Thursday, May 24, 2012

Independent Book Report - 2nd Half

This post is for JUNIORS only.

Once you have read the second half of your book, complete the following book report.

First, in the upper right hand corner, enter the following information:
  1. student name
  2. book title (underlined)
  3. author
  4. total number of pages
  5. the pages numbers that the second book report will be covering
Here's an example of the header:

          John Perkins
          Carter Beats the Devil
          Glen David Gold
          339 total pages
          pages 1-172

Second, answer the following four questions in four thoughful, thorough paragraphs. Each paragraph should be a minimum of 150 words. Use at least three cited quotations throughout the report. (Introductions and conclusions are not necessary. The report should take the form of a four paragraph essay.)

  1. Summarize in detail the events of the second half of the book.
  2. Describe how each of the major characters has changed/grown throughout the course of the book. For each, explain whether or not achieved their goal - is each character satisfied at the end with regards to what motivated him or her?
  3. Relate a significant incident from the second half of the book that truly interested you or impressed you, and explain why you liked it.
  4. Evaluate the book, indicating in specific terms what you liked and/or disliked about it.  Do not use words like “good” or “bad” – which are vague and useless.  Give concrete reasons for your evaluation.

Note: Your job here is simple: Prove that you have read half the book. Remember that 150 words per paragraph is the minimum. You will be graded here for quality as well as quantity. Students who do not demonstrate a thorough understanding of the first half of the book are subject to a follow up verbal quiz.

If you have any questions, please ask your instructor.

This book report is due Tuesday, May 29.

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