Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Final Exam Review - A Raisin in the Sun

This post is for FRESHMEN only.

You and your classmates are going to publish a final exam study guide for A Raisin in the Sun. In the comments section below, you will record TWO separate entries. Each entry will entail a SIGNIFICANT quotation from the play. Follow the criteria listed below when writing your entries:

  1. one significant quotation from A Raisin in the Sun
  2. the page number of the quotation
  3. the speaker of the quotation
  4. to whom the quotation is being spoken
  5. a brief context of what is happening in the scene
  6. your name (to receive credit)

There are a few stipulations. First, no repeats. Second, first come, first served. Third, the more significant and important your quotation, the more helpful this study guide will become.


  1. "Son... Is it gone? Son, I gave you sixty-five hundred dollars. Is it gone? All of it? Benetha's money too?" (Hansberry 129).
    Willy just ran off with Walter and Benetha's money
    Andy Finzer

  2. "She went out and bought you a house"(Hansberry 91).
    Mama just bought the house
    Andy Finzer

  3. 1. "He finally come into his manhood today, didn't he? Kind of like a rainbow after the rain..."
    2.(Hansberry 151)
    3. Mama
    4. Ruth
    5. The Walter family all pack up and are starting to head on out to their new home.
    6. Jamie Kang

  4. 1. "So now it's life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life-now it's money. I guess the world really do change..."
    2. (Hansberry 74)
    3. Mama
    4. Walter
    5. Ruth and Walter have a fight and mama asks whats wrong with him. Then they start talking about walter's job and Walter says that "[money] is life" (Hansberry 74).
    6. Jamie Kang

  5. 1."Negro families are happier when they live in their own communities"
    2. (Hansberry 149).
    3. Linder
    4. Walter (and the rest of the family there)
    5. Linder comes to their house and tries to convince them or to in some way get them out of the white community because of racism.
    6. Tijana Markovic

  6. 1. "I'm telling you to be the head of this family from now on like you supposed to be"
    2. (Hansberry 107).
    3. Mama
    4. Walter
    5. Ruth and Mama just hear that Walter hasn't gone to work for the past three days and Walter and Mama are talking. She gives more responsibility to Walter.
    6.Tijana Markovic

  7. 1 and 2- "So you butchered up a dream of mine-you-who always talking 'bout your children's dreams..." (Hansberry 95).
    3- Speaker: Walter
    4- To Mama
    5- Mama was pleased when she had returned home after buying the house in Clybourne Park, but Walter was upset because he wanted to use that money to start a business with his friends.
    6- Joyce Park

  8. 1 and 2- "Oh, I probably will... but first I'm going to be a doctor, and George, for one, still thinks that's pretty funny. I couldn't be bothered with that. I am going to be a doctor and everybody around here better understand that!" (Hansberry 50).
    3- Speaker: Beneatha
    4- To Mama and Ruth
    5- Ruth, Mama and Beneatha are talking about George and how Beneatha shouldn't dislike people who are rich.
    6- Joyce Park

  9. 1. "That money belongs to mama Walter, and its for her to decide what to do with it"
    2. (Hansberry 36)
    3. Beneatha
    4. Walter
    5. When this big check comes in everyone in the family gets big eyes because they are hoping for more food and more toys, but it is mama's money to do with it what she wants.
    6. Trevor Lohre

  10. 1. "Mama, you didn't go and do something with that insurance money, something stupid"
    2. (Hansberry 90)
    3. Walter
    4. Mama
    5. When Walter realizes that his mother doesnt have the money anymore and he can tell that her whole personality has changed he knows that she has done something "stupid" in his mind.
    6. Trevor Lohre

  11. 1 and 2- "So you butchered up a dream of mine-you-who always talking 'bout your children's dreams..." (Hansberry 95).
    3- Speaker: Walter
    4- To Mama
    5- Mama was pleased when she had returned home after buying the house in Clybourne Park, but Walter was upset because he wanted to use that money to start a business with his friends.
    6- Joyce Park

  12. 1 and 2- "Oh, I probably will... but first I'm going to be a doctor, and George, for one, still thinks that's pretty funny. I couldn't be bothered with that. I am going to be a doctor and everybody around here better understand that!" (Hansberry 50).
    3- Speaker: Beneatha
    4- To Mama and Ruth
    5- Ruth, Mama and Beneatha are talking about George and how Beneatha shouldn't dislike people who are rich.
    6- Joyce Park

