Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cool Hand Luke Journal 3

This post is for FRESHMEN only.

(Sorry for the lateness. You will have a one day extension.)


On a scale of 1 – 10, how concerned is Luke about each of the following?

  • Dreams / goals 
  • Morality 
  • God 
  • Fate
  • Popularity 
  • Being a leader 

 Answer in the same document as journals 1 and 2. 150 words min. Neat. Follow criteria on “Road to Formal Essay Editing.”

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Cool Hand Luke Journal 2

This post is for FRESHMEN only.


How virtuous is Luke?
Take into consideration loyalty, honesty, responsibility, respectfulness, compassion, etc.

Answer in the same document as Journal 1. 150 words min. Neat. Follow criteria on “Road to Formal Essay Editing.”

Of Mice and Men Reading Agenda

This post is for FRESHMEN only.

Here are the due dates for this unit. Remember to keep up to date even if you are absent.

Chapter and Study Guide Due Dates 

Date                    Quiz               Study Guide

Oct. 1                  Part 1
Oct. 2                  Part 2            Part 1
Oct. 4                  Part 3            Part 2
Oct. 7                  Part 4            Part 3
Oct. 9                  Part 5            Part 4
Oct. 11                Part 6            Part 5
Oct. 14                                     Part 6
Oct. 16                                      Part 7 (SG COLLECTED)

Section Page Numbers
Part 1                  pages 1-16
Part 2                  pages 17-37
Part 3                  pages 38-65
Part 4                  pages 66-83
Part 5                  pages 84-98
Part 6                  pages 99-107

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Cool Hand Luke journal 1

This post is for FRESHMEN only.

What does Luke mean when he says, “Sometimes nothing can be a real cool hand?”

Use evidence from the film to illustrate your response. Do you agree with Luke? Can ‘nothing’ be a ‘real cool hand’? Give one solid external example (from film, literature, politics, etc.) to support your response.

150 words min. Neat. Follow criteria on “Road to Formal Essay Editing.”

Papa Dwight

This post if for JUNIORS only.

In a thoughtful, thorough, one-page essay, answer the following question. Be sure to use the One Page Essay Rubric when drafting and revising.

Is Dwight an acceptable father figure for Toby?

You can answer this question one of two ways:

  1. Even though Dwight does a poor job of being a father figure to Toby, having Dwight as a mentor is still better than nothing.
  2. Even though Dwight tries at times, having Dwight as a father figure still does more harm to Toby than good.

Mr. Cowlin's Answer to Citation Quiz 1

Some of you were making things too complicated, I think. Quoting and citing is easier than some of you think. Take a look...

"My mother looked over at me. I saw how tired she was,
and she must have seen the pain I was in."

What are the important words in that quotation? In my opinion...

"My mother looked over at me. I saw how tired she was, 
and she must have seen the pain I was in."

Therefore, here is an acceptable answer...

Toby's looks over at his mother and sees how "tired" she is (Wolff 79).
She then notices how much "pain" Toby is in (Wolff 79).

All you really need, in this case, are those two words. Now, you can certainly cite more if you like. Just try not to make it too hard on yourselves.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

FYI - Blood Drive on Oct. 17

Juniors: Interact is sponsoring a blood drive on Oct. 17.

Lawrence Welk and his Champagne Orchestra

The first two clips are form 1957 - just about the time Toby would have been watching Lawrence Welk with Dwight.

Here's Lawrence from a few years later...

And here's a skit from Saturday Night Live lampooning Lawrence...

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Group Work Criteria


From this point forward, you will receive a participation grade (5 points) for each day we work on our literary study guides, so work hard and stay focused. The criteria for your participation is as follows:


  1. Is your group sitting in a tight circle? 
  2. Is your book on your desk? 
  3. Is everyone working on the same question? 
  4. Do you re-read parts of the book aloud before answering questions? 
  5. Do you discuss and defend possible alternative answers before answering? 
  6. Are you on task?
  7. Are you using unsanctioned technology? 
  8. Are your responses thoughtful and thorough? 
  9. Are you properly citing your quotations?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Dream a Little Dream...

This post is for FRESHMEN only.

A Raisin in the Sun is about a family of dreamers.  It is an exploration of where those dreams have brought them and where those dreams are likely to lead them.  The play also challenges the popular view that dreams are always helpful, that people need to have dreams to be happy.  Your task in this essay is to answer the following question:

Can dreams ever be harmful to dreamers?

Your thesis statement should look something close to one of these models:

  • While most people believe that dreams usually help individuals by/because __________, dreams can actually harm dreamers by/because ____________.
  • While most people believe that dreams usually harm individuals by/because __________, dreams can actually help dreamers by/because ____________.

For each of these, you should use one body paragraph to support the first aspect of your thesis statement, and you should use two body paragraphs to support the second aspect of your thesis statement.

Remember the two tools you have at your disposal:

If you have any questions throughout the writing process, ask your teacher.

This Week's One Page Essay Deal...

This post is for JUNIORS only.

In a one page essay, answer the following question:

Should readers feel compassion (pity, empathy, concern) or contempt (dislike, disapproval, scorn, disrespect) for Toby?

Follow one of these two formats when crafting your response:

While some readers might feel compassion for Toby because ___________, readers should actually feel contempt for him because __________.

While some readers might feel contempt  or Toby because ___________, readers should actually feel compassion for him because __________.

Be sure to use your rubric to guide your drafting and editing decisions.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The Golden Days of Annette Funicello

The post is for JUNIORS.

Toby has a crush on Annette Funicello. Who was she? Toby would have known her from the original Mickey Mouse Club. Feast your eyes...

Annette later went on to make a series of 'beach movies', such as Beach Blanket Bingo.