Thursday, November 18, 2010

Bonus Video - Ray Bradbury's Buddy...The Great Ray Harryhausen

This post is for everyone in the world who enjoys awesome stuff.

One of Ray Bradbury's close friends is Ray Harryhausen, a special effects wizzard who worked from the 50s through the early 80s. He did a lot of incredible stop motion animation. Here are a few clips.  Enjoy.

Mighty Joe Young came after the success of King Kong:

20,000,000 Miles to Earth was part of the 1950's 'invaders from outer space' craze:

The Valley of Gwangi combined two of Hollywood's most successful genres, westerns and dinosaurs:

Jason and the Argonauts is arguably the best of Harryhausen's movies. It's just guys fighting lots of monsters:


  1. The Jason movie seems to be pretty awsome. i love greek mythology and despite the poor quality i would be more than happy to watch it. To back the awsomness of greek myth im going to have to recomend the older version of the clash of the titans. It gives you a laugh and a serious sense of adventure all at the same time. The laugh being from the poor quality, but i think we are mature enough to look past that.overall, seems cool

  2. the cowboy and reptile movie looks pretty original to me , and at the same time looks so poor quality that it seems like it would be a cool movie to watch. i mean at least its in color.

  3. the alien movie looks like it would be fun to watch aswell , but i would like to see some cowboys in that one too. cowboys make all movies better

  4. the mighty joe young movie looks alot like the modern king kong movie but looks interesting. i would watch it.
