seriously and maturity develops while some may not care about how they live their life and that may result in being immature.

    3. I think how people thinks depends on the environment where people grow up such as (family, place etc).

    4. Agree with Hanches. You can be 12 years old, and think like an adult, but what did you experience from presidents like George Bush or Obama? Do you know what the definition of a good president is? People who are 30 years old, at least experienced the differences in every individual presidents in their terms.

  16. Do you think Teens are main targets for officials?

    1. I know that cigarette companies like to target teens because their sense of understanding of certain things in the world isn't as good as adults, for example.

    2. im shure if the police saw a few teens driving around they would just assume that they are doinng something wrong, but if they saw a grown up they wouldnt do anything.

    3. yes because the officals will abuse their power and if teens were to fought back the punishemnt will be on them not the officals becuase they have higher power

    4. If the enforcer is corrupt by whatever the motive is, than they might target teens because they know teens are naive in knowing the laws. The police might even break a law to target teens, without having the teens knowing that the police broke the law. But otherwise, why would they do that? Do they get a higher pay from arresting people or giving tickets?

  17. A right is something you can do and not get in trouble by people. And a privilege is something some one give you and you can get in trouble if you dont follow that privilege.

    1. But a privilege can also be taken away. It also does mean that you could get in trouble for it. Also for a right there could be a possiblity that you could get in trouble for doing a bad right.

  18. when do we get all of our right? when do we get looked at as an adult? even at age 18, "adults" look at us like were still dumb teens!

    1. Well i guess we don't get them till our 30s because people in their 20s till viewed as dumb and immature.

    2. i guess the only way is to prove to them.To show that we are mature and responsible enough to be given the freedom to do whatever, whenever, as long as you prove it to them.

    3. how do we prove it?

    4. Since the majority of teens make bad choices such as drinking and drving, texting and drving, the adults view this as a typical habbit. They hear on the news about teens crashing and passing away all the time. They have developed a stereotype against teens due to this

    5. not making mistakes, but then again, everyone makes mistakes

    6. stupid people are inmature. cause they dont know when to stop.

    7. i agree with Haris

    8. we can prove that we are mature by not drinking, smoke,drugs. you don't go sneaking out of the house just to go to a party doing things like that will show them that you are immature and have no sense of should show them that you are in school getting if not good grades...decent, telling the truth, not sneaking out....stuff like that

    9. but adults have all the rights in the world? they smoke and we cant and if we do were looked at like were thugs or stupid

  19. How about the children in poor countries. What kind of rights do they have that is equal to other people

    1. its diffrent from us they live in terrible countries and in poverty. they dont really have any rights when you look at it. If they dont get fed the will most likely end up dying. In america almost all children go to bed having eaten something. This is because we live in a civil and wealthy society.

  20. You dont have a right to do anything you want rights can be taken if you encourage yourself to do things that you believe you can do but you really cant.

  21. Does anyone have an example of a right being taken away from someone they've seen in the media or news lately?


      this man was filming a cop which is allowed and then arrsted for doing nothing illegal

    2. it's illegal to film people without their consent.

    3. cops try to enforce the law but they mostly don't follow it themselves

    4. can you show me were it says that? and then why can the goverment film us. i didnt say he was arrsted for filming people he was arrsted for a filming a cop..

    5. how don't they follow it themselves?

  22. What about illegal file downloading - movies and music. If it's out there, do we have the right to take it?

    1. How many comments do we have to post?

    2. i would say we dont really have the right to just take it for free because people have to work god knows how many hours, days, weeks or maybe month for their songs to be ready to be sold and i guess it isn't fair to the people who worked hard to just get the song for free...because that is the way they get there money.

    3. What exactly do you mean by, "do we have the right to take it?"

    4. i agree with kelly it is unfair for those who have worked hard to make their songs or movies to not be getting the money they should be getting

    5. they have loads of money, how much can downloading one song do to a multi millionare artist?

    6. I agree with you Rudy

    7. The right to take it? Well we can take it for the risk of being taken under arrest. But I think it is a no, because isn't downloading illegally a copyright infringment?

  23. I believe teens rights have change because teens are being trusted more by people now

    1. Driving,getting jobs,going out with friends

    2. I disagree. I feel like the trust between adults and teens has stayed the same. If anything, it has become worse

    3. Not all teens are trusted. What if you trust someone and then you lose there trust. People have the privilege but not rights

    4. actually its the opposite now people are starting to fear teenagers and young adults because of growing gang activities. when people thing gangsters they think baggy chloths, saggy pants, and sideways babseball hat. which fits the description of a lot of teenagers. why would they trust someone that looks like a gangster?

    5. when did that happen? it hard getting job right now for teens because jobs dont want teens, they want somebody who's in collage or much older than that. there are less jobs for teens now...

    6. Agree with Hanches

  24. what do u think that we reach the age that we are muture?

    1. It could be any age. It simply depends on the individual

    2. I think the age that we reach maturity is 21

    3. i believe it might take a lil longer

    4. ^I agree with Haris^

    5. At the time we can understand common sense,responsibility, etc. which can be anywhere from age 10-21 depending on the person

    6. when you can handle problems by yourself without fighting and when they you can stop acting childish. And when you can be independent and know how to take care of yourself without depending on your parents alot

    7. it honeslty doesnt matter about age. its when your brain fully devolps and when you take responsibilty for your own actions.

  25. i believe that if you can live without it, live a healthy life without it, it's a privilege... am i wrong?

    1. It could be hard for some people to live with out a privilege
