Thursday, September 27, 2012


This post is for JUNIORS only

Directions  Copy and post the following tasks into a Word document and complete.

1.  A metaphor is when figurative language is used to describe a literal thing, person or event. For example, instead of simply saying "Scott was happy to get his new phone," one might describe Scott like this: "Suddenly Scott was no longer a grown man but a boy ripping open his presents with joyous abandonment on Christmas morning." Create a metaphor (or simile) for each of the following circumstances:

  • a student forgets to bring his homework to school and he feels nervous

  • a girl's parents are getting divorced and she feels sad

  • a man gets fired from his job and feels hopeless

2.  An extended metaphor is a metaphor in which a writer takes a short metaphor and fleshes out multiple aspects and details. For example, one might describe a computer as "man's best friend just like a faithful dog." An extended metaphor might go something like this: "A computer isn't simply a tool or a device. It has replaced the dog as man's best friend. Instead of fetching slippers, a computer fetches directions to a Japanese restaurant, last night's sports scores, and the times a movie is playing. Instead of sitting by your feet and sleeping, a computer sits at your desk and sleeps. And instead of barking incessantly for no apparent reason, a computer helpfully announces "ERROR - ERROR - ERROR."

Select one of the metaphors you've created above. Brainstorm 7 or 8 specific ways the metaphor works. Form it into an extended metaphor 7-8 sentences in length.

3. Rewrite each of the scenarios listed below adding descriptive, telling details. Try to hit on the five senses - taste, touch, sound, sight, and smell. Each entry should be 3-4 sentences in length.

  • a car hits a patch of ice and hits a tree

  • a dog is locked out of the house at night

  • a man gets fired from his job

  • a football player is wants the coach to put him in the game

Monday, September 24, 2012

A Raisin in the Sun - Essay

This post if for FRESHMEN only.

Essay Overview
A Raisin in the Sun is about a family of dreamers. It is an exploration of where those dreams have brought them and where those dreams are likely to lead them. The play also challenges the popular view that dreams are always helpful, that people need to have dreams to be happy. Your task in this essay is to answer the following question:

In what ways can dreams harm dreamers?


  1. First, determine three general ways that dreams can be harmful to people.
  2. Next, find one example for each way in the text.
  3. Finally, find a second example for each way from one of the following exterior sources: current events, other literature, history, or popular culture.

You may wish to consider the following characters and dreams that each has:
  • Ruth and Mama dream of becoming homeowners.
  • Walter dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.
  • Beneatha dreams of becoming a doctor.
  • Asagai dreams of bringing independence to Africa.

Use the model found HERE to guide your planning.

While you do not need to complete a formal outline for this essay, you should use the following organizational structure for your five-paragraph essay:

I. Introduction
   A. hook
   B. link/topic
   C. thesis
   D. bridge

II. Harm 1
   A. example from text
      1. claim
      2. evidence
         a. set-up
         b. cited quotation
      3. explanation
   B. example from exterior source
      1. claim
      2. evidence
      3. explanation

III. Harm 2
   A. example from text
      1. claim
      2. evidence
         a. set-up
         b. cited quotation
      3. explanation
   B. example from exterior source
      1. claim
      2. evidence
      3. explanation

IV. Harm 3
   A. example from text
      1. claim
      2. evidence
         a. set-up
         b. cited quotation
      3. explanation
   B. example from exterior source
      1. claim
      2. evidence
      3. explanation

V. Conclusion
   A. reflection of thesis
   B. real-world application (So what?)

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Wonderful World of the Five-Paragraph Essay

This post is primarily for FRESHMEN, but anyone is welcome to take a gander...

View the following multi-media presentation. Take your time. Read every word. Skip nothing. When you are finished viewing for the first time, go back and complete your Scavenger Hunt worksheet.

Advice to Toby

This post if for JUNIORS only.

Last week you wrote advice to your younger, ten-year-old self. Below you'll find some of it - organized by the period in which it was written. Toby, from A Boy's Life, could use some of your advice. Your task is as follows:
Select a piece of advice from your class period that you think would best help Toby. Then, in a thoughtful, thorough, multi-paragraph, short essay, explain why and how that piece of advice would benefit Toby.
Use the following criteria as a revision checklist:
  • correct spelling and capitalization
  • multiple paragraphs
  • specific details
  • at least one cited quotation
  • no first person (I, me, we, us, my, myself, our, mine, ourselves) or second person (you, your, yours, yourself, yourselves) - except when used in a cited quotation
Please ask a teacher if you have any questions.

