Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Types of Courage in Mockingbird

This post is for freshmen only.

Today we are going to examine not only the amount of courage a character has in To Kill a Mockingbird, but the kind of courage.  For the sake of our exercise, let's assume there are six types of courage:

  • physical
  • spiritual
  • intellectual
  • moral
  • social
  • emotional

Here is your task:  Select one character from the novel and answer the following two questions in a single, thoughtful, thorough paragraph:

What kind of courage does this character demonstrate,
and how much does he or she demonstrate?

Your paragraph should include a minimum of two properly cited quotations. It should employ correct grammar, spelling, mechanics, and punctuation. It should contain a topic sentence, a set-up to each piece of evidence, properly cited quotations, and rich analysis. Hard copies of all paragraphs must be turned in; responses should not be posted in the comments below.

HINT: You may want to start your paragraph with a definition of the type of courage you plan on discussing.

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