Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Who Would Win in a Fight?

This post is for JUNIORS only.

We're going to look at another essay based on research. Your first task is to read the Slate essay entitled "Who Would Win in a Fight: a Modern Human or a Neanderthal?" You'll notice that throughout the essay are links to articles that support the author's claims.

The next step is to copy and past the following questions into a Word document:

1.  What is the essay's guiding question?

2.  What unique physical detail helps make La Ferrassie 1 one of the "most important discoveries made in the field of Neanderthal research"?

3.  How old is La Ferrassie 1?

4. Why did Neanderthal males likely have "Popeye forearms"?

5. What are two ways that Neanderthals were physically superior to homo sapiens?



6.  What are two ways that homo sapiens were physically superior to Neanderthals?



7. What three conditions would give modern man "an excellent chance of defeating a Neanderthal?"

8. What is the average height and weight for males in the United States who are twenty years and older, and what is the source of this information?




9.  How can the "human brain work against us in combat"?

10. What is the answer to the essay's guiding question, and is this answer found at the beginning or end of the essay?

Your final task is to answer the questions. Here are a few tips. You can copy and paste answers directly into your document from the sources. You will find some of the answers in the Slate essay, but you will also find some of the answers in the articles to which the Slate essay links. Be sure to read through the links as well as the essay itself.

When you are done, save, print, and hand it your Word document.

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