Friday, May 6, 2011

Mockingbird Reading Schedule

This entry is for FRESHMEN.

Attention freshmen - here it is. The Mockingbird reading/quiz schedule.  Learn it. Live it. Love it. Please note: if you are absent, you are responsible for keeping up with your reading. To help you keep from getting too far behind in your reading due to missing school days, you are expected to take quizzes on the assigned days regardless if you have missed the previous day. Therefore - always bring your book home!

5/9  Chap 1, 2
5/10  Chap 3, 4   Quiz 1-4
5/11  Chap 5, 6
5/12  Chap 7, 8   Quiz 5-8
5/13  Chap 9, 10

5/16  Chap 11   Quiz 9-11
5/17  Chap 12, 13
5/18  Chap 14, 15   Quiz 12-15
5/19  Chap 16, 17
5/20  Chap 18, 19   Quiz 16-19

5/23  Chap 20-22
5/24  Chap 23, 24   Quiz 20-24
5/25  Chap 25-27
5/26  Chap 28, 29
5/27  Chap 30, 31   Quiz 25-31

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