Thursday, September 16, 2010

At First Glance

This post is for juniors only.

In this week's paragraph, you are to explore the idea of prejudice. Select one of the following questions to focus your writing:

  • Why are people prejudiced, and how can people overcome their own prejudices?

  • To what degree do other people’s prejudices affect the lives of others?

  • Are all prejudices bad, or are some helpful? If so, how can one tell the difference?

Your paragraph must have an encompassing topic sentence. Your paragraph must also have vivid, specific supporting details. Make sure to employ correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar.  Especially keep in mind the commas rules, sentence fragment rules, and sentence run on rules we have been we have been recently reviewing. Your paragraph must be a minimum of 200 words, and the word count must be printed below your name. Be sure to print out a copy of the paragraph as well as save it to your network folder.

Keep in mind that people can be prejudiced about a variety of human facets:  race, religion, physical appearance, the way a person speaks, the place from which a person originates, etc. If you have any questions regarding grammar or content, please ask an instructor for assistance.

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