  13. 1. "It's all a matter of ideas, and God is just one idea I don't accept. It's not important. I am not going out and be immoral or commit crimes, because I don't believe in God. I don't even think about it. It's just that I get tires of Him getting credit for all the things the human race achieves though its own stubborn effort. There simply is no blasted God- there is only man and it is he who makes miracles!"
    2. (Hansberry 51)
    3. Beneatha
    4. Mama
    5. When Beneatha and Mama get into a fight about God.
    6. Mary Beth Zerwic

  14. 1. " are a disgrace to your father's memory" (Hansberry 75).
    3. Mama
    4. Walter
    5. When Ruth wants to talk to Walter about being pregnant, and Walter says he would rather go out.
    6. Mary Beth Zerwic

  15. 1 and 2. "Oh, Walter...(Softly) Honey, why can't you stop fighting me?"(Hansberry87).
    3. Ruth
    4. Walter
    5. Walter and Ruth are fighting about the money they want and how Ruth does not like her husband's dream.
    6. Tina Mastoracos

  16. 1 and 2."(In sudden angry, frightened agony) What's the matter with you, Walter! When a cat take off with your money he don't leave you no road maps!"(Hasberry129).
    3. Bobo
    4. Walter
    5. Walter and Bobo are arguing because their partner, Willy, took their money and run away.
    6. Tina Mastoracos

  17. 1."You tired, ain't you? Tired of everything. Me, the boy, the way we live-this beat-up hole-everything, Ain't you?"
    2.(Steinbeck 32)
    5. Walter is bring to invest in a liquor store business but Ruth doesn't want him too
    6.Isabel Salvador

  18. 1."People have to express themselves one way or another"
    2.(Hansberry 48)
    4.Mama and Ruth
    5.They are all talking about how Beneatha never sticks or stays committed to a hobby.
    6. Isabel Salvador

  19. 1."Look honey, we're going to the theatre-we're not giong to be in go change, huh?"
    2.(Hansberry 80)
    5.This is when they are about to go to the theatre and Beneatha comes out in clothes that is too embarassing for George to be seen with.
    6.Olivia Peters

  20. 1."My dear, young creature of the New World- I do not mean acorss the city-I mean across the ocean:home-to Africa"
    2.(Hansberry 136)
    5.This is towards the end of the book when they are about to move.
    6.Olivia Peters

  21. 1. "We have decided to move into our house because my father-- my father--he earned it for us brick by brick. (...) We don't want to make no trouble for nobody or fight no causes, and we weill try to be good neighbors. And that's all we go to say about that. (...) We don't want your money.
    2.(Hansberry 148)
    3. Walter
    4. Linder
    5. Everyone thinks that walter has called linder to talk about a deal for money in exchange of not buying the house
    6. Joseph Kim

  22. 1. "I am afraid you don't understand. My son said we was going to move and there ain't nothing left for me to say."
    2. (Hansberry 149)
    3. Mama
    4. Linder
    5. Linder, seeing as walter has declined his offer for the house, has attempted to appeal to mama.

  23. 1. "I figured it out. Life just like it is. Who gets and who don't get."
    2. (Hansberry 141)
    3. Walter
    4. Mama
    5. Walter explains to Mama how he has figured out the meaning of life after he calls Linder
    6. Emily Weiss

  24. 1. "There is only one large circle that we march in, around and around, each of us with our own little picture in front of us-our own little mirage that we think is the future"
    2. (Hansberry 135)
    3. Benetha
    4. Asagai
    5. Benetha and Asagai are in an argument after Benetha tells him that Walter lost the money

  25. 1. "Yessss! All of [the money]...It's all gone..."
    2.(Steinbeck 129)
    5.Walter has to tell Mama that he lost all of his and Beneatha's money. Now Walter can not get the liquor store and Beneatha can not go to school.
    6.Brad Noxon

  26. 1."Grandma- the moving men are downstairs! The truck just pulled up"
    2.(Hansberry 146)
    5.They are about to move into their new house in a neighorhood that they are not wanted in. This house was purchased with the money that the family collected once Walter's dad died.
    6. Brad Noxon

