Thursday, February 10, 2011

Peace Entry

The following assignment is for juniors only.

Today we're going to revise and submit our Peace contest entries. Follow these steps. Be focussed and work diligantly.

Step one: trade your Peace entry with a partner and read it through once.

Step two: with a pen or pencil, revise using the following check list.

Step three: trade back and read your partner's revisions. If you have any questions, ask.

Step four: go to your document and make the necessary changes

Step five (time permitting): trade with a second partner and repeat.

Step six: by the end of class, print out a final copy of your entry, fill out an entry form, staple together, and hand in.

The List
  1. name and title (no date, period, teacher, etc.)
  2. mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, comma usage, run ons and comma splices, spelling, etc.)
  3. length (400-500 words for essays and stories, 150-200 words for poems)
  4. pathos (Does the entry tug at the reader's heartstrings? Does the entry leave an emotional empact on the reader?)
  5. organization (essays and stories: 4 paragraphs minimum, poems: multiple stanzas recomended)
  6. final suggestion (one significant recomendation about the entry's content that would make it better)

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