Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Sierra Leone Research Project - Topics

This post is for juniors only.

Here is a list of the topics and sub-topics for your research unit:

I.  Sierra Leone Overview
  1. Brief history
  2. Politics
  3. Military
  4. RUF
  5. Economy and jobs
  6. Blood/conflict diamonds

II. Sierra Leone Geography
  1. Natural geography
  2. Towns and cities
  3. Buildings and homes
  4. Roads and transportation
  5. Pictures and maps

III.  Life of a Sierra Leone Child Soldier
  1. Recruitment
  2. Training
  3. Treatment
  4. Effects and impact on children

IV.  Sierra Leone Culture
  1. Daily life
  2. Religion
  3. Art, music, and entertainment
  4. Education
  5. Healthcare

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