  27. 1."(She holds the check away from her, still looking at it. Slowly her face sobers into a mask of unhappiness) Ten thousand dollars. (She hands it to Ruth) Put it away somewhere, Ruth. (She does not look at Ruth; her eyes seem to be seeing something somewhere very far off)"
    2.(Hansberry 69)
    4.To herself and Ruth
    5.Mama just received her insurance check for her husband's death.
    6.Daniel Bujnowski

  28. 1. Something eating you up like a crazy man. Something more than me not giving you this money. The past few years I been watching it happen to you. You get all nervous acting and kind of wild in the eyes-(Walter jumps up impatiently at her words) I said sit there now, I'm talking to you!"
    2.(Hansberry 72)
    5.Mama is trying to find out what is causing Walter's unusual behavior for the past couple of years.
    6.Daniel Bujnowski

    2.(Hansberry 70)
    5.Walter got angry at his mother because she didn't want to hear what he had to say about investing in a liquor store.
    6.Nicole Volchek

  30. 1."Asagai doesn't care how houses look, Mama-he's an intellectual"
    2.(Hansberry 56)
    5.Mama and Beneatha are cleaning the house, furniture has been moved around and Travis is playing outside.
    6.Nicole Volchek

  31. 1. "This little liquor store we got in mind cost seventy-five thousand dollars"
    2. (Hansberry 33)
    3. Walter
    4. Mama
    5. Walter is trying to explain the family about the liquor store for the first time. He is trying to get money from Mama to buy it.
    6. Sam yazdani

  32. 1."What do you want me to do brother? That I quit school?"
    2. (Hansberry 37)
    3. Benetha
    4. Walter
    5. Walter is trying to explain to Beneatha that she can not become a doctor because she is black and it would be a waste of money to send her to school for it.
    6. Sam yazdani

  33. 1 What you tell the boy things like that for
    2 (Hansberry 31)
    3 Walter
    4 Ruth
    5 Walter gives Travis money after asking Ruth why she did not give him any
    6 Raza Simm

  34. 1 get out of my house man
    2 (hansberry 119)
    3 Walter
    4 Linder
    5 Linder is trying to buy the house of them so blacks don't move in to a white neighborhood
    6 Raza Simm

  35. 1."We got to get OUT OF HERE!!"
    2.(Hansberry 140)
    5.Ruth is telling Mama that she will do anything to live somewhere else.
    6.Jacub Stos

  36. 1."Girl, if you don't get all them silly ideas out of your head! You better marry yourself a man with some loot"
    2.(Hansberry 150)
    5.Beneatha wants to go to Africa and be a doctor, but Walter just tells her to live here and find herself a husband.
    6.Jacub Stos


  37. 1. “ Let’s face it, baby, your heritage is nothing but a bunch of raggedy-assed spirituals and some grass huts”
    2. (Hansberry 81)
    3. George says the quote.
    4. The quote is said to Beneatha.
    5. Before their date, George says the quote to Beneatha in an argument about their African heritage.
    6. Perry Adamopoulos

  38. 1. “I’ll work twenty hours a day in all the kitchens in Chicago [...] We got to get OUT OF HERE!!”
    2. (Hansberry 120)
    3. Ruth says the quote.
    4. The quote is said to Mama.
    5. The life insurance check that the family receives is stolen from Walter, and Mama tells the family that they will not be moving to their new home because they will not be able to afford it. Ruth, however, wants to move, so she says that she will work hard to pay for it.
    6. Perry Adamopoulos

  39. 1. "Mama, something is happening between Walter and me. I don't know what it is - but he needs something - something I can't give him any more. He needs this chance, Lena."
    2. (Hansberry 25)
    3. Ruth
    4. Mama
    5. After the fight between Bennie and Walter during the breakfast.
    6. Kevin Jeon

  40. 1."In my mother's house there is still God."
    2. (Hansberry 37)
    3. Bennie
    4. Mama
    5. After Mama slaps Bennie in the face because Bennie talked about how God was not real, and he isn't involved in anything
    6. Kevin Jeon

