Thursday, October 28, 2010

Junior Grammar Notes - Confused Words

They’re, There, Their
  • ’They’re’ refers to ‘they are.’
  • ’There’ often refers to a place. If you take away the ‘t,’ it’s ‘here.’
  • ’Their’ shows ownership.

Your and You're
  • ‘You’re’ refers to ‘you are.’
  • ‘Your’ shows ownership.

Its and It's
  • It’s’ refers to ‘it is’ or ‘it has.’
  • ‘Its’ shows ownership.

Affect (VERB) and Effect (NOUN)
  • Affect is most widely used as a VERB meaning “to influence.”
  • His decision affected the entire family.
  • Her time in New Orleans affected her outlook on life.
  • Effect is most widely used as a NOUN meaning “consequence, result, outcome.”
  • I worried about the effect on his eyes.
  • What effect will that have?

Whose and Who's
  • ‘Who’s’ refers to ‘who is’ or ‘who has’ and is an apostrophe used for compression.
  • ‘Whose’ shows possession.

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