Today we're going to revise and submit our Peace contest entries. Follow these steps. Be focussed and work diligantly.
Step one: trade your Peace entry with a partner and read it through once.
Step two: with a pen or pencil, revise using the following check list.
Step three: trade back and read your partner's revisions. If you have any questions, ask.
Step four: go to your document and make the necessary changes
Step five (time permitting): trade with a second partner and repeat.
Step six: by the end of class, print out a final copy of your entry, fill out an entry form, staple together, and hand in.
The List
- name and title (no date, period, teacher, etc.)
- mechanics (punctuation, capitalization, comma usage, run ons and comma splices, spelling, etc.)
- length (400-500 words for essays and stories, 150-200 words for poems)
- pathos (Does the entry tug at the reader's heartstrings? Does the entry leave an emotional empact on the reader?)
- organization (essays and stories: 4 paragraphs minimum, poems: multiple stanzas recomended)
- final suggestion (one significant recomendation about the entry's content that would make it better)
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