  41. 1. "Somebody would of thought my children done all but
    starved to death the way they talk about money here late. Child, we got a great big old check coming tomorrow"
    2. (Hansberry 15)
    3. Mama
    4. Ruth
    5. Ruth and Mama talk about how they are relying on the insurance check to bring them money.
    6. Mary Batrich

  42. 1. "I ain't rightly decided. Some of it got to be put away for Beneatha and her schoolin' —and ain't nothing going to touch that part of it. Nothing. (She waits several seconds, trying to make up her mind about something, and looks at Ruth a little tentatively before going on.) Been thinking that we maybe could meet the notes on a little old two-story somewhere, with a yard where Travis could play in the summertime, if we use part of the insurance for a down payment and everybody kind of pitch in"
    2. (Hansberry 16)
    3. Mama
    4. Ruth
    5. Mama thinks about what she should do with the money, which involves helping Beneatha and buying a house.
    6. Mary Batrich

  43. 1. "I ain't never stop trusting you"
    2. (Hansberry 107)
    3. Mama
    4. Walter
    5.Mama just gave Walter the money to fulfill his dream
    6. Taylor Strong

  44. 1.Whatever you want to be - Yessir! You name it, son... and I hand you the world!"
    2. (Hansberry 109)
    3. Walter
    4. Travis
    5. Walter is having a talk with Travis about how life will get better.
    6. Taylor Strong

  45. 1. "well we are dead now. All the talk about dreams and sunlight that goes on in this house. Its all dead now."
    2.(Hansberry 143)
    3. Beneatha
    5. Walter has just agreed to let Mr. Linder give them the money to stay at their current residence.
    6. Gustavo Mejia

  46. 1."Sticks and stones may break my bones but... words will never hurt me!"
    2.(Hansberry 113)
    3. Beneatha
    4. Walter
    5. Walter has just told Beneatha that she is too consumed with civil rights views.
    6. Gustavo Mejia

  47. 1."Then why read books? Why go to school? [...] I see. Good night, George."
    2.(Hansberry 97)
    3. Beneatha
    5. This is after Geroge Tries to kiss Bematha and they get in a fight about thinking and the reason why they go to school.
    6. Rose O'Grady

  48. 1."Now I ain't saying what I think. But I ain't never been wrong 'bout a women neither"
    2. (Hansberry 56)
    3. Mama
    4. Beneatha
    5. Mam thinks that something is wrong with Ruth because she went to the doctor.
    6. Rose O'Grady

  49. 1. "Well we ain't exactly moved out there to get bombed"
    2(Hansberry 102)
    3. Mama
    4. Mrs. Johnson
    5. Mrs. Johnson comes to visit, and she tells them about an African American family that got bombed because White people did not want them to live there.
    6. Rose O'Grady

  50. 1. "Mama – sometimes when I’m downtown and I pass them cool-quiet-looking restaurants where them white boys are sitting back and talking ‘bout things…sitting there turning deals worth millions of dollars…sometimes I see guys don’t look much older than me"
    2.(Hansberry 226).
    5.Walter is mad that some peole can afford lifes luxuries just because of their race.
    6.Conrad Mordzinski

    1. **2.(Hansberry act 1, scene 2, line 226).

  51. 1."Let’s face it, baby, your heritage is nothing but a bunch of raggedy-assed spirituals and some grass huts!"
    2.(Hansberry act 2, scene 1, line 52).
    5.This quote is showing the contrast of views George and Benetha have on African culture.
    6.Conrad Mordzinski

  52. 1."Check coming today?"
    2.(Hansberry 6).
    3. Walter
    5. This quote shows just how much the family is relying on the check to survive.
    6.Conrad Mordzinski

  53. 1."I want you to take this money and take three thousand dollars and put it in a savings account for Beneatha's medical schooling. The rest you put in a checking account-with your name on it. From now on any penny that come out of it or that go in it is for you to look after.
    2.(Hansberry 107)
    5.This quote shows how mama actually trusts Walter though he didn't realize this before she said this.
    6.Danielle Bayer

  54. 1."He finally come into his manhood today, didn't he? Kind of like a rainbow after the rain."
    2.(Hansberry 151)
    5.It shows how much Walter changed throughout the book, how he was going to just take the money from the landlord to not move into there home but instead told him that his family was going to move in and just live there peacefully.
    6.Danielle Bayer