  • Good friends accept you for who you are: you don’t have to act like someone else to impress them.
  • Never judge a person by how they look.
  • Not everyone is going to judge you as harshly as you assume they will.
  • Nobody stays around forever. Don’t let this upset you, because there are so many others to meet down the road.

  • Some things you might see as a huge problem to get upset about are actually very small. Don’t get upset because later on these things won’t matter to you.
  • Telling the truth is better than lying. You might get yourself in trouble, but as long as the truth comes out, you won’t feel as guilty.
  • Do not worry too much about mistakes, because making mistakes is part of growing up.
  • Life is a pain. You will have a hard time adapting to new situations, but you will learn to deal with it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Dream Deferred

This post if for FRESHMEN only.

First read the following poem by Langston Hughes:

A Dream Deferred
by Langston Hughes

What happens to a dream deferred?

Does it dry up 
like a raisin in the sun? 
Or fester like a sore-- 
And then run? 
Does it stink like rotten meat? 
Or crust and sugar over-- 
like a syrupy sweet?

Maybe it just sags 
like a heavy load.
Or does it explode?

Now go to my 'tostu' folder (look under the C folder, and then open the jcowlin folder) and open the document entitled "A Dream Deferred: Text and Activity." Complete the activity by typing directly into the document. Be sure to save your copy to your personal folder and to print out a copy to receive credit.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

This entry is for PERIOD 7 JUNIORS only.

Today we're going to participate in an online discussion. Your task is to comment thoughtfully and often to the discussion. The following is a list of ways to participate:
  • post a short paragraph in which you present a point of view
  • comment on the posts of your classmates
  • ask a question - either regarding a classmate's post or generated simply from your own curiosity
  • respond to comments classmates have made regarding your posts

Some of your responses are going to be short, some of them are going to be thorough. All should be thoughtful and appropriate for class. All should be specific. Use specific examples in your discussion - either from the novel we are reading, real life, other literature, films, etc.

Here is the topic of the day:

What natural rights do teens possess?

This question is merely a jumping-off point. Your discussion can go anywhere. Here are some questions you may wish to address throughout your discussion:
  • What is a "right"?
  • What is the difference between a "right" and a "privilege"?
  • When should rights be taken away, if ever?
  • How have teens' rights changed over the years?
  • How does technology figure into the equation?
  • Are all rights shared by all teens, or just a select few?

Here are the instructions for posting a comment:
  1. Click on 'comments' below.
  2. Post your comment. (Try cutting and pasting from word if you like.)
  3. Click on 'Name/URL' and type in your name.
  4. Click on 'post comment'. 
This entry is for PERIOD 3 JUNIORS only.

Today we're going to participate in an online discussion. Your task is to comment thoughtfully and often to the discussion. The following is a list of ways to participate:

  • post a short paragraph in which you present a point of view
  • comment on the posts of your classmates
  • ask a question - either regarding a classmate's post or generated simply from your own curiosity
  • respond to comments classmates have made regarding your posts

Some of your responses are going to be short, some of them are going to be thorough. All should be thoughtful and appropriate for class. All should be specific. Use specific examples in your discussion - either from the novel we are reading, real life, other literature, films, etc.

Here is the topic of the day:

What natural rights do teens possess?

This question is merely a jumping-off point. Your discussion can go anywhere. Here are some questions you may wish to address throughout your discussion:

  • What is a "right"?
  • What is the difference between a "right" and a "privilege"?
  • When should rights be taken away, if ever?
  • How have teens' rights changed over the years?
  • How does technology figure into the equation?
  • Are all rights shared by all teens, or just a select few?

Here are the instructions for posting a comment:

  1. Click on 'comments' below.
  2. Post your comment. (Try cutting and pasting from word if you like.)
  3. Click on 'Name/URL' and type in your name.
  4. Click on 'post comment'. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Ready to Rumble - Period 8

This post is for PERIOD 8 FRESHMEN only.

There's an old saying, that "knowing is half the battle." The joke, of course, is, "What's the rest of the battle?" Fighting? Pain? Losing? Cats with laser beams?

