Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Tea Party Revision

Today we're going to start working on revision our tea party one page essays. There are a few steps in the process, so read the directions before you start.

1. Add the two following sentence patterns to your essay. The first pattern needs to be in body paragraph 1; the second pattern needs to be in body paragraph 2. Highlight them using the color patterns indicated.

Body Paragraph 1

Body Paragraph 2

2.  Print your essay.

3. Swap your essay with a partner.

4. Edit each other's essays using the Samurai editing form.

5. Once you get your essay back from your partner, you need to also edit your essay using the Samurai editing form.

6. Go back to you Google Doc and make the changes. Your revised essay needs to be ready to be graded by Tuesday.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Cup of Tea

This post if for JUNIORS only.

In a thoughtful, thorough, one-page essay, answer the following question. Be sure to use the One Page Essay Rubric when drafting and revising.

Was it a good idea for Nick to host the tea party?

You can answer this question one of two ways:
  1. While it appears that Nick should host the tea party, he actually makes a mistake by doing so.
  2. While it appears that Nick should not host the tea party, he actually made a good choice by doing so.