Thursday, November 18, 2010

An Afternoon with Ray Bradbury

The following entry is for JUNIORS only.

Ray Bradbury was born in 1920 in Waukegan, IL, just about 25 miles north of Glenview. He began publishing stories in magazines in 1939 as a teenager.

Bradbury "is one of those rare individuals whose writing has changed the way people think. His more than five hundred published works -- short stories, novels, plays, screenplays, television scripts, and verse -- exemplify the American imagination at its most creative.

Once read, his words are never forgotten. His best-known and most beloved books, THE MARTIAN CHRONICLES, THE ILLUSTRATED MAN, FAHRENHEIT 451 and SOMETHING WICKED THIS WAY COMES, are masterworks that readers carry with them over a lifetime. His timeless, constant appeal to audiences young and old has proven him to be one of the truly classic authors of the 20th Century -- and the 21st."

Your Task: Today you're going to spend some time with Ray. On his website here are posted several short videos of Bradbury being interviewed. Go ahead and watch at least six, particularly "Bradbury on Censorship," "Bradbury on Education," and "Bradbury on the Internet." Then, comment on your thoughts and reactions to at least two of the videos. Each of your comments should be entered as separate entries in the comments below. As always, for extra credit you may post additional entries in which you comment on your peers' ideas.


  1. Ray Bradbury is a rebel in my eyes when it comes to censorship. he talks about how teachers and librarians should keep putting all the banned books back on their shelves.

  2. Bradbury on Censorship: Ray Bradbury talks about his books being banned and him telling the teachers not to worry about it and just put it back on the shelf until he wins and they let them keep his books up. I think he is a smart man for doing that!

  3. Ray Bradbury is like no other author that I've read about. He kind of predict what was going to happen in 50 years when it comes to censorship. He knew where this country was headed with all the media, radio and television nowadays.

  4. I agree with what Michael had said, He is a rebel for letting all the librarians keep putting the banned books back on theri shelves

  5. Bradbury on FAHRENHEIT 451 was my favorite one because he incorporated his real life story with a police officer into the book. When I read that in the book I thought it was crazy how someone could get arrested for simply just taking a walk. But after I saw the video, I realized, something like that happens all the time. Not necessarily being arrested for taking a walk but if a cop sees you taking a walk at a weird hour in the night, you are automatically under suspicion.

  6. I understand how Bradbury feels about people taking his books off of their bookshelves. But they are not his shelves so he should mind his own business and let people organize their shelves they way they want to.

  7. I thought it was very interested how even though he has been rejected from the New Yorker Magazine over 300 times, and yet he still attempts and writes more short stories. It must be hard to write all of those short stories and then get rejected from the New Yorker. It is also funny how he holds a record for the most rejections and yet he is one of the best writers out there. Also, I though it was impressive how he has written over 20 books, and most of them are now famous and looked up to by other writers.It was cool to me that he also doesn't use a computer but he uses a type writer which you do not see a lot of people doing that nowadays.

  8. Ray Bradbury is right about how the internet is being used now a days. People use the internet like it's a toy! Some people put it into good use and some people don't.

  9. I also like how Bradbury took a real life experience he had and incorporated it into his book, Farenheit 451. If he puts real life situations in his books; people will be able to relate to his books easily.

  10. I agree with the video Bradbury on Education because I think it’s also important for kindergarteners to learn how to read and write because there’s more from them to learn when they get into the first grade. Instead of wasting time on how learning how to read and write when they could have learned it in kindergarten. I think everyone should get the most out of what they can do and what they can learn in school so they can get better opportunities in the future.

  11. When Ray Brandbury talks about the internet he make a point when he says that it is just a toy but that you dont have to spend all your time playing with it. He also says that the internet is a helpful tool when it is used as one.

  12. Bradbury is very bold with everything he talks about in his videos. Which is very interesting about him. In Bradbury on censorship he talks about how teachers should not let books be banned and that they should keep putting the books back on their shelves until they win. I think he's a very inspirational person with very good ideas.

  13. I agree with what Lena had said, It's very strange how they would just stop Ray and his friend because they were being pedestrians but its also true that things like these happen everyday. With how people have become these days, there is a reason why cops would be stopping people!

  14. I agree with Tamara with the internet. People use it way to much nowadays. Whether people are on Facebook or other websites theres no reason someone should be spending hours on the internet. Its a huge waste of time.

  15. Ray Bradbury is angry about the education today. he believes children should be taught to read and write in kindergarden. i find this interesting because in the book Fahrenheit 451 children are put to shool at a very young age. i like how Ray uses his thoughts on life in his novel

  16. Ray Brandbury talks about how people are chaning now because of technology. These days, people tend to use computer or tv more often than books so schools started to ban books. However, he does not fight back with those people physically. He just tells them to put that book back on the shelves until they decide to keep them.

  17. I agree with ray Bradbury when he said that there should be new kindergartens. They should be learning how to read and write. By the time it's first grade, the kids would ready to read fables and write simple sentences.

