Friday, August 29, 2014

Courageous or Foolish?

In a thoughtful, thorough, one-page essay, answer the following question. Use one of the two thesis statements in a single-sentence paragraph. Craft two body paragraphs that support that thesis sentence. Ask your instructors if you have any questions. The essay is due in TWO CLASS days in your shared GoogleDrive folder.

At the start of This Boy's Life, Toby and his mother are fleeing from a bad relationship and traveling west to get rich on uranium. Is their quest an act of courage, or is it a foolish gesture destined for failure?

Answer the question with one of the following two thesis statements:

  1. Even though Toby and his mother appear to be courageous by heading west in an attempt to start over, their journey is actually a foolish gesture destined for failure.
  2. Even though Toby and his mother appear to be foolish by heading west in an attempt to start over, their journey is actually an act of courage.

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