Thursday, October 13, 2011

Toby Is...

This post is for juniors only.

So far, you've written two paragraphs about This Boy's Life. The first was...

What word or phrase best describes Toby in the first third of the book?

The second, of course, was...

What event or incident somewhere in the middle of the book most impacts Toby?

Here's the third...

In what way did that event or incident change Toby
from the person he was at the beginning of the book to the person he is at the end?

Include two correctly cited quotations in your paragraph. Make sure your paragraph has a clear topic sentence. Here are some of the required criteria for your paragraph:
  • write in third person (not first or second)
  • write in present tense
  • avoid contractions
  • set-up and explain both quotations

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