  18. I thought it was very interesting how after a life experience that helped him write his book. IT was interesting how he was asked all those questions for just taking a walk which in my eyes is kind of annoying. Why can't a person go on a walk whenever they want?

  19. I like how Ray Bradbury is very passionate about writing. His basement was a bit creepy, but interesting too. I like how he has so much experience in many places like Disney. I think he is very inspiring to others. I also agree about his Education indea. Children should be free to read as much as they want, because reading helps you learn. Ray Bradbury is a very inspiring man.

  20. I though it was interesting how he thinks that education, or just reading and writing, should be teached as soon as kindergarten. I would agree with him because by 5th grade students should be able to read and write and ,like he said, the teachers would be able to teacher other subject better becasue they would not have to keep teaching reading and writing.

  21. "Bradbury on Censorship,"
    Bradbury talks about his books being banned and how the librarians shouldnt listen and leave the books up on the bookshelf. He also talks about how television is making people dumb. He is trying to say that people are watching too much t.v that they are becoming dumb because the more t.v they watch the less they read books.

  22. I agree with what John Jang said. I think it was also interesting how Ray Brandbury talked about people changing due to technology, and how he would just tell people who's books got banned to just put them back up. Good Job John!

  23. I agree with Michael because kids should be able to read whatever they want, in Ray Bradbury has every right to be mad at schools for banning books.

  24. i thinks its amazing that one little experience like that can lead someone to right such a powerful book.I was wondering how someone could write a whole book about something that never happend. but now i see how he could because the things he write about do happen,just in other situations.

  25. Ray Bradbury is right when he says that people use the internet as a toy. Most people take advantage of it and really don’t put it to good use. Instead of looking up something useful or doing something productive, we are usually on facebook or doing something meaningless.

  26. well he was interesting. my reaction to the video "Bradbury on Censorship", he state that he's afraid of people becoming morons by TV and I agree on that 100%. because I was once a moron when i was a kid because i watch too much TV. and one day I started thinking and decided to quit tv for a while. Now that I stop watching, I see that most people around me are pretty dumb because they freak out over a tv show/movie. and not just that but the shows are not only bad but they make us even more dumb becuase the shows these days as no originality to it and it has stupid plots and has no story. just a bunch of random stuff that doesnt make sense. when i was a kid, people hardly ever talk about TV shows but now its "OMG did you see jersey shore? i mean o my god". The tv shows now in days are affecting our minds to be a 5 year old and apparently change the way we talk. TV is evil. up to this day i dont watch TV anymore.

    my other reaction to "Bradbury on Education", i didnt get when he said toy but i think he was referring to the new technology we have or the things we have. but im not sure about that but it might be it. who knows i might be wrong but once again i agree. in fact most of his issues i agree with. its kinda like we think of the same thing and thats cool.

  27. In the video about censorship/television, I think it's awesome that Ray Bradbury is telling the librarians and teachers to do their job. He wants them to stand firm & to keep putting up all the books that have been banned, because sooner or later no one will take the books down.

  28. "Bradbury on Education,"
    Bradbury is saying the teachers should start teaching kids how to read and write at a younger age. The reasons being becasue the sooner the kid learns how to read and write then the older the get they dont have to worry about learning how to read or write they just have to worry about learning new facts. He said that there is still people in 10th grade learning how to read or write and it should'nt be like that. At that age they should be worrying about other things like college or what they want to do when they grow up and having good grades.

  29. I agree with Ray Bradbury about the kindergarden idea. Teaching children how to read and write at a really early age would really help because everything would really sink in better and they would have a better understanding than if they learned it later on. Later on as the children grow up they would be a lot more comfortable with it.

  30. i agree with what Michael said, Bradbury seems to not care about what others say. Telling everyone to put his books back up even if they take them down. He just wants everything to be right and equal.

  31. People depend on computers so much these days. Like he said, some people use it like a toy. Intertent can be used to search information. But that needs to be changed. People should use computers only if they really needed or they should try to read books instead.

  32. I agree with Michelle not only do people use it as a toy. But in a way they use it as a weapon. It sounds wierd to put it like that, but i think thats a pretty good way to describe cyber bullying. The internet is not often used for good but is most often used to bully people or just go on websites such as facebook,twitter,,form spring.... these websites have brought nothing but problems to people. People get bullied, people put up innapropriate pictures and then people use those against them, and people have also killed themselves beacuse of things said on the internet.

  33. In the video where Ray Bradbury talks about education, I think it’s funny how he said that our education has been able to go to hell. I agree with his thoughts on education/teaching because I have a class where my teacher doesn’t teach us much. He just puts something up on the board and then tells us to do a lab or something which is ridiculous.

  34. In one of Ray's videos Ray you can see that he is not happy with the his books being takein off of the shelfs. He is wondering why people would turn into moreons by tv.And you can see that Ray is not the people that are not putting up his books get to him.