  55. 1. "And so accommodate that- you mutilate it [her hair] every week?"
    2.(Hansberry 62)
    3. Asagai
    5. Beneatha is unhappy with her naturally crinkly hair so she straightens and treats her hair, and Asagai doesn't like that she doesn't just go with her natural hair and tries to point out to her that it is beautiful already.
    6.Carolynn Iungerich

  56. 1. "You never understood that there is more than one kind of feeling which can exist between a man and a woman- or, at least, there should be"
    2. (Hansberry 63)
    3. Beneatha
    4. Asagai
    5. This shows how strong minded and strong of a character Beneatha is. In this scene, Asagai was talking to her about how serious she was and how he has feelings for her. Beneatha replied to him saying that the feelings he had for her were not enough to live off of and he disagreed with her.
    6. Carolynn Iungerich

  57. 1. "Oh so now it’s life. Money is life. Once upon a time freedom used to be life now it’s money. I guess the world really do change."
    2. Hansberry 88
    4. Walter
    5. Mama and Walter were talking about money because Mama has been noticing that all Walter talks about is money. This quote shows the important things in life, in mama's perspective was freedom, and in Walters perspective it is money.
    6. Jimmy Jang

  58. 1."There is always something left to love. And if you ain’t learned" that, you ain’t learned nothing.
    2. Hansberry 95
    4. Beneatha
    5. Beneatha is angry about Walter losing the money, and Mama tells Beneatha to be supportive about Walter. Instead of crying for herself, but to cry for Walter and everything that he has been through.. Just to give love to each other and show people that you care for them.
    6. Jimmy Jang

  59. 1. "Ain't nobody business people till they go into business. Walter Lee say colored people ain't never going to start getting ahead till they start gambling on some different kinds of things in the world"
    2. (Hansberry 42).
    3. Ruth
    4. Mama
    5. Ruth and Mama are discusssing Walters choices about business when he started telling them about the liquor store he wanted to buy. They are arguing about how to earn money and spend it the right way.
    6. Macy McPhilliamy

  60. 1."Lord, child, yous hould know all the dreams I had 'bout buying that house and fixing it up and making me a little garden in the back- And didn't none of it happen"
    2.(Hansberry 45).
    3. Mama
    4. Ruth
    5. Ruth is talking about the life they want to have and the things they dream to do in the future as a family when Mama tells Ruth of her same dreams that couldn't ever come true for her.
    6. Macy McPhilliamy

  61. 1-2. "Oh, dear, dear, dear! Here we go!" (Hansberry 81)
    3. George
    4. Beneatha
    5. George and Beneatha are arguing about Beneatha's African heritage
    Jake Biales

  62. 1-2. "Well, good...good-" (Hansberry 148).
    3. Lindner
    4. Walter
    5. Lindner is confused why Walter called him back just to go against his wishes and take the house
    Jake Biales

  63. 1.The colored woman in this world ... Don’t understand about building their men up and making ‘em feel like they somebody. Like they can do something." (Hansberry 57)
    5. Walter is stating that woman are not doing what he thinks they should do.

  64. 1.The Murchisons are honest-to-God-real-live-rich colored people, and the only people in the world who are more snobbish than rich white people are rich colored people."(Habsberry 57)
    4.Ruth and mama
    5.Walter is complaining about the white people's oppression on him.

  65. 1. "You came up to me and you said… 'Mr. Asagai – I want very much to talk with you. About Africa. You see, Mr. Asagai, I am looking for my identity!'"
    2. (Hansberry 98).
    3. Asagai
    4. Beneatha
    5. Asagai is telling the story of when he first met Beneatha.
    6. Ryan Janczak

  66. 1."Mama – sometimes when I’m downtown and I pass them cool-quiet-looking restaurants where them white boys are sitting back and talking ‘bout things…sitting there turning deals worth millions of dollars…sometimes I see guys don’t look much older than me,"
    2. (Hansberry 226).
    3. Walter
    4. Mama
    5. Walter conveys his jealousy of white men to Mama. It shows the racism prevalent in the story, and Walter thinks that he should be able to be just as successful the white men.
    6. Ryan Janczak
