Monday, October 29, 2012

Born Losers Essay

This entry is for freshmen only.

Although Luke and George share many similar characteristics, what really makes an investigation of this duo interesting are their differences.  In a thoughtful, thorough essay, answer the following question: 

How are Luke and George different?

You may wish to examine these differences in regards to their attitude towards friends, enemies, life, and fate; the efforts they do and do not make towards achieving their dreams; the true nature of their respective characters; their attitude towards responsibility, popularity, obstacles, compassion, loyalty, etc.

Use the "Road to Formal Essay Writing" handout and the "Wonderful World of the Five Paragraph Essay" Prezi - links to both of which can be found on the right hand side of this screen under "Pages."

Use the TLC, ask your instructor for help, take your time, be methodical, avoid shortcuts, and be thorough.

Work hard.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Paragraph Revision

This post is for freshmen only.

Last week you wrote three paragraphs. Today we are going to do some revision work. Your task is as follows:

1.  Select one of your first two paragraphs, copy and paste it into a new document, and re-format it - triple spaced, 13 point font, Times New Roman.

2.  Use paragraph breaks to separate the following components of your paragraph. (In other words, the sections of your paragraph will have several extra lines of space between them.)

  1. claim/topic sentence
  2. set-up/context
  3. incorporated, cited quotation
  4. explanation/warrant

3.  Print out a hard copy. Use a colored pen or pencil to neatly perform the following tasks:

  1. circle all subjects
  2. underline all predicates
  3. cross out all fragments
  4. fix punctuation as necessary

4.  Once you've taken a closer, clearer look at your paragraph, re-write it so all of these components are functioning smoothly, gracefully, and thoroughly.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Essay Revision

This post is for juniors only.

For your work today, revise your personal essays by employing the following criteria:

  • The personal story in your essay must be 3 to 5 paragraphs long.
  • The personal story in your essay must contain at least 5 sensory details - visual, audio, touch, taste, smell.
  • The personal story in your essay must contain at least one metaphor.

Monday, October 15, 2012

This post if for FRESHMAN only.

Step 1
Review page one of your study guide, the page entitled 'Anticipation Guide'. Below you will find three of the statements with which you have already agreed or disagreed.

  • It does not matter how others view a person as long as that person understands himself.
  • The reason for discrimination is people hating other people.
  • There is a price to pay for achieving the America Dream. 

Step 2
Select one of the three statements. Write a thoughtful, thorough paragraph in which you present a piece of evidence that suggests the claim is true. Write a thoughtful, thorough paragraph in which you present a piece of evidence that suggests the claim is not true. Finally, write a paragraph in which you present your conclusion: Which piece of evidence is stronger?

Each paragraph must contain a topic sentence. Evidence must come from a book, a story, film, pop culture, history, current events, etc. The evidence must be presented within context (set up). The evidence must also be specific. The explanation - connecting the evidence to the claim/topic sentence - must be thoughtful and thorough.

Step 3
Use The Road to Formal Essay Writing handout to revise your paragraphs.

Friday, October 5, 2012

More Morning Announcements

Friday Announcements 10.5.12 from Glenbrook South Television on Vimeo.

Cool Hand Luke Journal 3

The following post is for FRESHMEN only.

In your journals, thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to the following prompt:

On a scale of 1 – 10, how concerned is Luke about the following?

  • Fitting in and belonging 
  • The men around him?
  • Dreams and goals 
  • Doing the right thing 
  • God 
  • Fate 
  • Popularity 
  • Being a leader

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Road to Formal Essay Editing

Cool Hand Luke Journal 2

The following post is for FRESHMEN only.

In your journals, thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to the following prompt:

How virtuous is Luke?

If you are unfamiliar with the word "virtuous," look it up. Take into consideration loyalty, honesty, responsibility, respectfulness, compassion, etc.

Home Coming Morning Announcements

Here are your GBS home coming morning announcements. Enjoy.

WEDNESDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS 10.3.12 from Glenbrook South Television on Vimeo.

TUESDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS from Glenbrook South Television on Vimeo.

MONDAY ANNOUNCEMENTS from Glenbrook South Television on Vimeo.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Cool Hand Luke Journal 1

The following post is for FRESHMEN only.

In your journals, thoughtfully and thoroughly respond to the following prompt:

Luke says, “Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand.”
What does he mean by this statement?

Use evidence from the film to illustrate your response. Do you agree with Luke? Can ‘nothing’ be a ‘real cool hand’? Give one solid external example (from film, literature, politics, etc.) to support your response.