  35. I agree with what Kevin said, it's impressive how he wrote over twenty books. Also, he has been rejected about 300 times by New Yorker Magazine but he is still trying to get accepted by them.

  36. I do not ageee with Ray Bradbury's opinion on television. Television has many educational programs that can be aquired and utilized for educational purposes. Television and books both have stupid and educational stories. It is just that one is visual and the other you have to imagine in your head.

  37. I like how Ray explained his idea behind FAHRENHEIT 451, and I agree with him that this generation is dumber because of tv and the video games we play.If we read books instead of watching tv we would get more backghround information about stories and we would learn to enjoy books more.

  38. I agree with Emily Rya does not look really happy when he is talking about his books being banned.

  39. For the videos about Ray Bradbury talking about the internet he talks about how it should be used as a tool and a toy but not so much that it will take up all your time and not do anything else. My reaction towards this is that it is very true, many people spend all their time on the computer and on the internet instead of going outside with friends and family. More people should cut down on their time on the computer to be doing other things that could be more productive.

  40. bradbury is mad at the fact that people are banning books and he wants the teacher and librarians to put them back on the shelves and eventually they will win

  41. it was kind of funny he said that Bush better correct that the teachers are supposly teaching us reading and writting when they aren't.

  42. i think Bradbury is right when he says that if the people keep taking his books off the shelf just put them back on and stand your ground

  43. I liked how when people called Ray about the books being bannedat the library he just said put them back on the shelves. It shows how Ray is telling us never to give up, even after being rejected 300 times. Eventually, you'll win.

  44. For the video about Ray Bradbury on Education, he talks about how education should be changed early on. Kindergarten should be mostly based on reading and writing so it lowers the burden on later on teachers so they can teach what they're supposed to teach. My reaction of this is that education in reading and writing should be stepped up slightly more in the earlier years so it becomes more of a regular thing in our life and we become more skilled at it.

  45. I thought it was cool how he just said what ever came to his mind and he didn't really care. That shows a lot in his books i think.

  46. "Bradbary on Censorship" commit yourself to what you believe in and don't censor yourself out. The books that people are censoring are just being put back on shelves. Showing the incapacity of being able to commit to censorship of these books. T.V. is the destruction of human intelligence. Be a big frog in a small puddle. Overcome your obstacles and stand strong.

  47. I like how ray bradbury told the teachers to put the books back on the shelves and they will win. If the teachers continue to rebel the school or library will eventualy give up.

  48. Another thing is that the author is true when he says if u have a banned book put back on the shelfs because others are gona get curious and they are going to want to take the book and evnetually they will and maybe they won't make a a banned book

  49. Bradbury on Internet video: Bradbury says that the internet is taking your life away. He mainly puts it on men and takes about how men waste their life in toys, meaning the internet. I think that he is being truthful about it because not only men waste their time on the computer but everyone else too. People would have a complete change if computers were not allowed anymore. People should use less of toys and go out more with friends and people around than just sit around a computer all day long.

  50. I agree with Bradbury about TV. It does make people dumber. People start to believe nonsense topics on TV that are not even close with reality.

  51. i liked Bradbury's view on education and how kindergarden should learn reading and writing and now im curious to see how much of an impact it would make on todays society.

  52. i AGREE with bradbury that writing a novel can be a waste of time since you never know if the novel is gonna be good or if other people are going to like it

  53. I believe that what Ray said on the video on education is true. A kid should learn how to read and write early in life like in kindergarden. They should not keep reteaching what a child already know.That way a child should move on a be though diffrent things and ideas. So they should not be teaching you how to read in write in tenth grade you should know how to do this things by now.

  54. I like how ray bradbury supported the internet. He found the positives in the internet like how you can buy books on it. He found connections for his own self instead of being stuborn about it like others of his age may do. Ray bradbury is a very interesting man and i enjoyed his video clips.

  55. Ray Bradbury is very interesting. He makes a good point of how the current generation is not as smart due to the more use of technology. I wouldn't say that television is pointless; there are many educational programs. But his point is most definitely seen. Another video that was very interesting was when he talked about his book "Fahrenheit 451". He had a life expierence that got published into the book itself. He tells the story of him being questioned by an officer for being a pedestrian. It's very interesting how he took that message, and wrote about it in his novel. He is very interesting.

  56. I agree with ray the internet is taking peoples life’s because there are people that all they do is stay online, for example facebook there are people that never log off they stay on all day by using the internet on their phones. It’s like in his book almost people ever want to go outside and just walk because they are so stuck to the TV or internet and even when they do go outside their just texting or using internet on their phones or iPods.

  57. "Bradbary on Education" has gone too hell. Reading is fuel for the mind. Increasing the capacity of the brain and intelligence. We spend more money on schools then on the actually students. We need to teach students how to read starting from first grade not when there in high school. Were more important on how things appear then how they should actually be.

