Thursday, August 29, 2013

This Boy's Life - Establishing a Tone

This post if for JUNIORS only.

For your one-page essay this week, you will answer the following question thoughtfully and thoroughly in a multi paragraph essay:

What is the tone of Tobias Wolff's book as the story opens?

Here are a few ideas to keep in mind:
  • Follow the criteria outlined in the 'One Page Essay Rubric'.
  • Since we are now writing our essays on Googledocs, the length is not technically one page; instead, the length requirement is 275-325 words.
  • To submit your work, place the document in the folder you shared with me. (Do not share the individual document itself.)
  • Clearly label your document. (A document name such as 'Cowlin TBL Tone Essay' would e helpful to both of us.)

One more this...

What is tone? Well, the tone of a text is defined as the attitude of the author/narrator towards the text. Below you will find some handouts that categorize common tones. Feel free to use one or two of these when answering your question. 

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