Using this notion as a jumping-off point, address one of the following ideas in a thoughtful, thorough paragraph.

What 'battles' are being fought in Ellison's "Battle Royale"?
Who is likely to succeed in battle, and who is likely to fail?
Which battle is most worthy of being fought?
Which is least worthy?

We're not just speaking literally, here. We're speaking figuratively. Be sure to consider all the characters and conflicts: the narrator, his grandfather, the other contestants, the women, the men holding the event, the audience members. Consider the narrator's speech, his dream at the end, his hopes and worries. Consider that some conflicts are external, others internal. Consider that by the end of the story, some battles have been resolved while others have just begun.

Post your response in the comments section. Be sure to include your name so you can get credit. Remember, these are simply ideas - prompts to get you started. All I'm looking for, really, is some thoughtful, interesting discussion. Therefore, feel free to post additional comments in which you respond to your peers' comments. You might also consider checking back in to see if anyone has responded to your comments, so you can reply.

You can receive extra credit for each additional response.

Again, I'm looking for a discussion here, not simply a list of unconnected thoughts. So, make connections and claims, draw conclusions, provide evidence and explanations. I'll be checking in periodically.

In case you're interested, all of these paintings are by a guy named George Bellows, one of the 'Ashcan' artists.

Ready to Rumble - Period 4

This post is for PERIOD 4 FRESHMEN only.

There's an old saying, that "knowing is half the battle." The joke, of course, is, "What's the rest of the battle?" Fighting? Pain? Losing? Cats with laser beams?

Using this notion as a jumping-off point, address one of the following ideas in a thoughtful, thorough paragraph.

What 'battles' are being fought in Ellison's "Battle Royale"?
Who is likely to succeed in battle, and who is likely to fail?
Which battle is most worthy of being fought?
Which is least worthy?

We're not just speaking literally, here. We're speaking figuratively. Be sure to consider all the characters and conflicts: the narrator, his grandfather, the other contestants, the women, the men holding the event, the audience members. Consider the narrator's speech, his dream at the end, his hopes and worries. Consider that some conflicts are external, others internal. Consider that by the end of the story, some battles have been resolved while others have just begun.

Post your response in the comments section. Be sure to include your name so you can get credit. Remember, these are simply ideas - prompts to get you started. All I'm looking for, really, is some thoughtful, interesting discussion. Therefore, feel free to post additional comments in which you respond to your peers' comments. You might also consider checking back in to see if anyone has responded to your comments, so you can reply.

You can receive extra credit for each additional response.

Again, I'm looking for a discussion here, not simply a list of unconnected thoughts. So, make connections and claims, draw conclusions, provide evidence and explanations. I'll be checking in periodically.

In case you're interested, all of these paintings are by a guy named George Bellows, one of the 'Ashcan' artists.

Ready to Rumble - Period 1

This post is for PERIOD 1 FRESHMEN only.

There's an old saying, that "knowing is half the battle." The joke, of course, is, "What's the rest of the battle?" Fighting? Pain? Losing? Cats with laser beams?

Using this notion as a jumping-off point, address one of the following ideas in a thoughtful, thorough paragraph.

What 'battles' are being fought in Ellison's "Battle Royale"?
Who is likely to succeed in battle, and who is likely to fail?
Which battle is most worthy of being fought?
Which is least worthy?

We're not just speaking literally, here. We're speaking figuratively. Be sure to consider all the characters and conflicts: the narrator, his grandfather, the other contestants, the women, the men holding the event, the audience members. Consider the narrator's speech, his dream at the end, his hopes and worries. Consider that some conflicts are external, others internal. Consider that by the end of the story, some battles have been resolved while others have just begun.

Post your response in the comments section. Be sure to include your name so you can get credit. Remember, these are simply ideas - prompts to get you started. All I'm looking for, really, is some thoughtful, interesting discussion. Therefore, feel free to post additional comments in which you respond to your peers' comments. You might also consider checking back in to see if anyone has responded to your comments, so you can reply.

You can receive extra credit for each additional response.

Again, I'm looking for a discussion here, not simply a list of unconnected thoughts. So, make connections and claims, draw conclusions, provide evidence and explanations. I'll be checking in periodically.

In case you're interested, all of these paintings are by a guy named George Bellows, one of the 'Ashcan' artists.