  58. I agree with Robert. We should step up the reading and writing skills at an early age. This way, they can have it be an everyday task for them. It doesn't have to be as challenging as it is for some people today.

  59. I agree with Bradbury’s opinions on education. I like how he explains how the school system should work and how it can become more useful. I really liked how he said, that teachers should teach their students how to read at a younger age rather than at an older age. I also like how he said their needs to be a complete revolution in education starting in the kindergarten. I think he really cares about the school system and he wants young children to get a better education and it starts with the school system.

  60. i agree with fishhh(fishyy) =]
    that tv makes you dumber and that we belive pretty much everything on tv even if its not even close to reality

  61. Ray Bradbury’s book Fahrenheit 451 relates to everyday life. As Ray Bradbury was discussing books today are getting band. First hand Bradbury was affected by this, but he was a bit of a rebel and told teachers to put his books back on the shelves. Bradbury discussed this on his video on censorship. As Bradbury said, “Stand firm, and you will win” (Bradbury’s Video). Authors and people shouldn’t ban books, I agree with Bradbury on staying firm. People should have a say on what they want to be put on the shelves.

  62. Ray Bradbury bring real life prablems into his books, some people don't know how to read that well like he explains in his video of Education. Also how many schools are taking down some book and keeping them off the shelves like in Fahrenheit 451 how they are burning the books. People are fighting back to putt books back on the shelves like in Fahrenheit 451 how Montage and Faber are trying to make copies of books they have.

  63. Ray is saying that in schools kids are learning how to read in the fifth grade when they should really learn how to read in kindergarten so the teachers in the next grade could teach the student the material instead of teachin them how to read.

  64. The internet has affected many people; people have been playing there life away. Students today waste their time on electronics. A lot of students play video games, instead of doing their school work. Ray Bradbury says that people have been wasting their time away, and I totally agree. Personally, I spend more time with my electronics than anything else. People are so privileged to have electronics, but most use it a little too much.

  65. i kind of disagree on bradbury's view in censorship because thier probably was a reason they took that book off the shelf. an example is like raising a child you would have a set of rules you would want him to fallow but his friend always gets your child to do bad things wouldn't you ban your child from seeing his friend?

  66. I agree with Bradury on books not being banned, because it may have things that make people mad or sad but in there really things. Plus, there will always be somethings people mad in books and there are things that make people mad in really life. So what I think is that people should suck it up.

  67. I have to agree with Ray Bradbury's opinion on education. I feel like it would be better for kids to learn how to read and write in kindergarten. The reason why I agree is beacuse I feel like if kids learn how read and write when they are young, all the kids will have to worry about when they get older is learning new facts. Learning how to read and write in the 10th grade is crazy because in the 10th grade, kids are focused on college and work. Reading and writing should be taught in kindergarden.

  68. Bradbury on Television: Bradbury says that television is making everyone dumb and morons. I do agree with him because everything that is on t.v. nowadays is really lame. Like Mr. Cowlin are just watching a bunch of people doing stupid things and make tons of money. It could be reality but i doubt it because like in the show Jersey Shore; who goes out drinking and partying every night and trying to get in fights? That is really dumb of people to do. So i completely agree but some how it is pretty interesting.

  69. I agree with Sean. A lot of people point out how the internet is pointless and bad, but Bradbury seems to find the good of it. The internet is better than television and other technology.

  70. I agree with Ray Bradbury when he says people are on the internet. People waste too much time on it and use it like a toy, according to Bradbury. They should enjoy doing something else like hanging out with friends, instead of just using the interent.

  71. I agree with Robert children should start education in a early age. As a child we have the ability to learn more then later on in life.

  72. I agree with Ray the internet can be a great waste of time because now a days kids just waste time messing around and not really learning anything or getting anything out of it.

  73. i like how Ray Bradbury realized how America and the world will soon stop reading books, and remembering things and start to watch more television and internet.

  74. I agree with Daniella G. toys are wasting our time and life. But i mean what would we do if we didn't have them? i mean we can go out but i think after a while you would get sick of it.

  75. Ray supports the internet. not like all the old people that are apposed to it just because they dont know how to use it.

  76. I think ray is right to tell the teachers to put books back after they've be ban. I think any kind of banning is stupid because you don’t like the book, or the TV show, or whatever it may be just don’t watch it or don’t read it it’s that easy. I don’t get why people have to make a huge deal about it when they can just simply ignore it.

  77. I like what Mike Fish had to say about bradbury's idea with television and totally agree that people beleive nonsense topics they see on it.

  78. I agree with Michael Veselka how he said that teachers should teach kids at a younger age how to read so the teacher in the higher grade level could focus on the history and math and not on teaching the kids how to read

  79. i agree with marissa it would be better for kids to learn how to read and write at a younger age because you take it in more.

  80. I agree with Mike the t.v not only makes you dumer but is a great waste of time.

  81. I agree with cesar that why write a book if the book is not even going to be popular and people are not going to want to buy it.

