Friday, October 4, 2013

One-Page Emerson Essay

This post is for JUNIORS only.

Instead of writing in your study guide today, you are going to complete the study guide question as a three paragraph, one-page essay. Write your essay as a GoogleDoc. Title it "Emerson." Place it in your share folder. Have your rubric and/or samurai sheet out and follow the one-page essay criteria you have been given. (For example, present tense, no contractions, incorporated and cited quotations, etc.)

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Ralph Waldo Emerson once said:  "Truth is beautiful, without doubt; but so are lies."

In your first paragraph, explain what this quotation means. (If you use the quotation, you do not need a page number in your citation.)

In your second paragraph, use scenes from anywhere throughout the book to answer this question:  What is a 'beautiful truth' Toby has discovered? (This paragraph needs at least one incorporated and cited quotation.)

In your third paragraph, use scenes from anywhere throughout the book to answer this question: What is a 'beautiful lie' Toby has used? (This paragraph also needs at least one incorporated and cited quotation.)

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