  82. I agree with Fish and Cesar. We as people believe mostly what we see on the media,therefore,we stereotype other people. Also the way people around our own age on T.V. act with the clothes and bad personalities is the way we think we should be looked at as well.

  83. I agree with Roy teachers should teach the children how to read in kindergarten or first grade. So after they can start learning new things. You can't learn if you can read!

  84. I also agree with Bradbury with education. People should start educating children at a younger. They should learn how to read and write at kindergarten so they are more prepared later on. Therefore, kids will enjoy reading books.

  85. I agree with him on Education people start learning reading and writing sooner and more fluently faster, because it's a big problem that there some kids in high school don't know how to write and some adults don't know how to read and write. If you don't know how to do these basic things, it makes it harder to do thing simple things.

  86. I like how Bradbury says, that he wasn’t afraid of freedom he was worried about people being turned into morons by T.V. He really cares about people’s enjoyment of reading books. I like that he is really trying to get teachers to put back his books on the shelves after they’ve been taken off before. He believes it’s the teachers and librarian’s job to stand firm and you’ll win. I strongly agree on Bradbury’s thoughts on censorship and what he does to help out education.

  87. cassie Montesinos said...November 18, 2010 at 9:20 AM

    In the video "Bradbury censorship" Ray Bradbury is talking about how the school, teachers and libraries are banning books so the children won’t have to read them. He is angry that there banning books without letting the children having a voice about it, and he goes on saying that one day they won’t ban books anymore and put them back on the shelves where they belong so the children can enjoy the books. My reaction toward that is that I agree with him and no one should be banning books for any reason and that one day they’ll stop banning books and they’ll win.

  88. I agree with Bradbury's view on censorship and how it has always been stupid and ignorant people who want want books removed and basically the governtment never has had anything to do with it's banning at any point, except McCarthy who did not really pull it through. So, in a way it is a lot like the book how the people eventually just banned the books that offended them until there were basically none left and with no books people become even dumber. So Bradbury is right how he basically said for librarians and teachers to ignore people who want to ban books, if they don't like it they don't have to read it.

  89. I agree with Americus and Sean that ray says that people waste time online, but then there are other people that put the internet to good use.

  90. "Bradbury on censorship" What Bradbury is saying is people watch too much T.V. and people are wasting their time on something that teaches you very little. Bradbury gives the example of a T.V show and how they will tell you when Napoleon was born but not who he actually was. But by reading you can learn so much more and trying to memorize dates is pointless.

  91. I agree with Ray about the internet. Most kids don't use the internet as a tool or key to help them learn. I feel like the internet is used more as a distraction than a learning tool.Of course we can use the internet to learn and do homework, but most of the time kids aren't focusing on the work due to the many distractions. Instead of using internet to play games, go on facebook or any other social networking sites, kids should be interacting with their family and friends.

  92. I also agree with Bradbury on his thoughts about kids reading earlier in life. I think people should probably help kids know how to read the moment they are ready for it. Which would probably be as Bradbury said kindergarten and if they decided to go to preschool then teach them then because reading is one of the most important things someone can learn and it becomes easier to learn when you are that young.

  93. In Bradbury on Television, he says that television makes everyone dumb. I agree with him because some people spend too much time on televiosion that they dont pay attention to their tasks. Also in Bradbury on Internet, he says people are spending too much time on internet for nothing. I agree with it because I know many people who spend their time on internet for majority time of their day. I agree with Ray Bradbury that many people waste their time on internet too much.

  94. "Bradbury on the internet" I agree with Bradbury on the notion that peopel spend way too much time on the internet. The internet can be helpful but when people spend hours apon countless housr on the internet it can start to have soe affects. people are becoming too dependant on the internet

  95. cassie Montesinos said..November 18, 2010 at 9:29 AM

    In the video ‘Bradbury on education” Bradbury is talking about how kindergartners should be learning how to read and write and as they grow older it will just further their education. He goes on saying that kids in high school some of them don’t even know how to read or write and that they should be worrying about what college they want to go to. I do agree that starting at a young age will further improve their education and help them out in the long run.

  96. I agree with Marissa that most kids dont use internet as a tool or key to help them. Even if they do, they spend more time on things they like that wouldn't help them learn

  97. "Bradbury on fahrenheit 451" Bradbury adds a real life experience of being a pedrestian on a street to his story and howo it was "wrong" to be a pedestrian on the street w

  98. I agree with Bradbury on his views of factoids being bombarded at people. More often then not, people are are just told information. For example in history classes historical figures are treated like objects. You're told when they were created, what they made, and when they stopped working. Although you are never actually told why. It's a perpetual machine.The depth we get from facts helps us understand why something happened. Without depth to our information, all we have is a book without words.

  99. Bradbury's view on the internet is one of both disgust and praise. He approves of the sharing of information but disaproves of the recreational use. I somewhat agree with him, although people abuse the internet. The sharing of information goes on, but our over reliance on it I disaprove of. We have plenty of other resources to access, though we tend to use the internet. The luxury of getting instant information is to great for the lazy people which we have become.

  100. yo who wnts to fight mayne

  101. Bradbury on Censorship: Ray bradbury speaks about his book farenheit 451 and how moronic people are for watching popular television and how people are only getting small facts of information and not the whole story from television because what is put on tv is censored. This is true, when we watch something on tv we only know what the people want us to know and this means where not always getting the real story.

  102. Ray bradbury say he wasnt worried about freedom he was worried about people being turned into idoits. He fells like books should never be banned. hedoesnt like censorship. i agree with him they shouldnt banned books.

  103. To:Kuku Head i can help yu

  104. Bradbury on censorship and Television: In my eyes, it is really hard for us to graso the concept of Fahrenheit 451 becuase we have never been introduced to censorship. This book does not have anything to do with the look we have on life. We dont burn books everyday, and we dont get books taken away from us. Bradbury is right when he says put the books back on the shelf. The banned books being on the shelf shows us the reality of what is beyond the world we see.

  105. Bradbury on censorship and Television: In my eyes, it is really hard for us to grasp the concept of Fahrenheit 451 becuase we have never been introduced to censorship. This book does not have anything to do with the look we have on life. We dont burn books everyday, and we dont get books taken away from us. Bradbury is right when he says put the books back on the shelf. The banned books being on the shelf shows us the reality of what is beyond the world we see.

  106. Bradbury is a very interesting person who knows a lot of information about technology, all though he has gotten rejected from Times Magazine numerous of times and the fact that he continues writing short story’s shows that he really has a passion and love to write. In the video when he talks about education I like how he try’s to overpower the teachers and education.

  107. I feel like Bradbury was almost a little pompus and had quite a bit of clout to him. What he was saying was definatly right that much of todays society is getting dumber and not enough children can read or wright.

  108. Bradbury on Censorship: he explains how people get stupid by watching Tv. He also states that how and why he got the ideas to write his novlal Ferenhiet 451

  109. Bradbury on intrenet
    He is criticzed on the intrnet he says. He is afaird of people playing there life away with choices. He thinks its a good tool to use for info and things of use. He thinks it shouldnt be used for anything other then benfiting us.

  110. yes help yu just tell me what's up current problem

  111. Bradbury believes that education is going to hell, and reading and writing needs to be first priority. bradbury believes that we need to begin teaching children how to read in kindergarten,and then start teaching children there othere subjects like math and science.

  112. Bradbury on Education
    Ray Bradbury speaks about how teachers should teach reading and writing in kindergarden so that way when their in 5th grade or in high school they could understand it better and dont have to worry to be learning it and a older age and having trouble with reading and writing. I kind off agree with him because if teachers did that many kids would have higher scores in reading and writting. Once they got to high schools they could be like experts and wont have to worry and also teachers wont have to worry on teaching students to read and getting them to get high scores. Plus at a high school age many students are lazy to read and i think if they started at kindergarden they would most likely like to read more.

  113. the pee wont come out.. HUH

  114. " Bradberry on censorship" - He belives in reading all books, and supports the reading of even banned books. He also says that making a big deal out of it is the wrong way to go about doing it ,but doing it quietly is the better way about doing it. we as americans are lucky because we have never been truly banned from books.

  115. Ray Bradbury on education: i really think hispoint of gettin more kidergarden for little kids are important because that is when they are in the most great spot to learn and once first grade comes in they will be able to "flourish" hence the mistake on spelling "kindergarden"

  116. I like what Sean said about the internet, how it benefits everyday life. The internet has just about everything on it today.

  117. Bradbury is a very interesting guy. He gets his ideas on writing books by things that happened in his life. For example, when he got stopped by the police because of walking and he went home and within 9 days, he finished writing 451. He also impressed me when he says that schools should start learning how to read well in kindergarten. This is good because the sooner you teach them the smarter the kids will be.

  118. i agree with mikey murgla
    bardbury is a rebel he doesnt care much for tv and intrnet he thinks censorship is not right

  119. i agree with jerry books should not be banned ever! i also agree with what he said about bradbury not liking censorship, if you are going to put a story on the news/television give us the whole story, the raw facts dont beat around the bush and only tell us part of the real truth if your going to bother telling us in the first place tell us all or nothing.

  120. Bradbury on Short Stories: Bradbury is completely correct when he says that if you write one short story a week, you feel good. Partially because you have no limits, the other half being that somewhere down the line, one of those short stories will be a good one. It is truly impossible to write fifty-two bad short stories on a row. One of them is going to be outstanding to someone.

  121. I agree with Billy Savino when he says hes is over powering the teachers.

  122. Ray Burden on censorship: his great line of all "people are morons by tv" haha i loved that line because it is we let the news tell us what to do and hear and believe in we shouldnt be afraid to publish what we think the local news may interfer with our readings which makes censorship happen if we fight in a civilized way and not overreact we wouldnt need censorship its a really great point!

  123. Bradbury also makes the point that schooling should be a progressive system in order to make it less of a burden on higher level teachers. He points out that in kindergraten children should learn reading and writing. My opinion is basically the same. Although to me it would seem much more beneficial to learn the "fundamentals" first. Then in the following grades there should be expansion on the fundamentals which would then lead into much broader subject matter.

  124. Brabury was denied by Times Magazine many times and he still writes stories. This means that he will never stop writing and getting denied by Times did not put him down. I liked how he wrote even though others didnt think it was good. That shows his love for writting.

  125. Bradbury strongly believes in education. As it said in the video he believes that children should learn to read and wright ina early age. He talks about how its so shameful, that kids are learning how to read in 5th grade. He says its rediculous.

  126. I agree with Rau Bradbury's video on Education. I believe that kids should learn how to read and write well in kindergarten. It's fact that young children learn grammar faster than when you get older. I also think it's interesting that Ray Bradbury based one of his novels on a life expierience of his. I think in the book Farenheit 451, some people can somehow connect to some events.

  127. Bradbury on Education: i agree with him that kid should be learning at a young age, but then it takes the fun of having "snack time" and also having finger paint(ect.)

  128. I agree with Billy and Joel. The internet is the basis of everyday life today whether we think its killing our society or not. The internet has helpful things on it, as well as the useless stuff.

  129. i like men

  130. Education

    Bradberry belives that we as americans need to begin to repair the education in this nation starting at kindergaurden. He belives that we are a moronic country.I happen to belive with braddberry on this , our nation is a role model for the rest of the world and we need to set the standard of education high.we cannot accept faliure.

  131. i agree with sean i think it is good that ray bradbury supported the internet and found some positives, he could have gone a different direction and said it makes our society more moronic,i also agree with ray bradbury the internet is very usefull and a good source to finding information as long as you dont abuse it.

  132. Bradbury on Censorship/Television

    Bradbury comments that schools ban his books all the time. But, he never gets violent or upset with them, he just tells them to "put them back on the shelves quietly, and eventually, they will give up on banning them". I find that a very wise decision, and he looks like a man who can solve alot of our modern day problems.

  133. Ray Burden on cencorship. Ray Burden does not agree on cencorship. He doesn't believe his books should be cencored, and i agree with him. I believe that all books should not be cencored. Just like Ray said, its tv/media that influnces us, but all we have to do is stand strong in what we should believe cencored or not.

  134. I agree basically on everything that Bradbury has to say. All of his "predictions" came true. He is right on the part where he says that we should learn how to read at an earlier age so we consume more knowledge sooner. He is a very open minded individual and he is watching the world as its becoming blinded by technology and "fun". He has the better perspective on things because usually if you watch something happen, you have the entire picture rather than being a part of something and having just your visual perspective.

  135. Bradbury on Education:
    a Bradbury talks about how we should teach kids to read in kindergarten so that it doesnt become an ongoing thing throughout the years. I agree with that thought. Teachers have a big burden to finish things in one year.If they dont it becomes the child's problem b/c the dont know the things when really they just werent fully taught it.

  136. i agree with chris chris that our country is indeed a role modle so surrounding countries, and that we do have to set a high standers for others to fallow.

  137. Ray Bradbury on education :
    i think he's right like i think they shouldnt be new school only like new kindergarten & those kindergartens should learn how to read & write so in that way when they get to high school they get to learn new stuff. because learning stuff over & over again gets really boringg. & i mean you get a good education but just not the one you wish to have.

  138. Bradbury on Favorites: Bradbury has made a connnection with his life's work as well as his family; he views the books that he creates as people who he loves and cares about. Also, saying that everything is equal and not above or below the other's standards.

  139. i agree with becky every time some one thinks you write something bad some one else will say this is a great short story or book one will always find the true meaning of someones writing just local tv makes us think bad of stuff we might actually like with out giving it a chance

  140. In one one Ray Bradbury's video, he says teachers have called him, to tell him that they banned his books at some school. He seemed pretty angry, and i would feel that way aswell. People have different opinions on everything. No one should banned someones books because of what they think. Everyone has different opinions, and their will be times when others think differently than you.

  141. Ray Burden on education. Ray Burden says that there is no need to make new schools, or to get new teachers. He says we need to get new kindergardeners. Teachers should teach them how to read early on, so that it isn't a burden later on. Once they know how to read early on, they will be able to understand what the teacher is trying to teach for their subject.

  142. Bradbury on education

    Ray talks about bulding new kindergardens so they can teach them how to read and write, and also so the teachers from the higher eduaction levels and just teach their subject and not worry about students not being able to read or write.

  143. Bradbury on Education

    "There has to be a complete revolution in Education, strating in Kindergarden". I find this a very interesting thought, he thinks that we should teach our kids more reading and writing in Kindergarden than in 5th Grade. He thinks that education in our country is lacking and at a very low level.

  144. i think that ray bradbury is right about education in that we should teach read and writing sooner but i don't think it going to help if we startr with kindergraden because it not madortoary everywhere so sudent can get to the frist grade with out learning how to read. so i think frist we should make it maditory

  145. Education

    Bradberry belives that the internet is a great thing, it allows for great work to be done and great information to be shared, however, he belives that the internet can also be a dangerous thing at the same time.In other words too much of a good thing is'nt really good at all. I belive tha if we continue on the path our society is headed now we are going to run into great tecnological finding in the future but, with this will come great damage. sociity is going to become fused with the very own thing it created.

  146. Bradbury has a very good outlook on education today, although he doesn’t agree with most ways the education is presented to the students he still has his own view. I also like Roy’s point of view on the Kindergartners, about how we should start them earlier, teaching them how to read, write, ect.

  147. Bradbury definetly does have the right to be upset if people are taking off his books off the shelves, but he does not have the right to stop them. He does have a good idea on how the world can change and how we should be more careful. His book should be able to motivate others to be proactive and do something productive instead of staying on the computer half the day.

  148. I agree with david david

  149. Ray BradBury Censor Ship :
    i think he took the situation in a smart way. he won & he got to keep his books on the shelves of the libary. only because one person doesnt like a certain books , it doesnt need to affect your career. he did a good thing telling the teachers to put the books back on the shelves if they didnt like. because there are more people out there that will reach out to those books & him

  150. Bradbury on Internet
    I kind off agree with Ray Bradbury because its true when he says that the internet is a toy. Most people use it as a tool but others are so into it that they cant stop using it.Most people rely on it alot which a lot of people are becoming lazy and not use other resources. Like Bradbury said their are many different things out in the world than just spending time with one thing or their are many toys you could play with then just stick with one and not learning or moving on to something else.

  151. dan nocek u made total sense :D seriously thats what should happen now not get more schools get more children learning the basics from the start as they progress they can expand more than instead learning how to read and write in the fifth grade like Bradury told us in his video of education

  152. Bradbury also believes that TV is totally bad for you, because TV does not give you the right or most important information. As he said, that they told us when Nepolion was born, but did not tell us where. He wants people to get more information, not the basic info which doesn't really teach you much.

  153. Ray Bradbury believes that the internet is a good tool. I agree with him because so far the internet has helped people on almost everything.Maybe some people don't agree because of the social networks and games, but their are mostly positives on internet.

  154. I agree with Chris Capeda, this country needs to stand up and be a role model again, we have deacreased our value of education.

  155. I agree and disagree with Maryan. Bradbury's opinion is to keep the education level at a higher standard. I think he is right because in that case, our generation will evolve into a smarter generation. Although some will chose not to educate themselves and slack off while others will be completely dedicating their time toward education.

  156. Bradbury on the Internet

    Ray talks about people spending too much time on the internet, but its a good tool for information and things like that. I agree with him, the internet is a good tool but other people just use it 24/7 for like social networks and computer games. (which is okay once in a while)

  157. when raybradbury talk about the enternet his say that he worryed about how people can loose therte lifes to the internet. i feel that has already happened to some people like people who play rpg and facebook. no matter how many times we warn people there always be a samll percent that loose there life to it

  158. Bradbury states in "education" that the way students are learning in school is moronic and should be corrected. He states that learning should start at a young age and not when the students is already old enought to understand the topic. He believes that our way of learning is connected to the world of Fahrenheit 451.

  159. Ray is a man with a vision that can get a grasp of an idea and shape it how ever he wants.Ray comes up with his own metaphors by putting himself in a place that can provide him with ideas and that place is his basement.Thinking takes up so much of our time and we have to move quickly or else we lose that thought or question that we have.But for a man like Ray Bradbury to take the time to go deep and find something rich,thats bold.I feel sorry for the people that don't have his work up because they don't know what they are missing.

  160. I think Bradbury is a very inspirational man. When he was talking about putting books back on the shelf even if they keep getting taken off.

  161. I agree with Bradbury when he was talking about teaching kindergarteners how to read so they are better readers. He was also talking about how the education system is very mest up and needs to be fixed.

  162. I thought that it was interesting that Ray Bradbury is one of the best authors out there and the New Yorker wouldn’t hire him. I also admire that fact that he is willing to go against the rules. He stands up for what believe in.

  163. Ray Bradbury is a wierd kind of man the surrounds himself in clutter. this method seems to make him the writer he is, but be watching him, it seems that he much rather live in his mind then the world today. unlike Montag, Ray likes images, but i seemed strange to me that he created a bad world with a character wanting to read.

  164. The Art on a book means alot to Ray. i can tell that he's very creative, because must creative people lack people skills. not to make fun of him, but it seems that he is a very kind person, but he doesn't like to commicate very much. on the ohther hand his skill and attance to details makes him the white and artest that he is.
